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Category Archives: Essalieyan

Posted in Books, DAW, Essalieyan.

It’s been three and three quarter years since the publi­ca­tion of Oracle, the sixth book in The House War series in hard­cover. Today, on February 19, 2019, book seven, First­born, has been released into the wild, dressed to go out in style in a cover by Jody Lee. It is avail­able in audio­book format from audible​.com (appar­ently an audible​.com exclu­sive, judging by the banner across the cover). It is avail­able in hard­cover and as an ebook. (It is avail­able as an ebook in Australia.) I am both excited and nervous.

Posted in DAW, Essalieyan, chapters.

ETA: First­born will be avail­able in ebook and hard­cover on the 19th of February, 2019. This is a hectic release month, the first time I have ever had two books published at essen­tially the same time. No, this was not partic­u­larly smart on my part, but I didn’t want to push either book back a month. It’s been three and three quarter years since the last West novel was published, and in the main, as a reader, I don’t care if two books I want are published in the same month. My pock­et­book might whine a little, but I am gleeful, because that’s just the way I am as a reader. Of other people’s books. Most authors can’t read their own books as if they’re readers, sadly. I posted the prologue last year … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Essalieyan, Mira, Publication.

It’s pub day for Cast in Oblivion. Print books are in stores in North America – and prob­ably in specialty SF/F stores in the UK and Australia. The audio­books appear to be avail­able every­where. The ebooks appear to be avail­able every­where but Australia/NZ. Anything that can be done from here is being done — I’m really, really sorry because I honestly love my Australian fans T_T. To cele­brate this, I have commis­sioned a map. If you look at the menu bar, there’s a new tab, MAPS, and the drop down has the map for the City of Elantra, done by Mati Demers. (Where by cele­brate, I mean that I real­ized I actu­ally needed a bit of a visual guide after all this time, because I am terrible at mapping, and at reading maps. I am one of … Continue reading 

Posted in Essalieyan, writing, Mira, Books, DAW, Elantra.

It’s me, and if I’m warning you that this will be long, well. This is prob­ably going to be long. I did consider split­ting it into two posts, but there doesn’t seem to be a length limit in Word­Press, so. (For the record, my long-suffering husband suggested that I split it into three. Yes, he survived.) So, first: The Sun Sword has been reis­sued in trade paper­back (which is the larger, non-stan­­dard-size paper­back format). Yes, this means they are more expen­sive, sorry =/. This happened in July, but I didn’t find out about it until the end of August. I’ve added the rele­vant infor­ma­tion to the book pages here. I am not, as will become imme­di­ately obvious, much of a photog­ra­pher >.<. As you can see, there’s … Continue reading 

Posted in Mira, Jody Lee, Cast, DAW, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing.

I appear to have missed the month of June =/. This month, I turned in Cast in Oblivion. I have not turned in First­born yet, but will hope­fully finish it before the end of this month; it was more compli­cated to split the book than I’d orig­i­nally intended, and required a couple of running starts, but I am now on the (new) last chapter. I am very glad that I don’t have to worry about the length of the book, since it was the shorter half of the split. Jody Lee, the cover artist, finished the emer­gency Unplanned Novel cover before I finished the revi­sion >.>. I will share when I can. I am writing the first Severn novel next, Elantra-wise. The next Cast novel should be about Bellusdeo and … Continue reading