the Author

Two bits of news, and a link

Posted in Audio books, DAW, Elantra, Essalieyan, Queen of the Dead.

I have mentioned else­where that I’m more than a bit behind, and I’ve been working steadily in the hopes of digging myself out.

I love writing. I love being able to write for a living. But writing is an inher­ently creative process; it’s an art. Being able to write for a living neces­si­tates the melding of the creative art with profes­sional neces­si­ties, and some­times, they don’t co-exist in an entirely optimal way. I am a big, big believer in the butt-in-chair school of writing, but I’m also aware that some­times the fifty thou­sand words I’ve just written do not work. I try not to consider them lost time — but the truth is, they are. When I reach a point where the words do not work for me, I have no sunk cost fallacies; the words don’t work. I throw them out and I start again. But that’s two months or more of writing time that will never see the light of day.

So I have been mostly off-line, and will prob­ably be keeping my head down for the rest of this month.

But: I have one link that I’d like to share, to an inter­view I did with Liz Bourke, which went live on tor​.com on the 2nd of October. It’s a little on the long side, which will prob­ably surprise no one. It’s here.

I also have news. Both in comments here and on Face­book, people have let me know that Cast in Peril is now avail­able at audible​.com. I’ll update the link on the book’s page later, but for now it’s here.

This means the entire Cast series is available.

Audible also bought the rights for the House War series and Silence, plus its two sequels. I don’t have release dates for any of these yet, but I’ve seen, signed, and returned the contracts. I’m really happy about both of these things.

And now, I am going back to my cave >.>

46 Responses to Two bits of news, and a link

  1. Congrat­u­la­tions and good luck in your spelunking ^^. Loved Cast in Peril ^^

  2. JCeleste says:

    Thank you for the update!

    I’ve created a fan site for you, fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com, which I’m hoping to create as a commu­nity site, so that may divert some of the intense quan­tity of comments on your site, and then you can go over there and read it when you feel like it. :))

    Yes, please write! As fantastic as the fan fiction is out here, your writing remains the best!

  3. shauntel says:

    Your fans under­stand, you have three different series going on and each book are not short. so writing 3 books a year is work hard work:)))

    But we really appre­ciate it, they are so good that we get greedy for the next one now, now.. He he.. 

    You are one of the prolific writers, because hey .. 3 different books series that we love. Yeah!! If we did’t love the books we wouldn’t want the next so quickly, so THANK YOU:)))))

  4. AKKat says:

    The audible news is AWESOME! I’ve slowly but surely been buying up the audible Cast novels. This is the first time I’ve owned books in two formats, and when avail­able I plan on doing the same for the House books.

    I hope you are able to write your way out!!

  5. Ralph Walker says:

    Thank you Michelle for all of your work and efforts. A hope you know that it is truly appre­ci­ated by your readers!!
    There is a famous quote by Ernest Hemingway that says ” The Best People possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the disci­pline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacri­fice.” I would add to that ‘the ability to enrich the lives of others’. And, that would be the descrip­tion I have for you.


    Please don’t forget to take a few days and rest, for both your sake and ours :)

  6. Ruth says:

    well stated Ralph

  7. Lesa says:

    I really enjoy your writing and I just keep going over and over each book. Yes, I can hardily wait for the next one. You rest and keep on doing what you are doing, because it makes the best of the best books. :)
    Cast in Peril with my favorite color green is good!!!!!! Really, Really Good!!!!!

  8. shauntel says:

    The audible book narrator is great! I have never listened to audible books, but I tried with the cast series. I like this narrator her different voices (or tones/accents) is very very good, I actu­ally listened for three days straight until the whole book was read. I read the book first of course. 

    The audible really helped me clarify parts that i read.

    I will continue to buy audi­bles, espe­cially if the same narrator.

  9. Hilda says:

    It was Kaylin saying “thank you” to the Hallione because in making the 2 of them stay together, the Consort forgave Kaylin; they are friendly again, Kaylin didn’t like that the Consort had been still angry at her. They were able to even laugh aloud.

  10. Aaron M. says:

    As a reader, I don’t like to be smacked over the head with things. I don’t want every­thing spelled out in obvious and painful ways. I am afraid to be too obvious.”

    This. As a reader, there’s nothing so disap­pointing as be smacked in the head with heavy-handed expo­si­tion. Leaving room for inter­pre­ta­tion lets us fill in the blanks and construct the char­ac­ters we can continue to love. Ambi­guity, mystery, making the reader *think*. This is what draws me back to my favorite authors, espe­cially Michelle.

  11. Hilda says:

    Michelle, yesterday, I went to my Amazon account and it has the book of Battle with its cover. I had pre-order it. I’m assuming it’s of the beau­tiful Lord Celle­riant ready for battle. It’s a great cover. They are all excel­lent, but like the last two of Ellantra, this one is terrific; very well done. I have looked all over your website and haven’t found any mention of it. I inquired in the last C in P spoilers comments, but no one has responded. Amazon says they will deliver December 30. I asked in the Elantra series but I have no response from anyone. I know you are very busy, but wonder if we will see any chapter in 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe Amazon is spoiling your news. Hope you can read this one.

  12. shauntel says:

    I don’t know if everyone has noticed but.…. drum roll, Battle the book and kindle edition are coming out the same day according to AMAZON!! Yeah:))

  13. Jaime Lester says:

    Silence easily became one of my favorite books of all time after reading it earlier in the year, and I cannot wait for the story to continue. When there is a title and a date for book 2, I will do a little happy dance! No doubt about it!

  14. Joanna says:

    Jamie! I know, right! Gah, will we ever get over how AWESOME Michelle is? 

    I just got a copy of “Silence” and within the first few lines I was trans­ported — and I don’t even LIKE horror but she is such a bril­liant, fantastic writer that I HAVE to keep reading. 

    And I’ve been doing reviews of her short stories, FRICKEN AWESOME!!! She is now my favorite author of all time, surpassing J.K Rowl­ings for me. 

    Please, I need your help on my fan site — it’s dedi­cated to Michelle and I need people who have read the other books. Right now it’s primarily Elantra fans, but I want to do a book review of Silence and get discus­sion boards going and every­thing. I’ll post discus­sion boards once I read it, but could you give me a book review or post on the Queen of the Dead page what you’d recom­mend so we can start up convos on this?

    In May we get “Touch”!!! SO AWESOME!

    My site (coad­minned with A.Esther, a fellow poster on this blog) is fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com. My mission in life is to intro­duce as many people as possible to as many of her works as possible so they can all have the amazing expe­ri­ence of her books that we all love and yearn for.

  15. Joanna says:


    Shauntel, would you mind please posting some­thing on the House of War series on our fansite for Michelle? I really want to build up that section of her site (because from the tiny bit of that series that I’ve read, she is AWESOME, of course.)

    I seri­ously wonder if she has ever written anything even remotely crappy, because I just read her very first story written over two decades ago and it was one of the most beau­tiful stories I had ever read. I think she may be inca­pable of disap­pointing us. 

    My co-admin and I had to split up all of her works, because we are primarily Elantra fans, but we wanted to show­case all of Michelle’s awesome­ness on our fansite so I have pages dedi­cated to each of the series but I’m building it slowly. 

    We would welcome your help, if you wanted to set up or recom­mend discus­sion boards, book reviews, etc. from any of her other books/series.

    The site is fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com. We refer back to this blog wher­ever possible — we just want to create a forum for all the fans to meet and get intro­duced to more of her works. It will be less painful for us all if we can dive into “Battle” in December, then “Touch” in May and then “Cast in Sorrow” in October. It means we only have to wait a few months before our next MSW Joy Package instead of a year.

  16. Joanna says:

    Hilda, hooray! A fellow MSW fan who is familiar with several series! 

    Have you read her short stories? They are these jewels she has wrapped up and gifted to all of her fans for only 0.99 or 2.99 on Amazon​.com, and you can down­load them onto a bunch of devices for free even if you don’t have a Kindle. Michelle puts these wonderful intro­duc­tions on each one and I love them.

    I have never created a fansite for anyone, but I had to do it for Michelle because she gives so much of herself in her work. If you want to see my reviews for “Birth­night” (her first published story), “Gifted” (her first written/sold story) and “Echoes” (the first story of her Essalieyan Chron­i­cles) you can check out the fansite: fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com.

    We have no inten­tion of pulling people away from this site, so we refer back to it often, and I link to where people can buy her stories — I just think it’s a crime against humanity that she isn’t as famous as J.K. Rowl­ings and if we can build a forum where more people are intro­duced to her and can share about her writ­ings, then that is good. :) Feel free to comment on the other series and we’ll build up discus­sion boards, etc. to accommodate.

  17. William Craig says:

    I just wanted to express my joy at reading the Elantra series. I do not read very quickly so I am amazed that I am reading now the last in the series that is now in print ( cast in peril ) and waiting anxiously for the release of Cast in sorrow and hope that there will be many, many more after.
    Thank you again!!!

  18. Alyssia says:

    I loved cast in peril…When will cast in sorrow come out?

  19. Ralph Walker says:

    I applaud any and all attempts to get the writ­ings of Michelle to as wide an audi­ence as possible. I will add your fan site to my book­marks. I don’t know if you are aware but there is a fan site for Michelle over at Yahoo groups. The site is : michellewest@​groups.​yahoo.​com.
    Our member­ship is over 500 strong and growing. The ListMom is Tchula. I am certain she would possibly be inter­ested in linking the two sites.
    I am glad you found our favorite gem of an author. Please drop in at the yahoo group and check us out.


    I am trying to start a move­ment to get Michelle nomi­nated for a Hugo Award in 2013!

  20. Chris says:

    Any sugges­tions on how we might help with the movement?

  21. Ralph Walker says:

    First, you, and as many friends as you can get, have to become supporting members of the 2013 Worldcon ( http://​www​.worldcon​.org). The cost is around $50.00. You, and they, will then be sent Hugo Award nomi­na­tion papers.
    Second, we have to vote and get one of Michelle’s novels to be one of the top 5 recip­i­ents of nomi­na­tions on a Hugo ballet.
    Lastly, get Michelle as many votes as possible to WIN the Hugo !
    Knowing the quality of Michelle’s work, the hardest part will be to just get started. Her writing will do the rest!! Join me.


  22. Joanna says:

    Hi Robert,

    Hail fellow fansite moderator/contributor! What do we have to do to get our favorite author nomi­nated for a Hugo award? I want to get her Elantra series picked up for a TV show. I imagine that would intro­duce a lot more people to her and they would all get carried away in her worlds like we have.

    Thank you very much! I have noted your yahoo groups site on ours and I will write to Tchula. 

    I know (as a fellow author) that publishers take into account web site traffic, which was why we wanted to have ours on a site. I’m sure she gets tons of traffic through her blog, tumblr, etc. but I was hoping if we could amass a huge number of third-party interest it would prove to producers that it’s worth taking on her series.

    I’m sure there are screen­writers who are fans of hers — they could write the treatise. :) 

    My email is jc.​msw.​fanweb.​coadm1n@​gmail.​com. Please keep in touch with me as to our joined plot­ting to intro­duce the world to Michelle. 

    I’m doing book reviews of her short stories as well. Have you read her very first one? “Gifted”. Oh my gosh, that is AWESOME.

  23. Joanna says:

    Prob­ably next September. These tend to come out a year apart.

  24. Ralph Walker says:

    I think I have read ALL of her shorts. My favorite is “Ghost­wood”. If ever there was written a story that you need two “hankies” to finish, it’s that one!
    I know Michelle is working on getting more of her shorts avail­able as eBooks. The Essalieyan shorts already are. They are also in a single book from Lulu Press, Memory of Stone and other Stories.
    I will be glad to keep in touch. Do check in on the Yahoo group and meet Tchula and the gang. We have lively discus­sions ( some­times argu­ments :) ) about Elantra and Michelle’s work as a whole. 


  25. Hilda says:

    Joanna, for over two years I have read prac­ti­cally nothing but Michelle in all her forms. Thanks to another fan, I also got the short stories which helped a lot. All her readers should at some point read her short stories. There are lots of fans that move from one series to another, and then don’t know which they like best. I love all with Kaylin (my first) and Jewel. In the Elantra website we keep asking her to write short stories on different times of Kaylin’s life, or on any other of Elantra char­acter so we get to know them better.
    My books, except the hard covers, are in pieces. I reread them so much, but every time I do so I discover some­thing new: a detail here , another detail there; and doors open for spec­u­la­tion, for a glimpse to the future, for clar­i­fying a past incident.
    I do have the Nook and I’m starting to dupli­cate the stories there.
    Saying all this, it worries me that Michelle hasn’t post or sent e‑mail about Battle’s cover. She told us she is awfully busy and has no extra time, but for the last few years I have read all her books she noti­fies us of the covers as soon as she knows it. When I found it in my account in Amazon, I thought it was a mistake. We will wait for her message and she may tell us if and when she may post the first chapter. The book really will be a great Holi­days present to all her readers.

  26. Joanna says:

    Hi Hilda! Oh how awesome. I am newly intro­duced to Michelle — just found her last September, and didn’t know she had any other books so I waited patiently for the year to get CiP. I’ve discov­ered a plethora of other stories by her and I’m ecstatic! 

    If you have the time, I would sincerely appre­ciate the help in building up our fan site in terms of her short stories. I only have the eleven she recently re-released and I agree with you that every one of her fans should read her shorts! 

    Michelle is just AMAZING. I was laughing and crying with her “Gifted”, and “Birth­night” took my breath away. Most gorgeously written fable about that special birth that I have ever read.

    I’ve loved lots of authors, but never one that I felt driven to promote to everyone and that I was suffi­ciently passionate to launch and main­tain a fan site. 

    It’s great to meet fellow fans who appre­ciate her so much that all your books are liter­ally falling apart. :)

    You’re welcome to our site, anytime — fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com.

  27. Hilda says:

    Joanna, if you were intro­duced to Michelle Sagara about a year ago, there’s no way you have read all her books or series. Under Michelle West she has many other books. If you have not started on them yet, you better start now. It’s how we can endure the time in between books. I’m so glad I discov­ered her 2 years ago; if not I woud have gone crazy waiting for one book a year. Now we get about 3, and some­times the short story in between. 

    Move to the Sun Sword series, which then became the House War series (about 6 books each) (the 12th Battle is coming out in 2 or 3 months), which later will become another 6 books series where all the char­ac­ters from these last two series fight the final battle with the demons. So, the books where Jewel is the main char­acter is evolving into a 3 series of 6 books each, and lots of short stories in between. Early in my read­ings, I found inter­esting that readers were expressing pref­er­ence for Kaylin or for Jewel; so, I discov­ered Jewel. I love them both. They are so different hero­ines, in different worlds, but have lots in common.
    For some years, lots of readers of the Sun Sword series were frus­trated because the 5th book, Riven Shield, was not avail­able. It became avail­able again some few months ago. Move to this series, get Riven Shield right away, and start a new despair waiting from one book to another.
    Thre’s so many other books related to these series and many short stories, you have years of enjoy­ment yet. I remember one time where her readers started a discus­sion about the famous swords (they also have names) and which will be the one to battle Allasakar. I under­stood a partic­ular discus­sion, and why my sugges­tion was not reason­able, once another reader pointed me to a short story, Gifted, where a sword play a great role. so, read her short stories and her novellas about the blood brothers. This website gives you the names of all of them. Read also the readers comments for each books in this website. They are incred­ibly inter­esting. Have fun!!!

  28. Hilda says:

    I knew about the book because Amazon has it in my account with the cover, and wondered here about Michelle not announcing it yet. I don’t have Kindle; I have the Nook. For Michelle I prefer the books. The cover is stun­ning. My Holi­days present.

  29. Hilda says:

    Ralph, I’m sure the “desper­ately waited” forth­coming book, “BATTLE” will be the exactly right BOOK for what you need in nomi­nating Michelle. It’s a perfect tran­si­tion book. It’s going to end a long list of books, adven­tures, skir­mishes, growing up, evolu­tion of people and battles”; there should be a clear tran­si­tion for Jewel and her “char­acter den friends”. The series will most likely leave behind the Southern section of several books, and, will solidify Jewel’s den. I’m sure that the level of tension, suspense, battles will move the char­ac­ters to their adult (Jewel’s friends/den) posi­tions; Jewel’s posi­tion as the seeer for the crown will possibly come to pass. Avandar, the mages and major players will end in a tran­si­tion to wait for the final battle with Alasakar. I can also see the end of the book as Jewel taking the way of the seers and leaving Aramarelas to fulfill her destiny. I, however, can’t spec­u­late at all about Kiriel’s future in this book, and who will be temporarily left in charge of the House. Also, I think that Jewel will become Matri­arch once she learns the way of the Seers. Rally, you should look forward to use this book for the award.

  30. Chris says:

    Cast in Peril is a semi-finalist on Goodreads’ “Best Fantasy” books of 2012 (Idk why Skir­mish isn’t there too?). It’s currently up against 19 other books in it’s category:


    This seems like a great way to support Michelle if you can.

  31. Chris says:

    Thanks for getting back to me Ralph. I didn’t get an e‑mail noti­fi­ca­tion that you had replied to me, so I just saw your response now. Thanks for the info, I’ll do what I can to help.

  32. Hilda says:

    CHRIS, I frequently receive the Goodreads messages, but when I looked in the proposed awards I didn’t see any of Michelle’s, so I went on. I’ll get back and will vote. It’s very good news, but we need to announce it in all her websites. Thanks for the info.

  33. Joanna says:

    Thanks so much! I voted and I’ve posted it on our fan site.

    Go, Michelle, go!

  34. Ralph Walker says:

    Thanks for your info! I just voted for Cast In Peril on GoodReads. Let’s all work to get Michelle’s work the industry recog­ni­tion they so richly deserve!


  35. Simon S says:

    Hi Michelle -

    Just started reading your books — the Cast series.Loving them! 

    But frus­trated! I prefer ebooks and Fury seems to be the latest avail­able in the UK — the rest aren’t! I found a site where I I can get them free and have doen­loaded 2 — Silence and Chaos. Then it struck me (a bit slow — sorry!) that you won’t be getting any money for these.
    The site is http://​www​.free​bookspot​.es/ — is this legi­t­a­mate or have I down­loaded pirated copies? If so, is there a way I pay you for them?

    Also — why can’t I get Kindle copies is the UK?

    Thanks very much!

  36. Ralph Walker says:

    As you wish it, so shall it be!
    I posted Chris’s message, along with siting, to the Yahoo group and all my other science fiction book club friends.


  37. Jenna Deetz says:

    Dear Michelle,
    Thank you for contin­u­ally putting out great books. You have inspired me to begin writing my first book. I am very grateful for your insights on your writing process and can’t wait to get my hands on the next ‘Cast” book.

  38. Joriah Yedinak says:

    I just finished Cast in Peril AND Skir­mish and am totally frus­trated because the next book in these two series is not yet out. 

    I discov­ered your writing entirely be acci­dent. I read every­thing Mercedes Lackey writes, and while I really dislike short stores, I read your short story, “Cast In Moon­light” in “Harvest Moon”, simply because her name was on the cover.

    When I had read it I silently begged and pleaded the gods of all who love to read that there were other things written by you. I devoured the “Cast In.…” books, moved on to the house wars books and now am at a loss as to which one I should reread first while waiting for the next ones. So I’m wishing you long life, good health and speedy fingers just so I can self­ishly have more of your works to read. You are my new favorite author.

  39. Joanna says:

    Greet­ings Joriah!

    Welcome to fandom! Michelle Sagara West is AWESOME

    When you say you’ve read the House of War, does that include the full series? You know that the Hunter’s Oath duology, the Sword series and the six short stories of the Essaylian Chron­i­cles are all part of the House War universe? 

    You’ve got like ten more novels to read and six short stories, if you haven’t checked out those books. And that will carry you over until “Battle” is released! 

    Then you can start on her Queen of the Dead series if you want. She also has a bunch of great short stories (some of the reviews for those are on our fansite (fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com). But there is still lots of MSW joy and adven­ture awaiting you!


  40. Joanna says:

    Greet­ings Joriah!

    Welcome to fandom! Michelle Sagara West is AWESOME

    When you say you’ve read the House of War, does that include the full series? You know that the Hunter’s Oath duology, the Sword series and the six short stories of the Essaylian Chron­i­cles are all part of the House War universe? 

    You’ve got like ten more novels to read and six short stories, if you haven’t checked out those books. And that will carry you over until “Battle” is released! 

    Then you can start on her Queen of the Dead series if you want. She also has a bunch of great short stories (some of the reviews for those are on our fansite: fansofmichelle​sagarawest​.word​press​.com). But there is still lots of MSW joy and adven­ture awaiting you!


  41. Hilda says:

    Hi, Joriah. We are not surprised you love the Cast series books. If you keep checking and go way back on these websites, you are going to find thou­sands of dedi­cated fans. Since you got some advice from Joanna, I will suggest some­thing different.
    Michelle tried to help her fans when she decided to continue the Sun Sword series with the “House” series. So, about a year or so ago, she wrote a very exten­sive summary/description of events in both series trying to explain things that might be confusing for some readers. The House series started with its main char­ac­ters when they were chil­dren, while the Sun Sword series has that main char­acter as an adult meeting others that also became House characters.
    I’m sorry I can’t tell you exactly how to find Michelle’s exten­sive expla­na­tion in her website, but it’s here because I read it. (maybe some other reader can tell you) And it does help a lot. Also, some of the short stories fill some gaps in the series, and help to under­stand char­ac­ters actions. You will have more than enough to keep you busy reading for years, and will go back to them again and again because every time you reread you’ll get some­thing new. Have fun.

  42. Alex says:

    I love the Cast in series, but I have a major problem with them, or more accu­rately your publisher…

    I can only use the excuse “They’re my wife’s” so many times when people see a Harle­quin novel on my headboard. :)

    Keep up the good work, I’d have the next Cast In book pre-ordered by now but it hasn’t come up yet… stupid slow internet. :P

    *Yes, tongue firmly in cheek here :D

  43. Ralph Walker says:

    I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your posts sooner. I have been battling the flu this season. And then, was laid low by it myself. Due your­selves a favor, get the flu vacci­na­tion! This season’s flu SUCKS!!
    To find that brief synopsis and recap that Michelle gave us, go to the Home page>on right hand side, select January 2012 archives. The recap is in three parts. Many of us found it extremely helpful to get us up to speed when Skir­mish came out. Enjoy!!!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah,and the Happiest New Year to all!

  44. Joriah Yedinak says:

    Hi all, Sorry I’ve turned into “lurker mode” with many things going on in our life at home. Not much time to keep up with posts but I’ve read all you’ve written.

    Want to wish you all the best holiday season ever and a very Happy New Year.

    Can’t wait to find ALL the rest of Michele’s books to read under our tree. (Hoping, hoping, Santa please be good.)


  45. Hilda says:

    Hi Michelle and readers friends. I look at my e‑mails everyday hoping to see a mess­sage from Michelle announcing BATTLE, and prob­ably giving us a first chapter, as she used to do with all her books (at least since I started reading her books). Under this article from her, Michelle let us know how busy and behind schedule she has been and is trying to catch up. Please take care of your­self too.

    I have been out of town for almost 3 weeks. Today, I checked my Amazon account and it tells me that my BATTLE book will arrive ” the,last day of the year at 8:00 p.m. What an incred­ible XMAS present, and the best New Year yet!!! I’m try to plan how I’m going to start reading it after cele­brating New Year with my family.
    2 MORE WEEKS of waiting. Very hard to wait, but I have done it since Amazon announced it. 

    Michelle, I hope every­thing is going well with you, our favorite author, and you are able to cele­brate and enjoy these holi­days with family and friends. Have a wonderful time. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE !!!

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