the Author

Cast in Silence is in the wilds!

Posted in Books, Cast, Luna.

As of last night, Cast in Silence was listed as in stock at Amazon and B&N, and one reader emailed to let me know that it’s hit book­stores in Illi­nois.  So, we’re live!

There are four things that are always exciting, even after all this time:

1.  Finishing the first draft of a novel

2.  Getting the cover flats of a novel

3.  Receiving my author’s copies, at which point it’s a real book

4.  Having the book arrive in stores, because it’s a real book for everyone else

And now, having jumped up and down like a loud, small child (and I have two, so I have some prac­tice in recog­nizing this behav­iour), I’m now going to go and work on Cast in Chaos and House Name.

49 Responses to Cast in Silence is in the wilds!

  1. Jane says:

    It’s in stock at Amazon​.com but not Amazon​.ca :( Also, I am a ebook believer with a Sony Reader and elec­tronic versions do not release until the offi­cial release date. Hurray for those who have access!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Found it in the wild yesterday and spent the whole day reading it to the accepting but annoyed husband who was hoping to have more of my atten­tion. His only conso­la­tion is that since I finished it in one day, he will be allowed to read it soon after I finish a selec­tive re-read.

    For the record and without giving anything away, I enjoyed the book and will shortly re-read the first book again.

  3. Aaron says:

    Do authors get nervous when their works become acces­sible to the masses? With this book, perhaps less so, consid­ering this is a series work in progress with an avid read­er­ship. However, I can’t help but wonder if you (in partic­ular) get butter­flies the first “opening days” of your releases.

  4. @Aaron: I answered the ques­tion in the next post because, well, it was long.

  5. Christine says:

    It’s shipped it’s shipped! I pre-ordered it ages ago from Amazon and just got an email noti­fying me that it’s been shipped!

    (Please excuse my giddi­ness, I’m awfully excited at the moment :D)

  6. Thank you :). I do actu­ally get excited when people start to let me know the book is real!

  7. Michael says:

    I just finished it in one read. It took me 10 hours and a skipped meal, but it was *so* worth it!

    This is the best of the series yet, from my perspec­tive. In the last 50 pages I just kept thinking how good you are at paying off emotional investments.

    Thank you so much for that ending. It made me really really happy.

    Now I need to go to sleep.

  8. @Michael: Excuse me while I indulge in a YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. Okay, you can go back to sleeping now :)

  9. mel says:

    I just got the book this morning and I am almost done. I am loving it. Thank you so much for writing another great book. Now I just have to wait until next year for the next one…:( But the waiting is always worth it.

  10. Vickif says:

    I just got my e‑mail from Amazon that CAST IN SILENCE shipped today 7/24. I didn’t even know it was coming since I preordered it last week. I thought it wasn’t coming out until Aug 1st but I’m very happy it’s coming sooner. Love these books and was glad to see you have more coming.

  11. CLNorman says:

    I just finished Cast in Silence a couple of hours ago and I loved it. I put off my own writing to finish it.

    I was so excited when I was shelving the cart of new releases Wednesday night and discov­ered your book at the bottom of the stack. I hadn’t even started looking for it yet.

    Thank you so much for such an enter­taining char­acter and richly compli­cated setting.

  12. Megan says:

    OMG…I can’t wait to read it! I’m so stop­ping by Barnes & Noble today…hopefully they have it! Btw, I just had a quick ques­tion pop into my head: Will Kaylin ever get a promo­tion?? I totally think she deserves one…plus maybe Severn’s Corporal status wouldn’t bother her as much if she weren’t at the absolute bottom of the totum-pole…lol.

  13. Aaron says:

    I have to agree. This is my favorite Cast book, except for perhaps the next one? Damn the publisher for putting in that teaser for Cast in Chaos. I love the pacing and the sense of “urgency” that this story conveys. I also love that you devel­oped Kaylin’s char­acter in ways that were non-obvious (i.e. her past), which added a massive layer of complexity.

    This is the book that will make me go back and reread the others with a whole new perspec­tive. To this point, I’ve only looked for that sense of subtext from your Sun Sword books.

    I’m going to make, “You hide thrones?” my devise du jour. Love it.


  14. This is the book that will make me go back and reread the others with a whole new perspec­tive. To this point, I’ve only looked for that sense of subtext from your Sun Sword books.

    This is inter­esting because I knew, when I was writing Shadow, why Kaylin had first come to the Hawk­lord’s tower. It was one of the few things I was certain about in her past. But there are really only one or two comments in any of the previous books that really relate to it, in part because I have really tried to make these books a little more stand-alone than the West novels.

    Some things do and will change going forward (about which I promise I will say no more for fear of spoilers), but some of those changes will take time to fully effect.

  15. Megan says:

    Just finished reading!! It was bril­liant and I loved the ending!! I think Kaylin’s char­acter is growing into some­thing really great and inspiring. She is defi­nitely one of my favorite hero­ines. I’m totally dying to know what happens next!! Write faster Michelle!! (Or please, please let me beta read for you! *grin*) lol

  16. msss says:

    It’s in Melbourne, Australia!

  17. Suzette says:

    I loved Cast in Silence. To me, Kaylin has always been very intu­itive and I think it’s clear that her intu­ition is a one of her greatest assets in this book. I love the reac­tions of other char­ac­ters when she she blurts out some­thing insightful and unex­pected. Also, I just loved seeing more of Tiamaris since he’s always been one of my favorite char­ac­ters. I hope to see him clash with Night­shade in Cast in Chaos.:-)

  18. SuE says:

    Hi, will be Cast in Silence avail­able as e‑book? So far, it is only avail­able for Kindle :-(
    I am from Czech republic and I usually buy e‑books at fiction­wise or booksonboard.

  19. Sonia says:

    Loved Cast in Silence, and the wait for Chaos has already become unbear­able. After reading Silence a really great title for a future Cast novel came to mind. How about Cast in Stone? You prob­a­bably have already thought of this one since it just seems to fit so perfectly. Again, love this series and I so enjoy reading about this world you have created. Thanks for everything.

  20. KC says:

    I finished Cast In Silence 2 nights ago, and now I’m reading the whole Cast series again. I loved it. I love all your books.
    I want Kaylin and Severn to do some­thing, sometime…There was a small sex scene (kind of)at the foun­tain, in the
    Tha’alani district, and I’m not a big fan of smut, but has Severn had any expe­ri­ence with it(sex) while in the wolves? It would seem he’d have to. When will Kaylin start thinking or acting out any love thoughts?

  21. KC says:

    also wondered if Kaylin was abused by Barren. It’s almost implied.

  22. Tarun Elankath says:

    Hi Michelle,

    I am from India and have spent many enjoy­able and escapist hours reading your chron­i­cles of elantra. The only problem is that is more than a little tough getting your books here. I am not sure when I would get a chance to read Cast in Silence, unless it comes as an ebook soon…

    Warm Regards…

  23. Tarun Elankath says:

    Well..what do you know, as soon as I wish for it, I see the book avail­able as an adobe DE. Already finished devouring it and I enjoyed every moment of it.

    I had expected this book to be the one where she goes to the Dragon court, but I see its going to be the next one. I did like reading about the fiefs and their towers though.

    I really do wish you had a map of the Impe­rial city , the fiefs and (part of) the surrounding empire — I am one of those readers who like a bit of geography. :)

    Thanks.. :)

  24. Megan says:

    Yes, I second the map idea!! An Elantra map would be awesome!

  25. KC says:

    I have pics(in my head) like everyone else of what all the char­ac­ters look like in the books, but what or whom do you think they look like? Do you have anyone in mind when you write the char­ac­ters, like Severn to me looks like a young Gerard Butler?

  26. OVirginSaint says:

    I just finished Cast in Silence. I got this on Friday and promised the husband that I wouldn’t inhale it over the weekend. This one is defi­nitely one of my favorites, along with Cast in Court­light. I loved, loved, loved, loooooved the ending :) Can’t wait to read Cast in Chaos!

  27. tiamat says:

    I finished Cast in Silence, like, last week, and I loved it!! I can’t wait for Cast in Chaos!! I would love to know, what did Night­shade do? I thought maybe he was outcaste because he was a fieflord,but obvi­ously not. By the way, what hair/eye color do Severn and Kaylin have? It seems like it’s changed… I’m with Megan. Write faster, oh please!!!

  28. Denise says:

    I LOVE the Chron­i­cles of Elantra — more Night­shade, please!!! :)

  29. Mark says:

    It’s Number One on the Galaxy Book­shop Best­seller list in Sydney :-D

  30. Carol Duffy says:

    Loved, loved loved Cast in Silence. Sent me back to re-read the entire series. Was totally surprised and shocked, but in the best possible way, about why Kaylin had gone to the Hawk­lord’s tower in the first place; wow. Just wow.

    And as for Night­shade; more, please. I’m getting a different sense of him as the books progress. Just one ques­tion: are we ever going to learn why he is outcaste? Will we, perhaps, get the entire story (she asked, hopefully).

  31. Susan S says:

    Am forcing myself to read Cast in Silence slowly. I reread the entire series a few weeks ago. Your work is splendid. I’m so glad there is more coming!! Write


  32. natasha says:

    i lo

  33. natasha says:

    i love love love your book!!!!!!! i’m sorry to say when you wrote cast in fury i thought you were going to start going down hill , like all writers seem to go at a certain point (it has happened many many times already). but i’m so happy to see you are not going down hill!!!
    will you answer the ques­tions about every ones past????
    will you make a map of the city???
    will Kaylin be with Severn or night­shade??????? plez nightshade

    dont stop writting!!!!!

  34. Laura says:

    As always, Cast in Silence was fabu­lous. But, I have decided. You have to write the history of Elantra and all it’s char­ac­ters from the begin­ning. Mmhmm. All of it. What were the Old Ones thinking? What’s in Ravellon? Who made the river a circle? And what was the city like when Night­shade was a whip­per­snapper? Did Night­shade get outcast because he knew Kaylin was coming? That would be rather nifty. And, my Lord, write the Dragon Wars. I need the Dragon Wars. Really. And a book that is entirely the Arkon, Sana­balis, and the Outcaste would make me insanely happy. OK. Now that I’ve requested 12 books, I’ll shaddup.

  35. Bill says:

    I thought Silence was the best book since Shadow. Maybe at least partially because I think I’ve found the key to reading the Elantra books. That is, just when the action gets going and things get really tense and you want to read faster, you have to slow down and read very care­fully, because that’s when the story seems to go into a kind of “micro” mode, and details get revealed. Makes me want to read the whole series — yet again.

    Looking forward to the next book. My one frus­tra­tion in the series has been that Kaylin has not really grown as a person; has still acted in many ways more like the 13 year old than 20. Now that we’ve seen a reason for that (and resolved the reason), maybe she can move forward; whether it’s romantic involve­ment (being a guy, I’m rooting for Sevrin), or just showing up on time.

  36. Nadiah says:

    I love this book. One thing I always find quite unset­tling, in Elantra, is that life is so hard in the fiefs. I am really happy in the direc­tion you’re going with the fiefs,or at least one fief, here (no spoilers here, I hope). I like hearing new reve­la­tions about Ravellon, I am looking forward to seeing more of the Aerie in the future, too. I really love the way you wrote Night­shade when he was younger- he’s really more like­able, and I would really be inter­ested to know if meeting Kaylin then, has anything to do with him being Outcaste. Well, I guess we’ll find out in future books, yeah?
    Thanks for the great new addi­tion to the Cast series, and I am looking forward to reading more about Kaylin in the Dragon Court in Cast in Chaos, I hope…

  37. Bill says:

    Having finished Cast in Silence, I reread Cast in Shadow — slowly and care­fully; saw things in a whole new light. I heartily recom­mend this to all serious fans of Elantra.

  38. Cass says:

    love the series in general. I’m from the TO area so espe­cially cool to be picking up a sci-fi novel from someone living (rela­tively) near by.
    The orig­i­nality behind Elantra, the magic, the sarcasm and even Kaylin herself has kept me coming back and anxious for more.

    If I’m allowed to be nega­tive, espe­cially when so many posi­tive comments above me, my main crit­i­cism of the latest book is that rela­tion­ships dont seem to be advancing all that fast. I think the third book had been making more progress with Kaylin’s men in her life, whereas the last it kind of got put on the back­burner. And since I’m not a patient person when it comes to rela­tion­ships, could Kaylin PLEASE evolve in her thinking towards these men. Not asking for it to be wrapped up in a bow next book, but just that some­thing happens, puts a little more pres­sure on Kaylin to see them, that either one or both puts some sort of move on, so that we have that romantic/relationships tension.

    thanks for hearing me out and happy writing,

  39. Donna says:

    Dear Michelle,

    I have only just recently discov­ered your books and read them as fast as Dymocks could order them in for me. Just got Cast In Silence last week and though I really really want to skip to the end to see how things turn out, I’m savouring the book as we have to wait until 2010 for the next book. (I hate waiting, my own self) But I love your work! Thanks for writing them!

  40. Carol says:

    I think everyone need to remember, when they are encour­aging the forward move­ment in the romance area, that the time span between books is not very long. Sure we have to wait about a year for the next book, however that’s not a year in Kaylin’s life. It’s gener­ally about a week or the next month. SOOOO having said that, I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!!!!!
    Can’t wait for Chaos! (What’s with the 10 hour reads??) I finished mine in 3 then went back to reread.

  41. Maria says:

    so… I absolutely love your books. they are in my happy books list. also, Night­shade is on my illicit lovers wall (wall of names of char­ac­ters in books I adore with all my heart). on that note, I would love to see more of him, because his cool aloofy­ness (that totally isn’t a word) makes me happy. haven’t read cast in silence yet, but I have a sneaking suspi­cion it will make me happy. I actu­ally avoided cast in fury because of the lack of Night­shade. sigh.

  42. Melanie Belisle says:

    I recently got “hooked” on The Chron­i­cles of Elantra…I’ve read all 5 in the last month. Love them! Had a problem with Cast In Silence…the printing not the book. Bought it at the local Borders and found out at page 160 the book was misprinted…it’s completely missing chap­ters 12 and 13 among other issues. Tried to exchange it and the other two copies on their shelves were the same.…thought you should be informed.….Looking forward to the next book 2010 is soooo long to wait.


    A New Fan in Illinois

  43. Melodie says:

    Please could you recom­mend other authors similar in writing style to the books “Chron­i­cles of Elantra”. This is my first Fantasy books and I this writing style.

  44. Diane says:

    I love all the ‘Cast’ books but gener­ally wait until they are out in mass paper­back as I find the larger trade paper­backs diffi­cult to hold. (I have CFS, so it’s an energy problem with the larger books.)

    This means I haven’t even yet been able to read ‘Cast in fury’, let alone ‘Cast in silence’. Are there any plans to bring these out in a smaller format or will I just have to go ahead and buy the larger books and deal with the weight?


  45. Aie says:

    Are the later Cast books ever likely to be re-released in MMP format? How/why did they decide to re-release the first three in MMP format?

    I, rather unfor­tu­nately, bought the first book in MMP format just before Luna switched every­thing to trade paper­back, and then I had to wait forever to get the second two books. I am rather finicky about the books in a series matching size, because my book­shelves are orga­nized by size to maxi­mize the number of books I can fit; and walking across the room to get to the second half of a series is annoying (which is why I only have one series that does that).

  46. Neil MacMurchy says:

    I would like to add my voice to those requesting a map. I am on the latest one (Silence) and a map would be great in the next book. At teh very least a map of Elantra, the various Quar­ters and Night­shade would be nice to see.

  47. jj says:

    what does the violet in night­shade’s mean, since green is content, and blue angry

  48. catherine says:

    i love tour book soo munch;;;but please, when come the next “cast in chaos”. i don’t find it on the web bye

  49. Suzette says:

    Hi jj,

    I think the violet in Night­shade’s eyes indi­cate arousal. Purple passion. :-)

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