the Author

Author’s copies have landed

Posted in Books, Cast, Luna.

There is book news: I now have real, live copies of  Cast in Silence beside my computer. I really like the cover, although it’s changed just a little bit since I posted the cover-flats a while ago.

These copies, which are author’s copies, are usually shipped at the same time as review copies of the real book, as opposed to ARCs (Advance Review Copy) which are bound and shipped much earlier. I never see ARCs for any of these, so my first encounter with a book is either on the shelves of the book­store in which I work, or as author’s copies. Some­times I get my author’s copies after ever living person who has any desire to see the book gets a chance to buy one first, and some­times I get them first.

This time, first.

On July first, I’ll post the opening chapter of Cast in Silence here, as a way of cele­brating the exis­tence of book.

5 Responses to Author’s copies have landed

  1. Michael says:

    You are such a tease!

  2. Amelia says:

    Cannot wait till this one hits the shelves. Love the series.

  3. It wasn’t meant as a tease, honest >.>. It was meant as a “You must do this by this date because you promised” reminder, sort of like tying string around your finger. Except, you know, in e‑ink.

  4. Michael says:

    I believe you, but I’m still suffering from with­draw. I *need* your new book(s).

    Oh! and I wanted to thank you for recom­mending The Thief, The Queen of Attolia, and the King of Attolia. I will be finishing the King some­time this after­noon, and I find them a very pleasant read.

  5. And now, of course, I have to go back and reread King of Attolia again. I adored that book. I loved the Queen, and I liked the Thief – but King took both and made the whole so powerful. I’m desper­ately waiting for “Winter 2010”, when Conspiracy of Kings will be published…

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