the Author

Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Posted in writing, Miscellaneous.

I’m asked, semi-frequently, to join Goodreads. I actu­ally started this post as part of a FAQ I’m working on, but then it got too long to be useful there. (I know this will come as a huge shock to all of you.) So! Here it is. I haven’t joined Goodreads, yet. This is not because I don’t read — I do — or because I don’t want to interact with my readers — I do, obvi­ously, which is why I have this website, my Face­book page, my Twitter feed and hope­fully, if I can figure it out, my Tumblr. (There’s an “Ask me anything” link at both the top and the bottom of the Tumblr page, and it sends the ques­tion to my inbox, where I can answer it, and the answer will be posted. In theory.)3Continue reading 

Posted in DAW, Queen of the Dead, Miscellaneous.

This is my new home on the web. It has, among other things, a home page — which is largely meant for people who surf by and want infor­ma­tion, rather than inter­ac­tion. I couldn’t actu­ally figure out how to transfer the blog subscriber list from the word​press​.com blog to this one, so if you want to continue to get email alerts when a new post goes up, you’ll need to subscribe here. I have a new Face­book page — which is on the sidebar. I have a Tumblr account which I’ve never really used, and I’m consid­ering using it for ques­tions & answers — as in, I’ll answer ques­tions there if they’re asked. I’ll also continue to answer ques­tions here. I have a new email address: michelle@​michellesagara.​com. And I have a new book, due on the first … Continue reading 

Posted in Miscellaneous.

Well. The end of 2011 was hectic, and I’ve been a little snowed under with work. I’m an intro­vert by nature. People who’ve met me in real life often find this descrip­tion a bit confusing, because in real life, I don’t gener­ally strike people as shy. But intro­ver­sion is not synony­mous with shyness. I like inter­acting with my readers. Actu­ally, let me rephrase that. I like inter­acting with readers for whom reading is a life­long obses­sion, because that pretty much describes me, and it’s some­thing we have in common. But inter­ac­tion, when I’m over­whelmed, takes thought, focus, and energy, and when writing is partic­u­larly diffi­cult, that’s where all the mental energy goes – and it leaves me with very little left over. When I am in that state, it resem­bles … Continue reading 

Posted in Miscellaneous.

At Apple​.com today is an obit­uary. It is absolutely done in the Apple style; it’s simple, it’s graph­i­cally arresting — and it is also star­tling, almost unbe­liev­able. Steve Jobs is dead. When I heard the news that he had stepped down, I was almost in tears, some­thing my mother couldn’t under­stand. She was happy for him; he’d worked so hard for so long, she wished him a happy retire­ment. That wasn’t my first thought; my first thought was: he’s dying, and he knows it; he liter­ally can’t run the company any more. Why was that my first thought? Because it’s exactly the way I’ll retire from writing. Writing is my job, but it’s also my obses­sion, my compul­sion, my avoca­tion. I will stop when they pry my rigor-clenched … Continue reading