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Category Archives: New Category

Posted in DAW, writing, covers, Jody Lee, New Category.

In the words of Granny Weath­erwax, “I Aten’t Dead.” This is the cover for Oracle, the sixth book in The House War. I asked for it so I could post it on the web-site. And then forgot >.<. I used to be so much better at orga­ni­za­tion, I swear. My entire life at the moment is coffee, Cast in Honor, coffee, page proofs, tea, falling-over. I have tweeted a couple of times in the past week and consider this a major social media win for me. I apol­o­gize profusely to anyone who has sent email or tumblr or face­book comments: I am on such a tight dead­line (my own fault, of course) that I have no brain cells left for anything else. (Yes, this causes hilarity in my house­hold. Sadly.)