the Author

CAST IN ETERNITY: Publication Day

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Mira, Publication.

November 29th is publi­ca­tion day for Cast in Eter­nity!

…A day I had marked in my calendar as: “Optometrist appoint­ment: 12:30” T_T. It’s been that kind of month.

Phys­ical books have made it to the store at which I work, and ebooks — I think — went out at one minute after midnight. So, fingers crossed, any preorders have been met, and anyone who prefers phys­ical books should be able to find it in stores. (As usual, the phys­ical books have a much wider avail­ability range, because the books have to get from a ware­house to all the corners of North America — or beyond! — before the 29th.)

Links for ebooks, audio­books, etc. can be found on the book’s page (linked above). While I don’t link libraries, if budgets are tight, libraries should have the books and ebooks avail­able as well.


If I were orga­nized, this post would have gone up at just after midnight. Instead I have been panic-focused, because the new Sagara novel is due in January and it is not finished yet. So last night’s thought was: how many words can I get written before afore­men­tioned eye doctor appoint­ment? Because I’m not going to get much written after. It should have been: publi­ca­tion day post, Michelle.

My manager offered me time off to reach my January dead­line. Spontaneously.

In other circum­stances, I would have asked for a few weeks off, but who asks for time off in DECEMBER in retail? So I didn’t. I have been a bit stressed about this dead­line, though — I’d’ve made it with no problem and time to spare if I hadn’t started this book from the begin­ning six times. It’s just possible that she doesn’t enjoy working with me when I’m so overly focused on dead­lines I have very little actual brain for anything else >.>.

(It’s hard to bake “give your­self time to be very wrong multiple times” into dead­lines. It’s hard to plan for that. Books are not “just sit down at the computer and write” all of the time. When­ever I start some­thing new, the hardest part is the begin­ning. Some begin­nings — most of the CAST books — are fairly easy. I find the place to start. I start. I continue. One or two of the CAST books have required a couple of starts. This one — Shards of Glass — is new; it takes place in the Academia.)

Hunter’s Redoubt, the new West novel, is also not finished yet, although it is way closer. I thought I could get it finished by the end of November, but this was clearly overly opti­mistic; I lost a couple of days to an unfor­tu­nate logis­tical error, and had to back­track and remove bad words before contin­uing forward. It is my hope that the finished book will be <300k words. That’s been a bit of a moving target since I started, sadly: I orig­i­nally set my absolute upper limit at 275k words.

My write-to-length subcon­scious clearly has huge oppo­si­tional tendencies.

But that should come as very little surprise to most of you :).

47 Responses to CAST IN ETERNITY: Publication Day

  1. Elizabeth G says:

    I picked up Cast in Eter­nity on Black Friday (a very kind B&N person pulled it for me from the back as it was a soft release) and i was enjoying its deli­cious­ness all weekend. The kindle edition is now on my phone so i can steal minutes here and there from work to continue reading it and then I will get it in Audio so that I get to hear all the things I missed the first time around.

    I love the Cast books so much and as well as the Severn books. I look forward to learning more about the Acad­emia too

  2. Joyce says:

    I have not looked on my Kindle for Cast in Eter­nity yet, though I am sure it is there. I was rereading Cast in Wisdom and did not quite finish last night. But it does make me happy to know we are getting an Acad­emia novel this coming year. Stay safe and sound through the holi­days and let others do for you so your dead­line doesn’t whack you upside the head.

  3. Briana L says:

    Happy Day for me!

  4. Kathleen says:

    I’m devouring the boof now. However, I’m not getting the cover picture. Any ideas?

  5. Julianne Single says:

    Your books are always worth waiting for Michelle. Maybe you didn’t have the release for Eter­nity marked on your calendar but I sure did. I even had sched­uled a day off, though life has snuck in a bit on my pre sched­uled day of new book bliss meaning i have things to do that take my atten­tion away from doing nothing but reading. Even so I still stayed up to at least 3 am sacri­ficing sleep because I Could Not Put Book Down! So thanks for that! Lol. I think knowing Eter­nity was coming made me rest­less enough this weekend that I got my living room rearranged, the floor cleaned and did a purge on stuff I don’t use, normally I have para­lyzing inde­ci­sion over letting go dumb stuff and everyday items I don’t need but this weekend I was ener­gized and looking forward to a day of (mostly) relaxing with a long antic­i­pated new book. So thank you!

  6. Nicki E Himmel says:

    I bought the ebook but couldn’t wait so I bought the hard covered one. Started it yesterday and am up to page 357. Couldn’t put it down. Would really like to know when your putting the next book out on The Wolves of Elantra series. I’ve read every single on of Kaylin series more than once.

  7. Sherrie Salinger says:

    Mine has shipped and will be in my expec­tant hands Thursday!

  8. michelle says:

    @Nicki: I don’t have a date in mind for the next Severn book. I had two books planned — Severn joining the Wolves, and Severn getting his weapon. Both were set in the past, and the past is always fraught and compli­cated to write in and around; nothing can happen that would change things in the future, so there’s a cage, a ceiling, to work under. Also: the one book that was a possi­bility is a book I didn’t really want to write.

    I wanted to write the Magic School book, which is what I’m working on now; I usually have 1 related and 1 CAST novel, so the book after this one would be the next CAST novel — which is far ahead as I’m looking. But: I have been sitting with and thinking about Severn. If I could write Severn’s books in the present, I would — but to get to the present it’s still a tangle.

  9. michelle says:

    @Julianne: I have exactly those para­lyzed moments of inde­ci­sion because I’ve been looking at the very clut­tered house. But thank you!

  10. michelle says:

    @Kathleen: When you say not getting the cover picture, do you mean in the ebook? On the web-site?

  11. michelle says:

    Eliz­a­beth: Thank you!

  12. Kathleen says:

    Sorry, I should have mentioned the e‑book. I use the Nook program on my laptop. Much better for enlarging the print.

  13. michelle says:

    I don’t read a lot of ebooks — but usually the cover is the very first page, so I have to page *back* through the ebooks I do read (iTunes, for me, so it should be roughly the same). Or is it just not showing at all? I don’t handle the format­ting or produc­tion of ebooks, so at this point, it’s a guess — but I can pass word on if there’s difficulty.

  14. Kathleen says:

    That would be a goodness.

  15. Elizabeth says:

    If we are throwing out ideas for Severn tales — I would love to see the fight in the Hawk­lord’s tower in Cast 1 from Severn’s perspec­tive .… but you know, that would be a great short story tease in an Anthology (for that spare time no one ever has)

  16. hsmyers says:

    I find myself (as usual) at odds with your efforts to rein-back the word count. And this, for the selfish reason — that I want as many words as poss­sible from you, to read. On the other hand, I have both dealt with and been an angry editor so I do under­stand your dilemma. I suppose torn is more accu­rate than at odds…

  17. Melanie says:

    I agree, I always love reading your books and the longer the better! I order your book so will check the store today, exciting
    Remember to breathe and step outside and take a walk

  18. Darbie says:

    So what is the expected date of release for hunters redoubt?

  19. Jo-Ann Pieber says:

    So very excited! The past many of your books that I’ve pre-ordered though have presented me with a small dilemma. I want bookseller/industry? to Know that your readers Want any thing you write. But it means waiting for book to ship — so my copy won’t arrive until December 1st. So lately, before I click that button I’m thinking “hmmm, it’ll be 2 – 3 days After it’s out before I can read. Maybe I should just Plan to go In to store on that release day?” .…ditherdither
    One time I missed pre-ordering and did in fact go in to store on The Day — and staff member there said “what’s this all about then? I’ve sold 4 or 5 of these today.” I said “It’s That good. She’s That good. Trea­sured author. Terribly under-appre­ci­ated. Her readers are devoted.”
    Thanks for all your hard work and for the You that is able to imagine and craft these trea­sured stories.
    Happy Day!

  20. Diane Osborn says:

    I got my book today. I’ve read 86 pages so far, but I was hooked by page 5.

  21. br60103 says:

    Went to Chap­tigo this morning. A small collec­tion of the book on the shelf, but no email for my preorder which they said would be Dec. 1.
    At 4:00 my wife says “There’s an eMail.” We were off promptly for that.
    (Spoiler Alert)
    I’m now up to the point where they visit the Palace.

  22. Lee P says:

    I defi­nitely had it in my calendar! Having the best day ever, snug­gled in a cosy blanket with a ginger tea and this long-awaited book from my favourite author. How I’ve missed you, Kaylin Neya! Thank you, MS!

  23. michelle says:

    @Elizabeth: We are not throwing out ideas for Severn stories T_T — but yes, if I wanted to move Severn into Now, as opposed to Then, that would have to be front and center eventually.

  24. michelle says:

    @hsmyers: I have long consid­ered most of my editors to be saints, yes :)

  25. michelle says:

    @Melanie: I went to the eye doctor and then spent the rest of the day — all of it — unable to see without flinching or squinting. Which… sort of counts?

  26. michelle says:

    @Darbie: It’s not finished yet, so I don’t have a release date; at this point, I am not sure how long it takes for the various stages that occur normally after a book is done. I know it goes to editor, copy-editor, type­setter, proof-reader — but I don’t know how long each of those stages takes. So: Hunter’s Redoubt will give me some idea of how long between “finished” and publi­ca­tion things will be. But: still not finished yet.

  27. michelle says:

    @Jo-Ann: I loved this story!

  28. michelle says:

    @Diane: Thank you :). Does that mean you — like me — didn’t read the preview chapter?

  29. michelle says:

    @Lee: And thank you!

  30. Mary Allen says:

    I got noti­fied by Barnes and Nobel that my book would arrive on December 2nd. so ordered the e‑book. Have read it. Loved it. I espe­cially enjoy Kaylin having more friends, the cohort to help her. Now have to wait for Hunter’s Redoubt. Will there be a Hard back of Hunter’s Redoudt?

  31. michelle says:

    @Mary Allen: No, there won’t be a hard­cover; at this point, that’s beyond my ability to promise =/

  32. Gerri Lynn says:

    Mandoran and Ismelda are now tied for the posi­tion of favorite secondary char­acter. Mandoran has the edge because of more exposure.

  33. Joyce says:

    My son said “Thanks­giving is over where is Christmas?” to which I replied “My Christmas came early.” I read last night to 50% and finished tonight. Kaylin is really blooming now. I love seeing her more confi­dent and capable. 

    As I am older than Imelda and not Barrani (damn the luck) I respect­fully inquire about any projected conclu­sion to the main series? I plan to live a long time yet but my eyes may not agree and I am not fond of audio books.

  34. Aquilegia says:

    I was finishing my reread of Conflict so I was a bit later than I wanted to be getting started. Darn those real life respon­si­bil­i­ties delaying my reading pleasures. 

    It was, of course, excel­lent as always. I won’t say it was too short, but I certainly wanted my enjoy­ment to last longer. There­fore I must get started on rereading the entire series to put every­thing in proper context

    I do have a ques­tion which shouldn’t be spoilery. Several times when she is in the front office taking reports vampires are mentioned. I am hoping that it is fore­shad­owing for a future book. Is that possible? Or is is just to illus­trate the bizarre things people report?

  35. Elizabeth says:

    @Aquilegia (or to piggy back on their last bit)

    I was hoping the same. I haven’t finished it yet but Michele Sagara is very very good at fore­shad­owing — including and off hand comment early in the series about a lost library, as well as a reclu­sive 6th race that no one talks about after the first book

  36. michelle says:

    @Aquilegia: It is both to illus­trate bizarre things, but also Kaylin has encoun­tered the Barrani version of Vampirism in the first couple of books. Which are not, of course, the same :)

  37. michelle says:

    @Joyce: I don’t have a reason­able answer to that ques­tion; I have a Michelle answer, which is: I have an ending in mind, but I intend to start it when I run out of stories I’d like to tell — because after that point, I can’t tell anymore in the current configuration.

  38. Jazzlet says:

    Wonderful! I managed not to stay up ridicu­lously late to finish Eter­nity, and to spread the plea­sure over three days, but now I need to start the series all over agin to check on various things What hard­ship! ;-) Thank you so much for the series and for this book, it was good to have an old human as a main char­acter as we see that so rarely.

  39. Aquilegia says:

    @Michelle, @Elizabeth I also recall a Barrani, in an offhand manner, mentioning their version of vampires in the text. Some­thing that has not been mentioned since the first few books. That made me extra curious. 

    I am left with an annoying mixture of gleeful antic­i­pa­tion and doleful resig­na­tion. I love finding little hints and clues that make me excited and hopeful for the next install­ment. But, at the same time I know that I must wait a year or more. Since it may take a while to bring it to fruition. A tiny part of me is throwing a childish temper tantrum. I want it now, now, NOW! Even though I know that it is impossible

  40. Sara says:

    Having started the series in 2020 I’ve had the priv­i­lege of reading (one might infer “bingeing) the series…and then I fall into the trap of rereading, following each new publication.

    What an absolute joy to antic­i­pate each new title and then be thor­oughly satis­fied once finished.…with just a hint of saddness knowing the wait for the next install­ment has just begun.

    Thank you for creating a new (to me), yet relat­able world to completely immerse ourselves.

  41. michelle says:

    @Sara: And thank you for reading!

  42. michelle says:

    @Aquilegia & Sara: As a reader, I sympa­thize — I do this a lot. I’ve finished, I want the next book! But I admit as a writer, the one full day of reading = six months of work (or more)…

  43. Taen says:

    The latest instal­ment was wonderful, I enjoyed every minute… and of course the subse­quent rereads of all the others. I’m very much looking forward to the book set in the Acad­emia, I hope we will see Robin and his friend feature heavily!

  44. Asia says:

    Thank you, this was amazing read! Loved the book and the story. It was great to see so much of cohort but I will admit that I am missing Night­shade (I just so love the char­acter and his inter­ac­tions with Kaylin)!! As always waiting for the next one and the Acad­emia book sounds great! ❤️🥳

  45. Tom Hauser says:

    I have loved reading these books. My step mom discov­ered them this summer and I have read them ALL. I was thrilled when Cast in Eter­nity arrived at my door and I also stayed up late finishing it over the course of two days. I know the choice to have the entire Cast series be from Kaylin’s perspec­tive is inten­tional, but I think my favorite part of the Wolves books is expe­ri­encing the other char­ac­ters’ perspec­tive of Severn in the course of his story. I really loved Severn’s books. I’d love to read more from his perspec­tive. I’d also love to know more of the thoughts of our other char­ac­ters. The epilogue with Teela hugging Terano was really sweet.

    Regarding Night­shade: I am so ready for Kaylin to ditch his mark, as some part of her growing into herself. Everyone but Kaylin knows or fears how strong she actu­ally is. I totally think she could remove Night­shade’s mark herself. To make sense with the every­thing that’s happened, it prob­ably needs be a part of her healing her past trauma (I won’t say more to avoid spoilers)

    I think I’m also ready for Kaylin to grow up a bit more. I wouldn’t mind her learning to shield her mind from her name bound.

  46. Andrea says:

    Loved it! Haven’t had a chance to do my typical, imme­diate re-read, but soon. I admit I was hoping for more of Kaylin/Severn, but it’s still excel­lent. I was also happy to see some different char­ac­ters. I want to say more but don’t want to spoil anything. On another note: I really hate Night­shade, but seem to be in the minority? Someone commented that they want her to ditch the mark, espe­cially to do it herself, and I am 100% on board with that! Can’t wait for the next one :)

  47. Aquilegia says:

    @Tom @Andrea As much as many of us are not terribly fond of Nightshade’s posses­sive atti­tude, my impres­sion is that he will never just go away. He is prac­ticing patience right now, like a careful ambush predator waiting for their prey to be vulner­able. He will give up anything that can add to his power only if he is dead, or in exchange for more power. I believe that his pride cannot allow anything less.

    I liked how he seemed to change in the alter­nate time­line with Gilbert. If he has enough time to think away from other people and the stupid power plays, he could mature into… well not exactly someone who would make a good romantic partner, but possibly a good friend. There are more impor­tant things in life than pride.

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