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Category Archives: Luna

Posted in Books, DAW, Elantra, Essalieyan, Luna, writing.

So far, 2013 has been a more produc­tive year than the partial disaster of 2012. I have finished and submitted Cast in Sorrow, which, given the exis­tence of a cover and a publi­ca­tion schedule, is a good thing. It’s not — I know this will come as a great surprise to all of you — short. I have finished, but not submitted, Touch, the book that broke my writing schedule for, in retro­spect, not very good reasons. I am in a state of perpetual revi­sion there, but I have committed to finishing and submit­ting it by the end of April. This April. I will reit­erate the one thing that I’ve been forcibly retaught: do not attempt to break your own process. Every­one’s process is indi­vidual; no two writers work the same way. Some­times, attempting to … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, Luna.

I have a cover for Cast in Peril! The artist is Shane Reben­schied, and I love, love, love what he’s done here. The book’s on-sale date is the 25th of September, so it’s not coming out imme­di­ately – but soon. I could only find links for the ebook on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, but will add the others as they become avail­able. I gener­ally put up first chap­ters the month before the book is published, in part because I am the dictio­nary defi­n­i­tion of impa­tient when it comes to reading. In fact, confes­sion time: I never read first chap­ters or teasers when I’m waiting for a novel as a reader, because I want to finish the book right now, and am then forced to wait. But I also have a cover for the stand­alone ebook … Continue reading 

Posted in Luna, writing, Audio books, DAW, Elantra.

First: Joey Shoji has mentioned here and else­where that there’s a cover for Silence posted else­where on-line, but only in thumb-nail. I will be doing a post — and uploading the cover image — later this week; possibly later today, depending on how the writing goes. And now onto the report: Cast in Peril is off to my editor at Luna; I finished and submitted it late last night. Peril was diffi­cult for me, in part because I real­ized at about 130k words that there was no way the events in the West March were going to be resolved in one book unless I threw away most of the 130k words I’d written by that point – because, well, there weren’t nearly enough words left. Unfor­tu­nately, most of those words are plot, and … Continue reading 

Posted in Audio books, Elantra, Luna.

I will be attending the World Fantasy Conven­tion in San Diego this year. It’s a slightly different conven­tion than the norm, and while I’ll be partic­i­pating in the big Author Signing (it’s usually Friday night), I won’t be on panels. I will be wandering around the conven­tion, though. I will also, the day before WFC starts, be attending an informal meet-and-greet with a number of other authors at Myste­rious Galaxy, on Wednesday the 26th of October. Since WFC has been sold out for months and months (Neil Gaiman is the Guest of Honor), if you are in and about San Diego, come say hello :). And the Audio Book News When I was at the Word on the Street (and knocking over pizza boxes — it was an acci­dent because … Continue reading 

Posted in Appearances, Luna.

This is, of course, short notice, but: For those of you who live in Toronto, or alter­nately, for those of you who are attending the annual Word on the Street, I will be signing books at the Harle­quin booth at 2:00 p.m., this Sunday, which is the 27th of September. Oddly enough, I think I’m signing Cast in Shadow, because the I last time I did a signing, there were so many curious people roaming Queen’s Park that almost no one had read the first one. So… Even if you don’t want to lug things with you, come say hello!