the Author

Monthly Archives: January 2023

Posted in writing, life.

First: December. I finished the first draft of Hunter’s Redoubt on the 24th of December – in time to panic about Christmas tree & presents & Christmas eve dinner. It’s 303k words long, so… the longest first book in any series I’ve written T_T. It has gone off to the editor. Hope­fully, it will go off to artist, too. I did not finish Shards of Glass, but I’m working on that now, in the lull between submit­ting a draft and getting edito­rial feed­back. My hope was to work on both books at the same time – as I do for most of a book’s life. But usually when I hit the end of a book, I put the other on pause. I even­tu­ally had to do that with this one, because the end of a book eats all … Continue reading