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Category Archives: Audio books

Posted in Audio books, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing, Tantor.

Today, the third of the Sun Sword books is now avail­able in audio­book. The narrator is Eva Wilhelm — who thus far has narrated all of the West audio­books. November – and the latter half of October – were about dead­lines. Well, dead­line. I have finished the first Severn book, The Emper­or’s Wolves, and turned it in to Mira. (At this point, it will be sent to my editor, who will edit and ask for revi­sions that will add clarity to the book, because some­times (still), the things that are on the inside of my head have failed to reach the page.) I am working on the next West novel, and will start working on the next Cast novel. And also, I have page proofs for the mass-market edition of First­born, which … Continue reading 

Posted in Audio books, DAW, Essalieyan, writing, Conventions.

Tantor Media has just released The Uncrowned King, the second book of the Sun Sword series, in audio, narrated by Eva Wilhelm, the narrator for the House War series. As you can see, they’re using a different cover for the audio­book, (they’re using a different cover for Broken Crown as well, but I kind of missed that one >.>). In other news, I am going on a desper­ately needed writing retreat (dead­lines), but will be back for Can*Con in Ottawa. This is very last minute for me because I wasn’t certain I could make it, so I don’t have a schedule that I can post. I will post a schedule if it arrives before I get back from writing, but I’ll prob­ably be a little bit scarce until then. 

Posted in Audio books, DAW, Essalieyan.

I am back from Worldcon, but my brain is still in both conven­tion and Ireland time­zone mode. And while I was coming home, The Broken Crown was released in audio book. Eva Wilhelm is the narrator (she also narrated all of the House War series). I’ve added links to the book page, but will just cut and paste the links on that page. Find it at Tantor Media • Audible US/UK • iTunes US/CA/UK I did have a great time at the Worldcon, but on the way home in the taxi — no word of a lie — got the copy-edited manu­script to review. And a few other things, as well. So copy-edits are what I’ll be working on until the 6th of September.

Posted in Audio books, ebooks, Elantra, Mira.

I thought today was Monday. While telling someone that release day was tomorrow, I real­ized that tomorrow was actu­ally today, January 23rd, 2018. That’s what January has been like, so far… Cast in Decep­tion is now out in the wild. It is avail­able in ebook and in audio­book, and Khris­tine Vham is the narrator for the latter (I’m very, very happy about this, and some­times feel I should nail her feet to the studio floor so she will always be the narrator – and this would, of course, be bad of me).

Posted in Audio books, Books, DAW, ebooks, Queen of the Dead, self-publishing.

Today, Grave is offi­cially out in the wild. Book Three of The Queen of the Dead, it’s avail­able in hard­cover. I’m both nervous and excited because the series is finished with this book. Grave is longer, by about 55k words, than either Silence or Touch. But everyone expects the last book to be longer, right? I went into the store and signed the copies that arrived, and I’ve stubbed my toe on the boxes in the hall (author’s copies — I swear stub­bing my toes on a box is how I know a book is real). I can sign/dedicate books if you order them through the store — but as we’re not amazon, the postage is not cheap =/. The Audio book, narrated by Alexandra Bailey, will be avail­able as well. This time, however, while … Continue reading