the Author

Category Archives: Cast

Posted in Cast, writing, chapters.

It’s October 2022, and at the end of November, 2022, Cast in Eter­nity will be published. It was a book written entirely during Covid lock­down. I wonder if, a decade from now, I’ll remember that as clearly. I’m mostly hoping I won’t. I try to post the first chapter of an upcoming book a month before release day. So: this is the post for that. The first chapter of Cast in Eter­nity is here, but you can also find it on the bibli­og­raphy page for the CAST novels. *** I am contin­uing to write, both Sagara and West words. The Sagara words are for the as yet unti­tled Magic School book — but I am sad to say that my Magic School book is … not quite what I thought it … Continue reading 

Posted in Audio books, Cast, Elantra.

I have spent the last day doing my taxes (in Canada, the dead­line is the end of April. Except appar­ently when that falls on a weekend, in which case it’s the first Monday after the 30th). But, I have bits and pieces of news. My new editor is Leah Mol, new to the Mira team. Like me, she’s a Toron­tonian, so I got to meet her in person. I am feeling vastly more comfort­able now. First: I have been invited to be a Guest of Honor at the UK’s East­ercon in 2024, which will take place in Telford, between the 29th of March and the 1st of April. Second: The audio­book for Riven Shield is now avail­able.  It’s narrated by Eva Wilhelm, as all the West novels are, and (some) of … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Elantra, grovelling apology.

Well, I had hoped to have good news — and may have good news in the not too distant future — but. I mentioned that a miscom­mu­ni­ca­tion meant that my dead­line had been short­ened, and spent all of February pushing to write more words than I normally write. Towards the end of February, my brain … ran out of good words, and so I had garbage words and had to go back and uproot and revise while looking at looming dead­line approaching like – as I mentioned – a train, while I was on the tracks. It’s why I can’t gener­ally write faster. I can do it for desperate, emer­gen­cies, but I can’t continue at that pace because I run out of good words, and I have to then take time away from writing for that well to refill — so on … Continue reading 

Posted in Audio books, Cast, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing.

Happy (very late) New Year! I survived Christmas stress. I’m pretty certain the imme­diate family survived my Christmas stress as well >.>. I admit that I was taken by surprise, because in general I would not be consid­ered an opti­mistic person by nature, and as I mentioned else­where, I had not real­ized just how much I had been looking forward to a “normal” christmas, until Omicron hit and that went right out the window. But! After just over a week of writing holiday, I found my writing feet again, and have been getting myself back on track. First: Sea of Sorrows has finally made it to audible​.com. I’ve updated the link on the bibli­og­raphy page. This is the first time I’ve done things on my own, so I have no idea whether or … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, Essalieyan, Audio books, Cast.

I appar­ently missed the November 2021 report, although I did post a couple of things during the absent State of the Author for November. This is kind of State of the Author for December, but with a couple of extras. First: The Queen of the Dead omnibus was published on the 7th of December. I missed the date, for which I apol­o­gize. As the title suggests, it’s the omnibus version of the three books about Emma Hall and the after­life: Silence, Touch and Grave. I admit that while reading page proofs for the omnibus, I cried. I’ve been told it’s a bit heavy, emotion­ally speaking, but if you haven’t read it and are curious, it’s avail­able now.   *** I have audio­book news as well. Tantor Media picked up the first … Continue reading