the Author

Writing posts

Posted in Books, writing.

I often post miscel­la­neous bits and pieces about writing, or at least my thoughts on the process, at my live­journal, msagara​.live​journal​.com. I can cross-post those here if people are more comfort­able asking ques­tions here, and if you have an opinion about that, either way, please let me know.

I mostly wanted to move the bibli­og­raphy to some­place it was easier for me to update because I am utterly hope­less at site updating without some sort of easily accessed gui. Which Word­Press does have. Does it work? Well, no; for some reason it imme­di­ately destroys all line-breaks, which makes format­ting anything that isn’t straight text a touch diffi­cult. It’s a total pain. But in theory I can update more frequently.

Of course, I don’t really have all that much to update at the moment; I’m working on House Name, which isn’t on the schedule yet (it being not very close to finished) and some­time soon, I will be reading the line-edits for Cast in Fury, which is an October title.

Part of the reason I don’t update frequently is because writing a book is long, slow, and marked by frequent bouts of hair-pulling and a certain sense that every­thing will be too long, which I can imagine is tedious for people who actu­ally want to read a book, and not a list of unfor­tu­nate complaints.

But: I will be going to the Worldcon in Denver this year. And I’ll be the GoH at Conclave 2008 in October, which is kind of exciting for me.

2 Responses to Writing posts

  1. Lynn says:

    Have your written anything more pertaining to the “Augus­tine Painters” short story?

  2. Michelle says:

    Have your written anything more pertaining to the “Augus­tine Painters” short story?

    I’ve only written two stories in that world: “Augus­tine Painters” and “The Colors of Augus­tine”. The latter appeared in a Cana­dian anthology, Summoned to Destiny, which was edited by Julie Czerneda, and was, well, 30k words long. In theory it was only 9k words long, but Julie said “We can pay you x cents a word up to 9k words. You can write to any length you want, but that’s the maximum we can pay.”

    There was a rumor that she had a bet going with Sheila Gilbert, my DAW editor, about the even­tual length of the story …

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