the Author

HOUSE NAME is the third novel in The House War, the series that began with The Hidden City and City of Night. Set in the same rich fantasy universe as Michelle West’s Sacred Huntduology and her six-book Sun Sword series, the House Warnovels recount the events leading to the momen­tous battle between the demonic minions of the Lord of the Hells and defenders of the Essalieyan Empire – a realm with a long and bloody history. The empire is ruled by the Twin Kings, them­selves the sons of gods. It is also controlled by The Ten, the heads of the most influ­en­tial Houses in Aver­alaan, the capital of the Empire.

But The House War focuses no only on the larger war but also on the campaign to control the most powerful of the ruling Houses in the Essalieyan Empire – House Terafin.

As House Name opens, former street orphan Jewel and her den have been given shelter in House Terafin. The price for them to remain there is that Jewel must prove her value to the House. And saving The Terafin, the ruler of the House, from a demonic assas­si­na­tion attempt is certainly a good start.

Now Jewel has been assigned the task of finding the entry­ways to the ancient under­city that lies beneath the streets of the empire’s capital, Aver­alaan. But even with the aid of the most powerful First Circle Mage of the Order of Knowl­edge, Jewel’s search seems hope­less. All of the ways into the under­city seem to be magi­cally disap­pearing before Jewel can lead the mage to them. And if they can’t find a means to reach the under­city, they will not be able to prevent the demon kin from what­ever attack they are planning.

Not only does Jewel fear that failure on her part will see her den expelled from House Terafin, but she has been trou­bled by grim visions of the future – visions of the death and destruc­tion of all she has come to hold dear.

Yet is is not until the unthink­able happens – a direct attack on House Terafin – that the stakes are raised to a whole new level. And both Jewel and the Terafin can only hope that it is not already too late to prevent the demon kin from reaching the goal they have worked centuries to achieve – the return of the Lord of the Hells to the mortal realm….

Hardcover published January 2011 by DAW Books
ISBN 978-07564-0651-6 • 615 pages • Cover art by Jody Lee
Find it at Amazon • IndigoIndiebound
Books A Million •  B & N •  Powell’s • Book Depository

Mass Market published January 2012 by DAW Books
ISBN 978-7564-0703-2 • 728 pages • Cover art by Jody Lee
Find it at Amazon • IndigoIndiebound
Books A Million •  B & N •  Powell’s • Book Depository

eBook published January 2011 by DAW Books
Find it at Amazon/Amazon outside of NA • B&N • iTunes US/CA/UK/AUKobo/Kobo outside of North America • SonyDiesel • Google • OmniLit

Audiobook published March 2013 by Audible Frontier • Narrated by Jody A. Lee
Find it at Audible US/UK • iTunes US/CA/UK • Narrated by Eva Wilhelm

Other books in The House War