the Author

State of the Author July 2018 edition

Posted in Mira, Jody Lee, Cast, DAW, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing.

I appear to have missed the month of June =/.

This month, I turned in Cast in Oblivion.

I have not turned in First­born yet, but will hope­fully finish it before the end of this month; it was more compli­cated to split the book than I’d orig­i­nally intended, and required a couple of running starts, but I am now on the (new) last chapter. I am very glad that I don’t have to worry about the length of the book, since it was the shorter half of the split. Jody Lee, the cover artist, finished the emer­gency Unplanned Novel cover before I finished the revi­sion >.>. I will share when I can.

I am writing the first Severn novel next, Elantra-wise. The next Cast novel should be about Bellusdeo and the Dragon Court. In theory. Books have a way of starting where I want them to start and turning left. Rapidly. My intent is to write the Severn novel and follow it imme­di­ately with the Cast novel, so the Cast novels should continue at one book a year. I am trying to fit things around that one-book-a-year.

I will move imme­di­ately from First­born into War revi­sions – but they shouldn’t be as compli­cated (cue hollow laugh). Nothing that is currently being written in First­born should have a large effect on War, or the second half, as it currently stands. After which, I will start the Not-Yet-Named first novel of the End of Days arc, which begins in Breodanir.

It is hot in Toronto. I melt at temper­a­tures greater than 22, and at 22 if I am not sitting still. Whining about heat has almost eclipsed whining about my own incom­pe­tence at revision.

My current reading has been Alan Garner’s non-fiction The Voice That Thun­ders, which has eaten parts of my brain. A collec­tion of essays based on presen­ta­tions, he talks about archae­ology, myth, writing, mental illness. I’m not sure it’s for everyone, but some of what he says resonates with me. Or alter­nately, is very similar to what I have said about writing. Some of it, not so much, but it’s still very inter­esting to me.

How is summer treating everyone else?

32 Responses to State of the Author July 2018 edition

  1. You would melt down here in south Texas — we don’t hit 22 as our overnight lows. We’re looking at a full week in the upper 30’s (38/39).

    I’m looking forward to the next Cast novel — do you have an approx­i­mate publi­ca­tion date/season? (i.e., does it go on my Christmas list)

  2. Can’t wait to read btith books!

  3. Darlene says:

    Ooo…End of Days arc…I am so excited…I was feeling melan­choly about the series ending and now you’ve given me some­thing more to look forward to…I love your books

  4. michelle says:

    @Dr. Leanne: Cast in Oblivion is a January (late) release, so, the same time next year as Cast in Decep­tion was this year.

  5. E. Moody says:

    Well we’re melting down here in Florida- at a fun 88 degrees F. Plus, person­ally our ac went down last night keeping us at a toasty 84F all night. I am eagerly awaiting the next Elantra novel as it is my birthday present to myself every year regard­less of the fact they are no longer an August release. So be well and don’t forget to take care of yourself!

  6. DeDe says:

    but they shouldn’t be as compli­cated ” Embar­rassed to admit that I actu­ally snorted my coffee (again). :-) I’m one of those that loves the length of your stories. I am currently re-reading the House War & those long books make for perfect back­packing trea­sures. I hate the heat as well, so I’ve been heading UP in eleva­tion — high temps of 62f (17C) Climbing/hiking — anything to get out of town.

    I’ll check out the non-fiction recom­men­da­tion. Curious — have you read Far from the Tree? It really resonated with me. Now THAT is a long book, but it was such a good read that I couldn’t put it down. I just finished David Quam­men’s Spillover- inter­esting and pretty easy to read given the topic.

  7. michelle says:

    @DeDe: I haven’t read Far From the Tree, but it looks inter­esting, so I’ve jotted it down. I’m not certain the Garner will work for most people, though. 

    And: T_T. I’m also drinking coffee, but oddly enough, have managed not to read anything that makes me laugh while doing it. Yet.

  8. DeDe says:

    @Michelle — Try to avoid spraying onto the keyboard. Gets messy.
    some­times when I need a good chuckle/groan I pick up my old Pratchett paperbacks.

  9. Steve says:

    Yes, the heat is becoming unbe­liev­able. Not much different down here in Peter­bor­ough, hot as hades even by the river. Love your books, looking forward to anything you write!! (I prefer ‘doorstopper’ books myself????) . Spending my time working, reading, and hanging out with my Loki obsessed daughter…

  10. Annette says:

    Michelle I can’t wait!! You are always bril­liant and never disap­point your readers,!!

  11. michelle says:

    @DeDe: I mostly attempt to inhale and exhale it, which is painful

    @Steve: I assume by Loki you mean Hiddle­ston’s Loki? In which case, a) she’s right and b) you have my sympathy :)

  12. Kris says:

    So, I just fangirled inco­her­ently at my husband after squealing in abject joy at The End of Days arc mention. For me this was the first I’ve heard of it and I’m just ecstatic. Keep on keeping on, Michelle. You’re all that is awesome. Thanks for all the work you do.

  13. Lynn krawczyk says:

    Yup super stoked here in michigan with 90+ heat and add in the endless humidity. You just gave me some much needed joy for the day and now I must intro­duce my daughter to this series as well.

  14. Seems the heat is every­where! It’s 91F here in Atlanta and the humidity makes it terrible. But here’s to the new story arc! Can’t wait!

  15. Zia says:

    Hmmm…I was so hopeful last time you posted an update that I had solved the lack of noti­fi­ca­tions problem, but it looks like I shall have to continue tweaking things as I didn’t get an email about this one. 

    Anyways, I am super excited for all the books. I keep checking the calendar, but January is still not here. As for the length of all the projects you are currently working on I will also add my voice into the long is fine (actu­ally, long is better than fine as I might actu­ally get to read some­thing for over 5 hours before it’s over!)

    I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with heat where you are as well, but I hope things are other­wise going well. The summer here currently is also hot and it has me recon­sid­ering my career. I’ve been working with/volunteering with some sort of horse job for 22 years and it’s gotten to the point I’m consid­ering some­thing inside for the first time in my life. 

    Thank you for taking the time to update us on how things are going and thank you for writing such incred­ible stories! I cannot wait to read them.

  16. Andrea Smith says:

    Zia, I’m having the same problem with the lack of noti­fi­ca­tions. I sent an email explaining the problem 4 – 5 months ago and received some­thing back saying they were looking into it. I’ve also tried re-signing up.
    I’m looking forward to the next Cast novel and can’t wait to spend some time in the dragon court. I’m with everyone, so tired of temper­a­tures over 100 degrees (F) and the humidity. I’ve been walking my dog 10 – 11pm where the temper­a­tures drop to the mid-80’s.

  17. Peter Moore says:

    Looking forward to ALL the forth­coming content: Cast in Oblivion; the first of the Severn novels; First­born; War and most impor­tantly (because it’s the story arc I have been waiting for for years) the End of Days arc. I am expecting to get as much joy from reading that story arc as I have from reading the other story arcs connected to it, from the Hunter’s duology thru The Sun Sword series and the House Wars series so far. I am really happy that End of Days is starting out in Breo­danir, as I have always thought that Stephen of Maubreche and his Hunt­brother (Huntsister?) Nenyane, will be pivotal char­ac­ters in the End of Days arc. This news makes me want to go and re-read your wonderful novella “Hunt­brother” again.
    I will have to say that eventho I live in NYC, I lucked out this summer since I was vaca­tioning on Lake Supe­rior, helping my sister and brother in law cele­brate their 50th wedding anniver­sary when the first major heat­wave of the summer hit NYC. There have been a few very hot days since then but fortu­nately for the most part they have not been strung together.
    Good luck in all your writing endeavors, and I look forward to anything and every­thing else you produce.

  18. hey michelle! (Biggest fan to her hero) I was wondering. The last three books (honor, flight, decep­tion) have had to my eye very little about the rela­tion­ship between lord sana­balis and his student kaylin neya. Will oblivion return to showing them inter­acting as teacher and student? Or will kaylin have more inter­ac­tion obliquely with darian­daros than lord sana­balis or anyone else but bellusdeo?

  19. Julie says:

    Hi Michelle,
    I’m a huge fan of the Cast novels and to this day feel so blessed to have stum­bled upon them by acci­dent. Have been reading the series again and again every­time a new book is released and havent tire of them! Always looking forward to your novels!

  20. @Kris & Kelly: Thanks :). I have one massive reread and time-line logging planned between finish of WAR and start of the as yet unti­tled first book (and the series title will prob­ably not be End of Days — that’s my internal title).

    @Peter: You are right; Stephen & Nenyane are two of the pivotal char­ac­ters of the arc. Not the only one, but essential. 

    @Kitiara: I’m sorry — Oblivion is the cohort book, so — no, not the next book. The book after should be almost all Dragon, though, if that helps >.>

    @Julie: Thank you! I am also a rereader (not so much of my own books because until I forget every­thing I can’t quite approach them as a reader, and I *always* find a mistake that I missed in the many iter­a­tive reads T_T).

    It’s been — or at least yesterday was — much less hot in Toronto. Note: not cool, but — at least less hot.

  21. Paula Lieberman says:

    I’ve been wondering about the Gardener of Maubreche for a long time. Before the reve­la­tion of Meralon­ne’s iden­tity, I was wondering if the Gardener might be that char­acter (I strongly suspected that Meralonnw were who he turned out to be, but the Gardener was also a possi­bility, as an immortal with strong magic and a warrior.…) 

    And what are the status of the Cities of Man and the Voyani-come-to-their-exiles’-ends (and no more Matri­archs and a return to patri­ar­chal lead­er­ship, waaaahhhhhh!)

  22. Kitiara young says:

    @ Michelle. You are a hero just like some of my biggest inspi­ra­tions growing up. As a writer and a person. Tolkien, c.s.Lewis, and anne mccaf­frey being the other big inspi­ra­tions besides you. I eevery month or so reread elantra and housewar. And im bummed that housewar is ending because if I had my way book series would never end and books would each be big enough to require a bookbag to carry. your blog and insights on your strug­gles and writing helps an aspiring author like me a ton. Im actu­ally eager to see more of the cohort, tho id espe­cially like to see better rela­tion­ships between night­shade and his brother. I wish, that ararath of hander­ness in house war had not died in city of night, as he was my favorite besides jewel almost instantly. You make amazing hero­ines that struggle like any of us man or woman, who dreams of having the courage to chase dreams. And your char­ac­ters inspire me. Espe­cially kaylin neya. I wonder if she will attempt to follow the cohort through the test of name.

  23. @Paula: I don’t see the cities, with one excep­tion, returning to a style of rule for which they have no metric, tbh. And that excep­tion is, hmmm, there’s a reason for it, about which I can’t say anything else at the moment…

    @Kitiara: Thank you :). I don’t consider myself hero mate­rial, though. Mostly, on the inside of my head, I see myself as a person who can manage to tell her stories, but often with some struggle and a larger portion of stum­bling than I’d like.

  24. liathano says:

    Sorry about the heat, its rainy season here in Nigeria so the weather is pretty cool. I’m excited about End Of Days begin­ning in Breo­danir, I’ve been thinking a lot about the Maubreche gardener, is he Arianni? Will we get to see how Tor Haval rises? …much ques­tions. much excite :D
    Let us know when you’re doing your “massive reread”, we could all do it together, as a commu­nity. That’d be nice

  25. Tracy in Texas says:

    We love your wonderful world building Michelle and the journey you wisk us away through magical lands, rich tapestry of complex char­ac­ters, twists and turns in story arcs and the under­lying passion and struggle that drives char­acter choices, hearts and actions. It’s amazing how much I’ve grown and learned about life and discov­ered about myself and others in the pages of your novels over the past 15+ years. Can’t imagine expe­ri­encing the full vibrancy of the world without the addi­tion of your unique hues and bold creative tones blazing across the color wheel palette of life. 

    Thank you so much for the updates and trusting us to share in your creative process. You are truly a blessing us all!!!

  26. Argentum says:

    I can’t wait to return to Breo­danir! Did you know the trajec­tory of all these arcs as you wrote the Sun Sword? Or when did you figure it out?

  27. Michelle Greiwe says:

    As a new comer to your books I have to say thank you!!! I know it’s August, but in the month of July I read 11 of the Cast books and I am reading the 12th right now! They are great, and I just can not seen to put them down! I did start to panic when I noticed that I was coming to the end, but to my relief you still have more to say. I can not wait to find out more, and the fact that you are writing sepa­rate Severn novels just makes me even happier. Thank you for creating a world that I can just get lost in.

  28. Moxie says:

    I’m so excited about a Severn novel!! I always felt like he got eclipsed a little in the Cast books.

  29. Marie Roberts says:

    I’m still waiting patiently for War. Love all your books. Read them all as for Severn I can skip him with no trouble. Sorry don’t want to offend you, but he tires me.
    Thank you again for your wonderful writ­ings. I have reread them all a couple of times. Good night

  30. Mary Allen says:

    Today I received an e‑mail from Barnes and Noble with a picture of Cast in Oblivion and a request to preorder. I thought you might like to know

  31. Omg! I can’t wait for your next book in the cast series! I just reread all of the previous books and just finished decep­tion again! Idk what to do now because I have to wait for so many months for the next book to come out lol I just can’t seem to decide if I want Kaylin to end up with Severn or with night­shade. I go back and forth each time I reread the series ???? I really love your books and have been reading them since high school when I came across the first one in the library!

  32. melanie says:

    I have not been getting any noti­fi­ca­tions either, very strange. i am very i checked this site. I have a fan since your first book and eagerly await the next book(s) when­ever they get here. i love your books so take as long as you need, tell your­self you are an amazing writer. a girl from Texas, breath­able fabric cotton & linen with fans and ac help

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