the Author

Monthly Archives: May 2012

Posted in writing.

With thanks to Paul Howard, who mentioned it in the comments of the previous post: Off Topic, but The Riven Shield ebook is up on Amazon​.com. I’m plan­ning to wait until the series is completely avail­able, but I thought some would like to know about it. I know that Broken Crown was almost ready, and I believe the rest of the Sun Sword will slowly make its way into the chan­nels in order; I asked that Riven Shield be processed first because the phys­ical book is unavail­able, which meant that the book itself was unavail­able in any format. At the moment, it appears to have prop­a­gated to two places: Amazon and iTunes; I’ll add links to the other ebook vendors when it appears on … Continue reading 

Posted in Books, Cast, DAW, Elantra, Essalieyan, Queen of the Dead, writing.

I have been fighting a rear­guard action against a sinus infec­tion for the past two weeks, and I am at that stage where any move­ment of my head — at all — is Very Unpleasant. This has killed Yoga for the past week, and I am there­fore feeling slug­gish. But! Cast in Peril’s copy-edits went back to Luna last week. I just got email informing me that the page proofs are on the way, and should arrive tomorrow. Those are the last things I have to review before the book is out of my hands — at least until author’s copies arrive. The title of the next Cast novel is: Cast in Sorrow. I may have mentioned, some time back, that I had written 50k works of Touch, the follow up to Silence … Continue reading 

Posted in DAW, Queen of the Dead.

Silence is now out in the wilds (in theory). It’s May 1st. Book days are always both exciting and nerve-wracking: Exciting because book! Nerve-wracking because the book – and my writing of it – is finally open to public scrutiny. Some people will love it. Some people will hate it. There’s always a little bit of fear lurking in the midst of the excite­ment — both are genuine. What I can say about Silence is that it’s the first of three books, it’s contem­po­rary fantasy, and it doesn’t — I’m sorry — have much in the way of romance in it. It’s the Michelle version of a ghost story. It has a cover I adore, by artist Cliff Nielsen. The book jacket is a bit of (a lot of) a spoiler, so if you haven’t read it and you … Continue reading