the Author

Monthly Archives: November 2021

Posted in Essalieyan, Reddit.

I am cowardly enough that I haven’t joined in — a friend told me it had already started (but r/fantasy had announced that it would be running some­time in November). I am a dinosaur, from the time when authors were told never to react to or interact with reviewers of their books — some­thing I saw the wisdom of when I encoun­tered the first goodreads author melt­down many years later. Or the next one. Or the one after that >.<. And also: reader space and author space really only over­laps in the spaces I oversee. Readers should have a place where they can, oh, hate author choices and discuss them without being afraid of a) hurting author feel­ings or b) angry/upset authors. But I thought I would mention it here for people who either want to … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, covers, Shane Rebenschied, Severn.

Well, the month between the last report and this one has been fraught. Emer­gency copy­edits, emer­gency proof­reading, the loss of brain cells and hair caused by those two, and the usual struggle to get out from under the must-find-only-bad-things given the prox­imity between the two emer­gen­cies… Also, the next Cast book needs a title, so there’s that as well >.< Not as many actual new words written this past month on anything as I would have liked. However! As promised, here is the full Sword and Shadow cover. ETA: The artist is Shane Reben­schied, the art director Kath­leen Oudit. BEYOND THE EMPEROR’S LAW In the city of Elantra, the law is upheld by a few groups, and the most feared are the Wolves — the Emperor’s execu­tioners. The newest member of this elite … Continue reading