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Category Archives: Severn

Posted in covers, Shane Rebenschied, Mira, Severn.

I’ve been given permis­sion to post or reveal this: The cover for the upcoming Severn novel, The Emper­or’s Wolves. I love it! I really, really wanted to share it here. Kath­leen Oudit, the art director, and Shane Reben­schied the artist, did a fabu­lous job! Now, I can! Below is the back cover text, which I will attempt to post with covers from now on. AT THE EMPEROR’S COMMAND Multiple races care­fully navi­gate the City of Elantra under the Dragon Emperor’s wing. His Impe­rial Wolves are execu­tioners, the smallest group to serve in the Halls of Law. The popu­lace calls them assas­sins. Every wolf candi­date must consent to a full exam­i­na­tion by the Tha’alani, one of the most feared and distrusted races in Elantra for their ability to read … Continue reading