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Monthly Archives: October 2018

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Else­where on the Internet, I was asked a ques­tion. How many books do you work on at once? And how long did it take you to go from one book to two? Since the answer to the first ques­tion is two, I’m going to concen­trate on the second ques­tion. When my kids were small, they were – no surprise to parents anywhere – very very work and time inten­sive. The 24/7 nature of very young chil­dren made writing a chaotic mess and an act of hopeful desper­a­tion. I had dead­lines, and we needed the money from meeting them. But infants do not under­stand this. They don’t under­stand that money keeps roof over head, among many other things. So, when the kids were young — and until the youngest was about eight — I wrote one … Continue reading 

Posted in Essalieyan, writing, Mira, Books, DAW, Elantra.

It’s me, and if I’m warning you that this will be long, well. This is prob­ably going to be long. I did consider split­ting it into two posts, but there doesn’t seem to be a length limit in Word­Press, so. (For the record, my long-suffering husband suggested that I split it into three. Yes, he survived.) So, first: The Sun Sword has been reis­sued in trade paper­back (which is the larger, non-stan­­dard-size paper­back format). Yes, this means they are more expen­sive, sorry =/. This happened in July, but I didn’t find out about it until the end of August. I’ve added the rele­vant infor­ma­tion to the book pages here. I am not, as will become imme­di­ately obvious, much of a photog­ra­pher >.<. As you can see, there’s … Continue reading