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Monthly Archives: May 2014

Posted in Queen of the Dead, writing, Miscellaneous, Books, DAW, Essalieyan.

I will start with happy news first: I’m not a fabu­lous photog­ra­pher >.>. I couldn’t make to to the RT conven­tion, but they mailed the award, and I received it yesterday (I had it sent to the book­store because someone is always there during the day). At the moment, it is sitting beside my computer, along with the birthday card I received from DAW (which would be: Sheila Gilbert, Betsy Wolheim, Joshua Starr, Katie Hoffman, and Briar (whose last name I can’t find >.>). This is all good, because: I have — for entirely different reasons, jetti­soned the 55k words of Grave, and started it again. And then again. And then again. So: I am working, and have been working, on this book, which I honestly thought would be finished by now. I have not pulled … Continue reading