the Author

Firstborn Cover

Posted in writing.

Here it is: the cover for First­born. Art by Jody Lee. I don’t have the cover flat, so I don’t have the text/blurb yet; I think the amazon text is actu­ally cata­logue copy (the thing that gets shown to booksellers).

It’s Carver!

Okay, now I’m going back to copy-edits T_T.


19 Responses to Firstborn Cover

  1. Zia says:

    Yay! I love it and I cannot wait to read it. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Steve says:


  3. Lynn Ann Krawczyk says:


  4. Susan Ivey says:

    Oh wow, soo good!

  5. Andrea H. says:

    BRB screaming inter­nally forever.

  6. jamey creager says:

    yes, this is great news. I can’t wait to read this.

  7. DeDe says:

    Aww — Love it!!!

  8. Kelly says:

    TEASE!!!! But so pleased to see Carver on the cover!!!!! Can’t wait to read!

  9. Hannah Smith says:

    I’m more excited for this book than I am for Christmas.

  10. Tchula says:

    Omg, that cover is gorgeous! Carver is a great choice for the center­piece and I love the Arianni in the back­ground. Can’t wait to read it! 2019 is gonna be awesome! :-D

  11. michelle says:

    @Hannah: I’m working through copy-edits for War, and I admit that I’m terri­fied of Christmas, having done NOTHING yet while December ticks away…

  12. Hannah Smith says:

    Oh noooo. Good luck. You can do eet~ <3. Last minute Christmas shop­ping can be fun…sometimes.

  13. Mary Alllen says:

    You might write everyone iou’s for alone time with you. That is what my grown son ask for from his brother (who stays pretty busy with three kids and a job.) As you get older things don’t seem to mean as much as memories.

  14. chibipoe says:

    This is fantastic. The covers to House War get better and better.

  15. Kimberly Belden says:

    When?!??! Lol. Stun­ning cover! Cannot wait!

  16. Argentum says:

    What a beau­tiful cover! I came for the cover art (of the Broken Crown), stayed for the incred­ible story/world/characters/storytelling. Can’t wait for this book. Love how Jay’s whole den is fleshed out fasci­nating people.

  17. Stephen Engel says:

    Wonderful and beautiful.
    Merry Christmas.

  18. But we can see both of Carver’s eyes!

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