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Category Archives: Shane Rebenschied

Posted in Elantra, covers, Shane Rebenschied.

I am sorry. I am so very late with this. I went to and returned from MidAmer­ican II, where Sheila Gilbert won a much deserved Hugo (Yes, of course I’m biased.) I had a wonderful time, met new readers and old readers, and did not drop the ball too badly (I think, again: bias). I read the prologue for War at my reading. Because that’s what I wanted to read >.>. The cover for Cast in Flight has been live on retailers for a while, so I am posting the full wrap­around cover for those of you who want to read the back :).

Posted in Elantra, covers, Shane Rebenschied, Mira.

I know most of you have prob­ably seen this on-line (at places like Amazon or B&N), but I just got the offi­cial cover released to me today, so: here’s the cover for Cast in Honor. Which I love love love. It’s more of a thematic cover than a tech­ni­cally accu­rate one — but when a cover conveys a mood or a tone to me, it works. Shane Reben­schied is, as usual, the artist respon­sible for the final cover; Kath­leen Oudit is the art director. I want to keep them both for the rest of my career. I kind of want to enlarge the cover, print it out, and hang it on every wall in my home. As for me, I am on a kind of writing retreat (in Bris­bane, which is as far … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Shane Rebenschied, Mira.

Actu­ally, let me start with the news first: Mira has bought two more Cast novels! I only have a tenta­tive title for one: Cast in Flight. Which is all I’ll say about it until after Cast in Honor is published. — — — Here is the cover for Cast in Honor, by the inim­itable Shane Reben­schied. I love this cover. I mean, I love love LOVE it. I try not to tease about covers or things I can’t share yet — but even I had to mention it when I first saw it because there’s only so many times you can bounce up and down in your house­hold before all of your family starts avoiding you. No, I did not count the exact number of times — I wasn’t thinking Science at the time :).

Posted in Elantra, covers, Shane Rebenschied.

So… thanks to the modern miracle of Junk folders, I did not actu­ally see the go ahead to post my cover until today. Since I have been sitting on this cover for a month or two (it feels like TWO YEARS), I was surprised to hear that the cover had gone live on Amazon​.com. I emailed my editor to ask if I could post the pre-pub version that I had, since it was live on Amazon​.com, and she said…We sent you the cover link, because I was CCed on it. But, politely. And…she was right. So I have been waiting an extra four unnec­es­sary days T.T. But, in the theory that late is better than never: Cast in Flame. This is the cover that I went to the photo shoot for. … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, Luna, covers, Shane Rebenschied.

Guess what appeared in my email today? The cover(s) for Cast in Sorrow. I know many of you have already seen it on Amazon, B&N, etc., but on the off chance some of you haven’t, I’m posting it here. The full cover is actu­ally the small file, but has the back text. The larger file is front cover only. The small file is the cover flat — which includes the spine and the back. I really like it. The art is by Shane Reben­schied, who also posted the image without text earlier on his tumblr.