the Author

Shadow of a Change, For the Love of God, and Hunger

Posted in ebooks, self-publishing, Short Stories.

I have finally managed the last little bits and pieces of asso­ci­ated format­ting & ISBN retrieval and back-cover blurb writing (which I am not terribly good at, sadly), and have final­ized three short stories. As decided by general consensus, the shorts are being released in chrono­log­ical order.

One of the things that really strikes me, rereading them, is how much tech­nology has changed, because two of the three are set in the theo­ret­ical now, which would really be the now of the early ‘90s. Honestly, some­times it is very hard not to revise everything.

Shadow of A Change is the first of the three (or the 9th of the sixty, depending on how we’re counting). It was orig­i­nally published in Dinosaur Fantastic, edited by Mike Resnick and Martin H. Green­berg, and then reprinted later in Dinosaurs!, a reprint anthology edited by Martin H. Greenberg.

It’s contem­po­rary. (This is me trying not to say very much else about it).

It’s in the queue at Amazon and iBooks, and is now avail­able at Smash­words.

For the Love of God is my first attempt at alter­nate history. It’s not my last attempt. Orig­i­nally published in Alter­nate Warriors, which was edited by Mike Resnick (in the early years, you’ll see his name frequently), it’s the story of Thomas Beket and Henry; in this short, Henry does not have Thomas killed (or, Thomas is not killed by outraged followers of Henry, depending on how you choose to read history).

It’s in the queue at Amazon and the iBook­store, and up at Smash­words, where it is also in the queue for even­tual B&N, Kobo, Diesel and Sony stores.

Hunger is the last of the three. It’s told in first person, and was orig­i­nally published in Christmas Ghosts, edited by — surprise! — Mike Resnick & Marthin H. Green­berg. Not surpris­ingly, it is about a Christmas Ghost, sort of. I still really like this one.

It’s also in the Amazon and iBook­store queues, up at Smash­words, and from Smash­words, in the queue to reach the other etailers.

13 Responses to Shadow of a Change, For the Love of God, and Hunger

  1. Mary Allen says:

    On a previous comment someone mentioned that Kiriel di’Ashaf’s early life as deleted chap­ters from a Sun Sword novel was some­where on you live journal. Having spent almost four hours looking at previous comments I wonder if someone knows the exact date or where on your site this mate­rial can be read. I am saving the next three short stories for my flight to Dallas on my nook. I didn’t enjoy the Black Osprey’s as much as I thought I would because it was too short and I know more of the back story so wanted more from the short story than it could possibly deliver.

  2. Mary Allen says:

    Being new at this I forgot to note that I need to be noti­fied with an answer. Sorry.

  3. Michelle says:

    Going back through the Archive posts, I found at least one of the links in May 2011 State of the Writer, Mary Allen, curtesy of Aaron. A copy of his post is pasted below:

    May 21, 2011 @ 03:50:16
    I under­stand that these were incomplete/cut scenes, but you may want to consider including or even expounding on:

    1. Meralonne vs. Anduvin (held back from Sea of Sorrows)

    2. Kiriel’s Investi­ture (from http://​msagara​.live​journal​.com/​41039​.​h​tml)

    P.S. I’m sorry if I’m being pedantic, but people ask about these in e‑mail and the yahoo group periodically.

  4. hjbau says:

    Is that both of them? I have them saved on my computer so i can email them if anyone wants them. Michelle hasn’t minded that in the past.

  5. Aaron says:

    The Meralonne/Anduvin cut scene is exactly that — a cut scene, not a short story. It was manu­ally e‑mailed years ago to people who requested it because of some perti­nent thread of discus­sion on the Yahoo group (that I can’t recall, atm).

    I believe that it’s still OK to pass it around (Michelle can correct me on this if neces­sary); however, it should NOT be posted publicly for copyright/licensing reasons.Also, rather than flood this site with off-topic requests, just ask someone on the yahoo group to send it to you.

    Kiriel’s Investi­ture, on the other hand, is avail­able publicly at the following link on her LJ:


    I only dredged those exam­ples up because I was inter­ested in seeing if perhaps Michelle wanted to expound/expand on those stories for the Essalieyan releases. At the time, I wasn’t clear that she had planned on releasing her entire back catalog as well. Sorry for the confusion.

  6. mary allen says:

    Thank you, thank you, Thank you. I was able to read the Kiriel’s investi­ture from the
    Aaron post but not the deleted scene. I own and read and re-read every­thing I have been able to get my hands on that you have written.. I am so glad I discov­ered you after you had already written 14 or 15 books. I read fast and love the char­ac­ters in all the books. I was saving Hunt­brother for here in Alabama. I am sitting on a porch on a ridge over­looking the Tennessee River but no wire­less so getting the Kiriel story was a real treat. I have copies of all the Cast novels and two of the Sun Sword books here but left the rest in Tampa so had already re-read every­thing including the posted chap­ters to Ruin so was happy to get a never before read chapter. Thanks again for hours of pleasure.

  7. Kerri Knorr says:

    *sigh* How long can iTunes take, anyway? Don’t answer that.

    Do you know if any of the down­loads at Smash­words would work with an iPod touch? If not, I am sorely tempted to go the .pdf route and make vaguely rude gestures in iTunes’ direction.

  8. The epubs at Smash­words do work on an iPad (which is not an iPod), but I’m assuming because they use the iBooks soft­ware, they would work with an iPod (I have an iPhone, and they work with that, although it’s true I’ve only tested one of them — I’ve down­loaded and trans­ferred all of them to the iPad, though.)

  9. Kerri Knorr says:

    Thank you! I would be unhap­pily surprised if any book format that could be read on iPhone and iPad couldn’t also be read on iPod Touch, yes. If that were the case, the gestures in iTunes’ direc­tion would be ‘decid­edly rude’ and my language ‘uncivil’.

  10. technomom says:

    For the record, yes, I’ve read many a book on an iPod Touch! I passed it on to my daughter when I got my iPad.

    I’m not using the iPad as an ereader, though — I got a Nook for that. The iPad is for stitching and all-around playing!

  11. Kerri Knorr says:

    These have finally appeared on iTunes (fear of not being able to figure out how to load them on my iPod managed to out-stub­born my impa­tience. Cowardice does work, sometimes.)

    (I read Cast in Ruin WAY too fast, rather the way I usually eat choco­late. I loved every moment of it. Well… until I ran out of it.)

  12. lavanya says:

    hi michelle,
    for the love of god — intriguing. And is Becket spelt Beket on purpose, given that it’s alter­nate history or am I being my usual obses­sive-compul­sive self? Michelle, have you seen Becket (Richard Burton as Becket & Peter O
    Toole as Henry II) & Lion in Winter ‑Henry II 10 – 15 years on, with Katherine Hepburn as a bril­liant Eleanor and Anthony Hopkins as Richard LIon­heart? Burton does a magnif­i­cent portrayal of the extremely worldly and sensual Thomas and his reluc­tant conver­sion to a man of prin­ciple. I think TS Eliot would have approved. And O’Toole is, as always, an absolute genius, Looking forward eagerly to reading your version when it finally hits the shore of this distant land. Now, I just have to hang on and try not to hate everyone who’s got their grubby paws on Cast in Ruin.……

  13. Genna Warner says:

    I haven’t been able to get into For the Love of God, prob­ably because I don’t remember my history surrounding the deal with Becket and Henry II. So I am a bit lost in the story. However, I really loved Hunger and Season of Change. I wanted Season of Change to be a bit longer and let me know what happened after the change completed. And I found Hunger to be haunt­ingly beat­u­iful and of course I teared up at the end. I am looking forward to reading more of the short stories.

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