the Author

Cast In Sorrow, release day, with bonus Forums!

Posted in Audio books, Cast, ebooks, Elantra, Luna, writing.

It’s a little on the later side because I am packing for Worldcon, but Cast In Sorrow should be avail­able in the wild, deliv­eries and orders willing.

The ebook should be avail­able at all ebook sellers as of today; at least one person has said their library has it.

The audio book, however, is not yet avail­able. My publisher said, in response to my panicked email, that Audible​.com will be releasing the book, but a bit later (in September). I’m sorry about the delay >.<

(Edited to add: from Laura in comments below: The audio­book is now available.)

I am actu­ally writing this on my iPad at the book­store, because of course the books arrived here just after I’d left for the day yesterday, and I won’t other­wise be back for a week, on account of Worldcon.

I also sent a blog in to drey’s library, which is due to go live tomorrow. I’ll try to include the link when I have it, because I think some of you will like it. No, Michael, it’s not a rant. It’s up here.

I’m now trying some­thing that I mentioned earlier: Forums. The link on the navi­ga­tion bar above will take you there. To comment, you’ll have to register, because the SPAM is insane if regis­tra­tion isn’t required. Yes, this is from personal expe­ri­ence. While attempting to set up the Forums, with guest posting turned on. Who knew that there were random forum spam bots? I do, now. I think I was happier in a state of hopeful ignorance.

There are cate­gories there, but anyone can start a topic. The rules, with a bit of history, are here.

There’s a Spoiler topic for Cast In Sorrow, and I think it’s safe to say there will be spoilers there. People who don’t want to be spoiled can avoid topics that are marked for spoilers.

53 Responses to Cast In Sorrow, release day, with bonus Forums!

  1. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard says:

    Off to the Forums!!!

  2. Joy says:

    I had the e‑book as of 00:15 this morning:)

  3. laura says:

    Audible has the book on audio for down­load by your usual reader for this series. I did have to email them about it, around noon or so today, and they replied they were looking into but made no promises. Shortly after I checked the site again and there it was, so, no waiting for those who are getting it from Audible. :)

  4. controuble says:

    Got my copy Monday night — the kind lady at one of the San Antonio Barnes & Noble stores got it out of the back for me after I told her I would be working on setting up Worldcon today. :)

  5. Adenike says:

    I got my copy and have inhaled it several times. I don’t know if how I can wait until next year…

  6. MMcLean says:

    I guess I know where I’ll be going tomorrow (Bakka!)

  7. mdneale says:

    Boyfriend picked up the last avail­able copy at my local book­store for me today! Am so excited to start reading it!!!

  8. Debbie Holcomb says:

    Loved it! So much going on I will have to re-read it many times. Can’t wait for the next one. THANK YOU MICHELLE!!!

  9. michelle says:

    Thank you so much! I was told by my editor that they had picked it up, and it was being offered — but in September. So possibly there was a switch that wasn’t flipped on the web-page — but I’m happy it’s there now :)

  10. michelle says:

    You’ve already read it several times? o.O

    The next book isn’t finished yet .…

  11. cherie says:

    have it, read it, loved it.

  12. Cin says:

    I keep reading about a cast in flames, is this the next book? Enjoyed the latest book

  13. premibb says:

    The pain of being an Aussie fan, I can’t find it anywhere! Even the eBooks aren’t avail­able till September :-(

  14. I’m in Germany and was able to buy it via Kobo, so maybe they’ll be acco­mo­dating to Australians, too? Or the Harle­quin site itself, they usually sell direct to all the world.
    http://​ebooks​.harle​quin​.com/​89​B​25​A​C​0​-​D​B​26​-​4​E​46​-​9131 – 1CFE74A95BDF/10/141/en/SearchResultsImprint.htm?SearchID=37474797&SortBy=date

  15. But it’s the good drug, no side effect and just leaves a satis­fied sigh at the end ^^.

    I haven’t read it several times, just once (as I’m on holiday that was doable), but it was so good.

  16. premibb says:

    I’ve tried everyone I can think of, iBooks, amazon, harle­quin etc but they’re all saying September for me :-( prob­ably some­thing to do with an Australian IP address or something

  17. Michael says:

    No, Michael, it’s not a rant.”

    Glad you cleared that up. I was going to make popcorn…

  18. laura says:

    Not a problem! I know it’s not some­thing you have any control over really and people will ask. :)

  19. Jen says:

    I bought it last night after work. Unlike last year, there were copies on release day (last year they were a couple of days late). In fact, there were 8 copies at my local B&N when I picked it up. So someone appears to have figured out how to fix the prob­lems encoun­tered with Peril.
    I stayed up to read it – given I have the begin­nings of a head cold that’s saying I lot. Today I feel like I was run over, but I am a very happy reader. Thank you!

  20. Lisa says:

    Hi all, it’s on audible​.com I just purchased it. Yeah!

  21. Lee says:

    What is the next book in the series?

  22. Tad says:

    Cast in Flames is the next book.

  23. Hilda says:

    As I said in another of Michelle’s columns,I received it on the 27th. It was incred­ible, it sat in my mailbox where UPS put it, until my son came from work. I have to say based on the comments above that Amazon finally got it right. Maybe after the hundreds of really bad comments regarding Amazon service so many of us posted in the internet, Amazon and the publishing house real­ized they should improve the handling of Michelle Sagara- West books after publishing.

  24. Marti says:

    I got my copy at about 1:00 in the 27th as well. Thank you audible!!

  25. Esther says:

    I’m on my 2nd read already too. Only reason I haven’t done more readthroughs yet is that pesky thing called work.

  26. Patricia Harvey says:

    Oh, Michelle, you just keep outdoing your­self. And how am I going to explain to my students, that I cannot grade their papers because it is imper­a­tive I learn what is going to happen next. It is simply riveting. Thank you!!!!!

  27. tony says:

    Got mine in Melbourne try either rendezvous or mino­taur they both do orders as well

  28. Kat says:

    I got mine from Rendezvous. They might have copies left. Good luck!

  29. Patricia Harvey says:

    I preordered from Barnes and Nobles and got it the day it came out!

  30. Earle says:

    got ebook first and real book today. have read several times and now have to wait for cast in flame ahg, ahg, ahg! Love what you have done so far in cast in sorrow, you can see Kaylin growing up in ways she never thought she would. Now waiting on Jewel.

  31. Farrell says:

    Just finished last night (work and family really putting a crimp on my reading time). LOVED IT! As someone said earlier, you out did your­self. Now for the reread and the wait for the next one (which is so worth it).

  32. flossiejune says:

    I just finished it last night — stun­ning addi­tion to the series! It’s going to be a looooooong wait until the next one (sigh!).

  33. Hilda says:

    The most complex Cast book so far. It seems that page by page there are new compli­ca­tions, major or minor new char­ac­ters, very popu­lated scenarios, cliff hanging,and even better an incred­ible growth for Kaylin in this series. Be prepared for a roller coaster. Forget about reading it one time. But I wonder, will Flame be all about the trip back to Elantra? Unless Michelle reserves a plane back for all of them. I love it; it will keep me busy for several weeks re-reading.

  34. krylia says:

    Umm… I LOVED the book (thanks Michelle!), but I tried to set up an account to for the forum and never got the email. I can sign in, but can’t post. Anyone know how I can be part of the discussion?

  35. michelle says:

    Yes. I don’t know why, but every so often it glitches on the email link that’s the last stage of approval. Which is to say: It sends me a message saying that the regis­tra­tion has been completed — but it leaves the account in “vali­dating”. So I’ve manu­ally checked it and it should be okay now >..

  36. krylia says:

    THANKS! I was so frus­trated! Can’t wait to join the discussion!

  37. You’re very welcome. I would have noticed sooner, but I didn’t get back from the San Antonio worldcon until late tonight.

  38. Mnem says:

    Um, write faster, please? I finished already. Blame Labor Day. :P

  39. Andrea says:

    Thank you for a lovely birthday present. Unfor­tu­nately, read it several times already… Any idea when Cast in Flame will be done? :)

    But, working on Hunter’s Oath right now. It’s more compli­cated (more view­points than just Kaylin’s), so I’m taking my time. Thank­fully, I can read when it’s slow at work. :)

    Many thanks for sharing your stories!!

  40. Roxanne Scoville says:

    I have done tge same! What and when is the next blessed event a..k.a book, or is this the end? Say it isn’t so!

  41. Arkenian says:

    Michelle — This book was lovely. Sorry for taking so long to read it. I like to read Kaylin’s story from begin­ning to end every time, and I miscal­cu­lated how busy I would be. Nonethe­less, this was one of my favorites yet, its nice to see that Kaylin really is growing up (oh so quickly.)

  42. Claire says:

    Dear Michelle, thank you for a wonderful book and an inter­esting and engaging world! Your imag­i­na­tion and commit­ment to your char­ac­ters is both a dream and an escape for me. Thank you.

  43. Earle D says:

    Well Kaylin has worked thru mind reading, poli­tics and stories w/the Barrani , she’s working on magic. Who is waiting for her to return to the city(that’s Dragons you know and dragons breath fire) What do dragons need besides their hoard. Makes some inter­esting possi­bil­i­ties for stories to go.
    In this year I have seen the end to several series of books that I enjoyed reading and I was sad to see the stories stop. Doesn’t mean other enjoy­able ones won’t be written, I will miss those stories.

  44. Sivi says:

    I’ve just ordered my copy as I had missed the launch date. can’t wait to read it and was excited to see the elec­tronic version too
    ..may have to get the back cata­logue on my kindle in addi­tion to the paper­back ordered :)

  45. julie bailey says:

    I had this book on request for 3 months from the library. I love this series. How many more will be in this series?

  46. ddurham says:

    Why is your book Cast in Sorrow in the Romance section at Barnes and Noble? strange.

  47. Sivi says:

    just receive my copy…now I have a dilemma …do I finish 1. the two books I currently have on the go first, 2. read this one first, finish in a few days and start looking out for news know the next one already! or 3. re-read the series again which I will love, but delay me getting to no.2! currently looking at my stack of the series…nearly 30cm of spines in the gorgeous artwork to weigh up between patience and instant gratification.…

  48. David Y says:

    The previous book (or one before that) was in the romance section in Chap­ters — for a week or so. I think the publisher is a divi­sion of Harle­quin (Michelle — correct me?) and normally publishes romance.

    And didn’t Night­shade kiss Kaylin — about 5 books back?

  49. Hilda says:

    I don’t know if it’s my imag­i­na­tion, but I feel readers used to write much more when they could do it on these pages following the books releases than in the Forum. I have to say that for me Forum is more compli­cated but I’m learning to navi­gate it better.
    I know Sorrow is a more complex book and I expected the many readers that are normally on these comments sections, even without spoilers. In any event, Part of the joy of reading these amazing books, is also sharing details with other readers. I’ll wait for the next book with Jewel and see what other readers like best. Comment here or in Forum.

  50. Gen says:

    I am an Audible member and the audio­book still isn’t avail­able. I use the kindle version so I at least have that one but can’t wait for the audio­book to be available.

  51. Gen says:

    Sorry, this was meant for the cast in flame not sorrow.

  52. Marti says:

    Audible is owned by Amazon. I noticed they l, Amazon listed the audio book avail­able August 12. I’ve been waiting impa­tiently for it to make its appearance.

  53. Gen says:

    Yes they did list it but it is not for the audible version even though they own audible. Michelle also commented on the Cast in Flames post which was where I meant to post this the first time. I couldn’t delete this post.

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