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Category Archives: chapters

Posted in Cast, Elantra, writing, chapters.

To those who cele­brate, Happy Holi­days! I have been writing, but at the moment, have very little to show for it; my short Severn story is now 28k words and not finished. I hope to finish it before the New Year, but in the frenetic, panicked busy work of holiday prepa­ra­tions, I am not sure how feasible this is. Chapter one of Cast in Decep­tion is here: Cast in Decep­tion 01. Re: audio­book versions: there appears to be a phys­ical box of 13 CDs, but the down­load­able version doesn’t seem to be avail­able on iTunes yet, or rather, the link to it doesn’t seem to be avail­able there. I’ll update those links when we’re closer to pub date. So the audio­book links look slightly different: … Continue reading 

Posted in Cliff Nielsen, DAW, Queen of the Dead, covers, chapters.

On February 7, 2017, the third and final part of The Queen of the Dead will be published. It’s longer than either Silence or Touch by about 40%. But everyone expects that from final volumes, right? >.> It also has my favorite of the three covers, all by Cliff Nielsen. *** I couldn’t choose a single chapter as a starter. I mean, I could, but I couldn’t. So there are sort of three chap­ters in the sample chapter, which is here.

Posted in DAW, Essalieyan, chapters.

March and April were very trying months. Not just because of the endless snow, but because, having finished Cast in Honor, I then had to go back and revise for length. (Yes, yes, I know this will not shock anyone — but it’s easily the longest of the books to date. It’s like I’m getting worse at the whole length thing, not better). The upside, for a variety of up that made me pull out half my hair, is that I actu­ally have a chunk of cut stuff that reads more or less contin­u­ously, which I will post much closer to the book’s pub date. And I am just getting back to Grave, and in theory, it’s another 10 – 20k words to the end, but it’s been just long enough that … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Elantra, chapters.

I managed, due to the laws of physics, to drop a bowl in the kitchen. The bowl did not survive. Sadly, a piece of flying glass decided to avenge the dish, and flew up, cutting my right pinky. Some argu­ment occurred there­after in the house­hold, because seri­ously, a trian­gular cut on the front pad of the pinky does not consti­tute an emer­gency. I grudg­ingly allowed that I would be willing to go to the hospital to see about stitches if the bleeding had not stopped within a certain time frame. So, long story short, the bleeding did not stop within that time frame, and yes, I had to uphold my end of the bargain. And now I have stitches. Typing is slightly chal­lenging, but I expect by tomorrow it will cause … Continue reading 

Posted in chapters, Cliff Nielsen, DAW, Queen of the Dead, covers.

Touch is coming out this month, and I haven’t posted the sample chapter yet. In fact, I don’t think I’ve posted the cover. I was kind of caught up in writing with nose-to-grind­­s­tone (which should produce sharp noses, but, well, mine still only barely holds my glasses up). So: I have a cover image to show you. The artist is Cliff Nielsen, who was respon­sible for the cover of Silence. And I also have the prologue and the first chapter. (I read the prologue at Worldcon; it was consid­ered depressing. Which, yes, it sort of is. It’s Nathan. Chapter one, however, is less so. So have both.) Touch preview. In a couple of months after Touch is published, I’ll have a spoiler heavy post about process and the writing of this book, … Continue reading