the Author

State of the Author, March 2016

Posted in Cast, DAW, writing.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I apol­o­gize for that. I have, on the other hand, been writing.

I finished Grave and sent it to my editor, and she sent it back with revi­sion notes (when I say notes, I mean phone call), and one of those revi­sions is a single sentence long and…not so small.

And Cast in Flight was not finished, so I set Grave aside to perco­late and finished Cast in Flight. And then, because it was — I know this will shock you all — way too long, I then spent the time cutting 11k words, and sent the book to my editor.

And then I read books, and wrote a review column for F&SF.

During that time, I continued to plug away on War, the only book that is not somehow killing me. That will come later, when I’m near the end and realize it’s … too long.

I am now working through Grave.

In the mean-time, I am mostly off-line. I kind of hate it, because it does make me feel like I’m working in a tunnel, and I miss the friendly icons and the encour­age­ment of inter­ac­tion. But when focus is shaky, I find every­thing more inter­esting than work — and I can lose a lot of time just reading things on the internet. Or becoming hugely anxious about them when I can’t do anything. And then I have used up all the writing time, without actu­ally writing, and I can only do that once in a long while.

My current daydream is: I finish the revi­sions for Grave, finish War, and start writing when a dead­line is not so close it looms above me like the sword of Damocles.

30 Responses to State of the Author, March 2016

  1. Mark Galpin says:

    If your’e being produc­tive writing that’s awesome (although its also great to hear from you, totally under­stand about the focus issue)! Also … _I_ like that your books are on the long side. Seri­ously, who wants to leave a journey with Jewel early (except possibly Jewel?)

  2. Rita says:

    I know you work so hard for us, and we GREATLY appre­ciate that but, your books could NEVER be too long! Of course, we still want you to take care of your­self. Be well.

  3. Guy Cornmesser says:

    Writing is a journey; we sojourn through the desti­na­tions. Hang in there… some­times it feels like the WIP tells you when it is ready to be written. But even hanging back and taking a big break is still writing; the foun­da­tions of the stories are culti­vating in our heads.

  4. Maureen Panzera says:

    I’m a new ‘blog’ follower Michelle but I can say that I’ve read all of the series so far except for one. Your books totally consume me, I cannot wait for the next ones to come out, it is like a drug and I’ve been caught reading till 2:30 in the morning by my, under­stand­ably so, irri­tated husband. Your books are NEVER too long, you should leave them as lengthy as you want… just have he publishers sell them at a higher price, every word is worth it.

    TY for the joy, the fantasy and the dreaming you bring. Stay well and healthy.

  5. Taffy says:

    I am so appre­cia­tive of your work. I love getting lost in the worlds and char­ac­ters you create. Hearing you strug­gles just makes me appre­ciate what you do so much more. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Carol Duffy says:

    Is it awful of me to wish that someday, some­where, I could get to read every­thing you’ve ever cut out of your books? I know you should have absolute control over what’s I your published work, but still…

  7. Alessandra Porta Giavatto says:

    I love every­thing you write and read anything I can grab as soon as it comes out. Your books are never too long!

  8. controuble says:

    Yes, the internet is a total time-suck (as I sit here wasting my entire Saturday), but I’m happy to hear from you even if only briefly.
    Will you be coming to Worldcon this year? I’m not working the art show (for a change) and should have time to actu­ally go to some panels.

  9. merie says:

    Sorry to hear so many things are pilling up. Checked at Chap­ters, their keos says your books will be avail­able (2045) so you can relax and get them done without pres­sure. But, I am really looking forward to War and Cast in Flight. Take care of your­self. Stress out. You are in our thoughts

  10. DebbieH says:

    It is great to hear from you. Espe­cially about Cast in Flight. Nothing you write can be too long. You can submit all our comments to your editor that we all like long books. Hope you can take some time to enjoy life, I appre­ciate all the joy your books bring.

  11. Patrick loveless says:

    I must say that I agree with every­thing posted here so far. There are never enough hours in the day or days off to allow myself the time I would love to spend wandering in the worlds you have created for your fans. That being said I do hope you find time just for your­self to do completely selfish things for YOU. We, your fans, love your works and will wait as calmly as we can for our next sojourn into the worlds you spin for us. Take care of your­self! I’ll try and send calm prayers your way.

  12. Tchula says:

    I’m so glad the writing is going well (espe­cially for War…hehehe) and hope­fully Grave won’t give you too much trouble during revi­sions. If it does, just give it a kick in the pants. It might not help, but you’ll feel better after­wards, trust me. ;-P And Spring is on the way, so there’s another reason to be hopeful: longer days to get stuff done. Good luck and Happy Easter!

  13. ElizabethN says:

    Daydreams are great, hope you achieve that one. Looking forward to Cast in Flight. Happy Easter!

  14. I *LOVE* long books and yours are never too long. Please feel free to have longer books. I know there are finan­cial consid­er­a­tions for paper books, but not so much for the elec­tronic versions. Longer books are defi­nitely better and I do not see an issue charging more for longer books.
    Thank you for working on “War” and “Cast in Flight”. I eagerly await those books and the, hope­fully, many books to follow in both series. I know each book will be great when you decide you are done with them.
    Please take time to refresh and replenish your­self. Happy Spring!

  15. Michael V says:

    Better the sword of Damo­cles than the Morrel’s sword. For my part, I am patiently awaiting the next install­ments in series I love, and since sane writer’s tend to write more in the long run, I am all in favor of you doing what you need to do to remain sane.

  16. You are a blessed saint michelle! Your skill as a story teller teaches about how I want to write my own every day. I love kaylin first and fore­most, and elantra but now I’ve fallen in love with jewel and her world too. I completely under­stand about the stress and I am wincing about the revi­sions neces­sary. But hey, they’re right! It’s spring time michelle! New life and new begin­ning, open your window and let nature inspire you as you weave the new adven­tures for your char­ac­ters, and tell the editors that real readers like long books! Hahaha. Though contin­uing a series is to me the ulti­mate gift, the longer a book the more heav­enly it is too. Espe­cially when it’s an elantra book ;-) hang in There and if you take time do do conven­tion this year let us all know?! I’ve been trying to catch one of the ones your going to be at since I first read cast in shadow and cast in court­light and was mesmer­ized. Haha my husband and best friend think I’m insane but I just love really good books. Your fans at behind you all the way you can do this. Relax and let nature inspire you, always works for me.

  17. Marilyn Snaring says:

    Thanks for the update that’s most kind and I know that it must be hard to balance every­thing in your busy life. Most writers don’t have several series that they are writing at the same time…and each of us have our favorite and wait “mostly patiently”…*grin* mine is the cast series and I was happy to hear that Cast in Flight is coming along. Meanwhile…take breaks when you have to…for your sanity is impor­tant to all of us.…selfishly we need our fixes of your wonderful stories!! Happy Easter and well wishes!!

  18. Pam Wolff says:

    Good luck with all of that. I do agree with everyone here that we can never have too many of your words, but I also really love that your books never seem to have wasted words, or scenes that don’t end up being neces­sary to the char­acter or plot devel­op­ment even­tu­ally. So…cut what you feel you need to, and leave us the best!

  19. Stephen Paul Engel says:

    Michelle, Jewel is my favorite char­acter, you are my favorite author. Like your long books a lot. Please keep it up.

  20. Dorey says:

    I am confused…how can one of your books be too long? I am willing to pay for every extra word!!!!!

  21. Michelle,
    Funny I’d just checked in on your webpage and on Face­book to see if there was any news of what you’d been writing I believe it was few days before this post. I agree with everyone else a book too long never. I am looking forward to reading/listening to Cast in Flight when it is ready. I am also glad you are well.

  22. Skadi says:

    I can totally under­stand you! Looking forward to your new books :)
    (reading your blog while I should be working on a paper…)

  23. Tickle says:

    Michelle, thanks for checking in. I love your stories and can’t wait to catch back up w/Jewel & crew as well as Kaylin & crew. I agree w/everyone else, we don’t care how long your books are & your publishers should recog­nize that. When I’m done, I want more, LOL. Keep up the great work & also take the time you need for yourself!

  24. sometimeskate says:

    I know you prob­ably can’t answer this, because it is one of those bizarre publishing ques­tions, but Amazon only has Cast in Flight avail­able for pre-order in paper­back, not kindle. I’ll buy it in paper­back if I must, but kindle’s ability to make the type huge is much easier on my poor not quite blind self. Do you know why? I’ve been checking regu­larly, prob­ably since you said what the title would be. I hate to distract you from writing, because you really are one of my favourite authors, though should you happen to discover the answer, I would be most grateful.

  25. HILDA says:

    Dear Michelle, I’m so happy that in these last 4 months, when life has given me unbear­able sorrow, I’m finally able to get in your website and discov­ered your books are coming along well, and we may be able to read some this year. It’s really some­thing to look forward to. Your books remain one of my life constant plea­sures even when I read them a second or third time. I slowly intro­duced other authors to my library, but you remain the one I look forward to as providing contin­uous plea­sure. I’m moving from a 6 bedroom home to a one bedroom apart­ment in a nearby retire­ment commu­nity. I’m really looking forward to it. My biggest concern is what to take with me. I’m donating boxes of books, but all of yours will come with me. I continue looking forward to them, and maybe intro­ducing you to my new neigh­bors. Best to you and yours.

  26. Lee says:

    Oh my good­ness, when it’s published I wish I could read the “Author’s Cut” of Cast in Flight including those lost 11K words *sob*. I am such a huge fan, I liter­ally count down the months till the next Cast release, which is why I’m here ????
    Great fantasy is never too long, in my humble opinion.

  27. War being too long? To think we’d have to read more, what a shame hehe­hehe, really cant wait :)

  28. Tabitha Henson says:

    Can I have a copy of the uncut version?! Those 11k words shouldn’t go to waste!! ;) I’m really looking forward to Cast in Flight! I already have it pre-ordered. Elantra is my favorite world to escape to.

  29. I am a new blogger. I finally got a tablet that works fast enough, and does­n’the die on me. My favorite series is the House War. In exactly the same place is the Sun Sword. I also love the Elantra series. All of your novels are excep­tional. Every char­acter is three dimen­sional and their emotions true to who they are. One of my favorite char­ac­ters is Isladar, who seems so terribly beau­tiful. He is a deamon who is following an eter­nity long plan that will set him free from his Lord. The problem is, his world no longer exists. At least, as I read in Oracle, his world is is coming back to life because of Jewe and the other Sen. I try to imagine what he will do. In fact, what will everyone do. Can hardly wait.

  30. jamie coady says:

    good work. I always feel good when I know another of your cast books is on its way. is there any fixed date yet. I agree books can’t be too long too short but not too long. thanks for your good work we appreaceate it.

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