the Author

Book day! Cast in Flight

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Mira.

Today, Cast in Flight offi­cially launches. It’s avail­able in ebook, audio­book and trade paperback.

I’m a little bit behind, which I know will come as a shock to all of you. I am working on (not finished) War and the next Cast novel, which is absent a reason­able title — the working title is Cast in Treachery, but I’m not certain it works. So “Next Cast Novel” is how I will prob­ably refer to it until I have a title that does.

I kind of crashed at the end of the Summer, and had zero brain left for anything like produc­tive writing. I always post sample chap­ters — but this time around, it totally fell off the table, swept out of my head by the lack of func­tional brain. I’m really sorry =/.

When the brain goes off-line, I tend to narrow focus, to try to get the essen­tial things done (in this case, the actual books). So I’ve been mostly off-line.

But! Cast in Flight!

Cast in Flight

46 Responses to Book day! Cast in Flight

  1. E says:

    So good! Really enjoy this stores and happy release day!

  2. Cherie says:

    Reading it now and enjoying it.

  3. Halyna P says:

    I’ve already got it in my hot little hands! Can’t wait to start reading! it’s going to be a very sleep­less night!!!

  4. Zia says:

    It’s nice to hear from you again! I’m sorry you had such an exhausting end to the summer. I hope things are settling down for you. 

    I actu­ally managed to get two copies of the book from two different Barnes and Noble on Saturday, the 22nd. Given 2016 hasn’t been my favorite year, it was a defi­nite high­light to the year. Heck, it was very much a high­light for the month of October. I absolutely loved the book. So many good scenes! 

    I now finally also have the e‑book copy, and Amazon dropped the other book copy some­time today so I somehow managed to get 4 copies…but I’m not complaining!

    Looking forward to the next Cast book, as well as War, and I hope the writing continues some­what smoothly. Thank you so very much for writing all of your books.

  5. Tchula says:

    Yay! Amazon just deliv­ered my copy. Can’t wait to start reading! :-D

  6. Rita says:

    Woo Hoo! Just down­loaded it. Thank you so much for writing this series and all your other books, which I have read, I just love your books! I know it’s very trying for you some­times, I greatly appre­ciate the sacri­fices you and your family have made.

  7. AMAZON SAYS 1st NOV for ME

  8. Reading it now and half way done.

  9. as long as you don’t name the next one “Cast In Resin” ;)!

  10. Mich Li says:

    Yes!!! Got my e‑book and now awaiting the actual bok itself!!!!

  11. br60103 says:

    No, it’s Cast in Lost Wax.

    Dang. I just logged in and it’s too late to go to the store.

  12. merie says:

    Thank you, thank you. Just picked up my copy“Cast in flight”

  13. Gypsy Michaels says:

    Happy week! I can’t wait until my copy arrives. Thank you! You are an awesome wordsmith. ????

  14. Joey says:

    Congrat­u­la­tions! I have a CAST title sugges­tion, of course!

  15. Kat says:

    Mine arrived today! Very impressed since it came from the UK to Oz and I usually have to wait longer. Can’t wait to read it.

  16. anne says:

    Just been informed by Amazon UK that they are having diffi­culty in getting the book — so having to wait longer , SOOO SAD

  17. Eva says:

    I hale already read the complete Cast in Flight.
    Great work! Thank you.

  18. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    As always — thank you! I’m loving this story. The humor is incred­ible. I can’t stop laughing. I almost feel sorry for Kaylin but … haha­ha­ha­haha. Wonderful!

  19. Daniel Catudal says:

    Its such a good news this morning and sad at the same time since I’m working and cant start reading right now. I’ll try the audio­book after I have read it, some­thing I have never done before. Love your books, all of them. Please, pretty please, keep up this wonderful work. I wish you the best and send you happy thoughts.

  20. ElizabethN says:

    I have Cast in Flight in ebook and audio­book now, yay! Hard part is finding time to read, have hopes for this weekend.

  21. Did a sample d/l yesterday (silly me) and purchased it as soon as I got to the end of the sample. About ⅓ of the way through. Very well done. I was a little disap­pointed in the last book (only in compar­ison to the excel­lent quality of the rest of the series) but am enjoying this one immensely. 


  22. Andrea Smith says:

    It’s great to hear from you again. I worry when we don’t hear from you for long months at a time. Your always so busy. Hope you took the time needed to reju­ve­nate mind, body and soul. 

    I got my phys­ical /audio copy of Cast in Flight and loved it. Thanks so much for your gift of writing. I’m looking forward to your next book. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your writing goes as smoothly as possible. But didn’t you finish up Grave/Queen of the Dead Trilogy that was so trying?

  23. Donna Mould says:

    Alas, we don’t get it here in Oz on Kindle for another week or so.

  24. crystalle says:

    I am surprised that Sana­balis doesn’t make an appear­ance at all in cast in flight? Consid­ering that when he was in the keep­er’s garden, air was his element of choice. Not to mention he’s one of my favourite char­acter, if not the most fav.

  25. Rose says:

    Just finished it and again another great read! Now comes the wait for the next one???? In the mean­time, I like to reread the series. Thanks again!

  26. Carina says:

    Finished it yesterday :D
    I liked this one much better than the last one, because Kaylin spent much less time in abstract magical space and more time with the people around her. Even Severn got a few more lines this time, so yay! (Still waiting for that rela­tion­ship to develop some more — no matter which direc­tion. At this point, Mandoran seems to play a bigger role in Kaylin’s life than Severn.)

    You still seem to forget the poor man a couple of times (as in, was he tagging along or not and when did he leave) — or forget who was with Kaylin in general from one chapter to the next.
    I admit I’m more inclined to blame your editor for not fixing those things though.

  27. Farrell Maginnis says:

    Happily reading the newest install­ment of my favorite series! Thank you!

  28. elainethomp says:

    Bought 2, one for the daughter who had a conve­nient birthday, both read and discussed to pieces. We like. Kaylin is showing the thinking she started last book continues. Hooray! (and about time.)

    It seems you’re prep­ping for a grand climax that will be a few books out yet, but coming.

    Did you change the Emper­or’s name? or did the copy­ed­itor not catch a typo?

  29. Kat says:

    Are you still plan­ning a shadow wolf book? I feel like I’ve been anxiously awaiting it for years.

  30. Loes van scheijndel says:

    I would really like to buy the book but Apples ibook in Holland does not sell. Nor are any of the cast books availeble in dutch stores. So please istore ibook must be posseble

  31. michelle says:


    I will pass this on to the publisher. I’m sorry it’s not avail­able there =/.

  32. michelle says:

    @Kat re: Shadow wolf book

    Yes — but. The last time I thought I had a Shadow Wolf book, it ended up being a Teela book. I had all of these ideas that were completely derailed by the conver­sa­tion between Teela and Kaylin in Cast in Peril. Some­times I start and I know what the book is about — and then, it moves; it shows me the heart of the book. This sounds a bit stupid, I know — but my intel­lect is at the fore when I’m plan­ning; the emotional core only comes to the fore when I’m doing the actual writing.

  33. michelle says:



    This is kind of the author’s personal night­mare. For a variety of reasons, there was a very large dead­line crush at the end. I typed a name that is, in fact, the name of a very powerful crea­ture — in the wrong series. And I didn’t notice when going through copy-edits and page proofs because on the page it looked right T_T. And of course, there it is. I can’t actu­ally change it. 

    The announce­ment of this at WFC — to a table of fellow writers — caused winces and deep personal sympathy, but.

  34. michelle says:

    @ Andrea:

    It’s the usual thing. The minute I’m being snowed under by dead­lines — or worse, when I’m ditching thou­sands of words because they don’t quite work — I begin to feel like a fraud. And… people mostly want to talk to Michelle-the-Writer, and if I were actu­ally the writer they love, then I wouldn’t be making so many mistakes, and and and.

    So… then I’m offline trying to somehow fix All The Things so I can actu­ally hold my head up (or at least, you know, lift it). 

    Also: if a book is late — which is on me in almost all cases. Actu­ally, I could make a list of author guilt. But then I think: I will wait until I have good news to post! And because books are hundreds of thou­sands of words, and hundreds of pages, that “wait until” can actu­ally really be a lot longer than I intended.

  35. michelle says:


    You must have written this at the dinner section of the book, right?

  36. michelle says:

    @Joey who has a title suggestion:

    A serious sugges­tion, or a Joey sugges­tion? (Sorry to take so long in replies — the book came out the day before I left for WFC)

  37. DebbieH says:

    Finished the book. LOVED the book. Actu­ally, I love all your books. Thanks for contributing to my joy of reading. Now looking forward to the next one.

  38. Zia says:

    I was wondering why the Emper­or’s name changed as well, espe­cially to a spelling that I was certain was in Battle for one of the crea­tures there, but I wasn’t certain that would not be consid­ered a spoiler so I’ve been discussing it else­where instead. So it should go back to Darian­daros in later books? Because I really liked that name.

    Nevoran/Nevaron, on the other hand, I totally got the a for the o switch. because the spelling is so close. 

    I still have 1 other ques­tion regarding some­thing that is causing a bit of a debate on how/when/why that is so far unre­solved, but I’m not certain if that would, again, fall under the realm of spoilers so I’ll wait awhile before asking everyone here for theories.

  39. DeDe says:

    Enjoyed the book! Such a fun series to read. The depth of the char­ac­ters never ceases to amaze me. The scene that left a pit in my stomach was really well done — reminded me of the early books in the series.
    So many LOL moments. I’ve already found myself pulling the book back out and re-reading short scenes — just for a laugh.

  40. Cath says:

    Well done! Lots of good details. I admit, I felt as if I’d just had Thanks­giving dinner — you slaved for prob­ably a year or more and I scarfed it in a couple of hours — but I will read it again! :)

  41. Rita M says:

    I read your book the 1st day I got it, I just loved it but then it was over so quickly. My only wish was that it was longer (I love really loooong books espe­cially when they are so good). Yes I noticed the emper­or’s name had changed but it didn’t bother me, it was the story that was perfect, again. Thank you for gifting us with your talent, I can hardly wait for the next ‘House’ book.

  42. Tarun Elankath says:

    Hi Michelle,

    I have finished reading Cast in Flight and love the Cast series — I just wish Kaylin would grow up a little, she still is more tween than adult in her thinking. I sympa­thise with the poor Emperor — too much world-changing power in an imma­ture and moody human child! Cast is also, dare I say it, getting a little stale? A little too much angst throughout most of the book and not much action apart from a tidbit at the end :(

    Though the Cast series is nice, it is your other series — House War/The Sun Sword which is truly sublime. Those char­ac­ters have gripped me so strongly that I have diffi­culty getting back to the real world when I finish a book. All I BEG you is *please* change the cover art for House War series! It is dreadful! I just recently read the Power­born fantasy series whose art has been created by Nene Thomas. Her illus­tra­tions are gorgeous.


    Just another reader who considers you one of my favourite fantasy authors!

  43. melanie says:

    got it, yippy!

  44. Received a copy of Cast in Flight for Christmas along with many other titles. (I get complaints all the time from my son because of all the books on my Amazon wish list). Your book was the first one I picked up and already finished. Really enjoyed it. Superb writing again. Caught the change of name for the emperor, but figured it was an editors error. There were a few others, but it didn’t detract from the story line. Right now I just bounce back and forth between waiting for your new releases and those of Michael J. Sullivan. Keep your head up high, as we all love your work.

  45. Bobbi says:

    Totally enjoyed the read! Looking forward to War and the next Cast book. Keep up the good work and no apolo­gies needed. I am always totally amazed at people who write and your wonderful imag­i­na­tion. Thank you.

  46. Dorthy Redmond says:

    I love the cast series they are my favorite. Waiting for next book in series.

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