the Author

GRAVE Cover and sample chapter(ish)

Posted in DAW, Queen of the Dead, covers, chapters, Cliff Nielsen.

On February 7, 2017, the third and final part of The Queen of the Dead will be published.

It’s longer than either Silence or Touch by about 40%. But everyone expects that from final volumes, right? >.>

It also has my favorite of the three covers, all by Cliff Nielsen.



I couldn’t choose a single chapter as a starter. I mean, I could, but I couldn’t. So there are sort of three chap­ters in the sample chapter, which is here.

12 Responses to GRAVE Cover and sample chapter(ish)

  1. Kick says:

    But nothing is there! I see neither chapter nor cover.

  2. Penny B says:

    Still no versions of this series in kindle format in the UK. Very disap­pointing as I really wanted to read this series.

  3. michelle says:

    Yes, that was my fault — I hit publish rather than draft before I’d actu­ally inserted the images. If you refresh, both should now be there.

  4. michelle says:

    @Penny: That is *also* my fault =/. I have UK covers, and actu­ally, that’s what I’m working on now when I have finished writing new words. All three will be avail­able by the 7th, but, ummm, prob­ably very close to then and not much before. I’m sorry T_T.

  5. Daniel Catudal says:

    Thks a million Michelle. I really enjoyed the first two books and looked forward to meet these young actors again. Sad this is the end but nothing lasts forever.

    Love your books, all of them. keep on your wonderful work, know that you are appre­ci­ated as more than a good author but also as a very special person.


  6. hsmyers says:

    Yes — clearly the best cover art of the series! Having waited this long since my last fix, I will forbear the preview and wait until the 7th :)

  7. Joey says:


    The offi­cial cover seems more pink and green, and less purple/blue than the artwork you shared with us at Kansas City. Still yay!

  8. @Joey: It could be the scan. It seems more purple/blue when held in hand, or at least it does to me.

  9. Joey says:

    I look forward to having the book in hand!

  10. Zia says:

    Thank you for posting the preview! And the cover. I found it on Amazon the other day and got excited for the release all over, but for some reason I always prefer the covers when they’re posted here.

  11. Penny B says:

    All three will be avail­able by the 7th”

    Excel­lent news! looks like February will be Queen Of The Dead month for me :-)

  12. Tchula says:

    Awesome cover! Can’t wait to read it! :-)

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