the Author

Riven Shield is available as an ebook

Posted in writing.

With thanks to Paul Howard, who mentioned it in the comments of the previous post:

Off Topic, but The Riven Shield ebook is up on Amazon​.com.

I’m plan­ning to wait until the series is completely avail­able, but I thought some would like to know about it.

I know that Broken Crown was almost ready, and I believe the rest of the Sun Sword will slowly make its way into the chan­nels in order; I asked that Riven Shield be processed first because the phys­ical book is unavail­able, which meant that the book itself was unavail­able in any format.

At the moment, it appears to have prop­a­gated to two places: Amazon and iTunes; I’ll add links to the other ebook vendors when it appears on their sites.

Amazon • iTunes(CA/US)

27 Responses to Riven Shield is available as an ebook

  1. Paul Howard says:

    Looking forward to Broken Crown.

  2. Addy Rae says:

    Huzzah! I finally found a copy a few weeks ago, and it took a month and a half of active searching to find one I could afford. I’m glad to see that other fans will have an easier time of it and get to enjoy your series!

  3. David Y says:

    Rats! the resale value of my Michelle paper­back collec­tion has just fallen by half!

  4. Tanya says:

    This is really a great timing since I’ve just finished book 3 of the Sun Sword series. Book 4 and 6 are being shipped right now.

  5. Hilda says:

    I was so very fortu­nate in obtaining a copy of Riven Shield months ago; I’m glad other fans now have the oppor­tu­nity of obtaing one copy even in e version. I’m at the moment reading it for the third time. I truly believe, that this is the best in a magni­fi­cient series of wonderful books. Would be good to chat about it without spoilers.

  6. michelle says:

    I think you got the last copy we had at the store; it was still listed as avail­able at the Penguin Canada ware­house, but wasn’t, thereafter :)

  7. Scorbet says:

    Both Kobo and Book­son­Board are now selling it too:



  8. michelle says:

    Thank you!

    I’m sorry the comment went into the usual word­press moder­a­tion queue — it does that when there are links =/.

    Book­sOn­Board is new to me. I’ll have to ask why there are no covers o.o

  9. Paul Howard says:

    I’m curious if anybody else has prob­lemes getting a copy from Books On Board. I tried to get it from them but for some reason it wasn’t avail­able for me (I’m in the US). Books On Board refunded my money and I got it from Kobo.

  10. Gerri says:

    *waits impa­tiently for it to propi­gate to Nook format*

  11. Scorbet says:

    I can’t actu­ally (legally) buy it from Book­son­Board. (I’m sitting in Beijing, with a computer that is under the delu­sion that it is in Germany and a German credit card.) Kobo sold it to me though without any problems.

    Kobo is prob­ably the best at allowing me to buy books, despite being outside the US/Canada/UK.

  12. Peter Moore (salty) says:

    It is now (as of Thur 5/24 10AM EDT) avail­able in nook format. Whoo hoo!

  13. Ralph Walker says:

    Come on over to the Yahoo group.
    Just let us know UP FRONT that you are a “newbie” and would like to chat about the book(s) without spoilers. Most of our members will comply. Those that will not, will be chas­tised severely by Tchula, our ListMom :). We always enjoy new sets of eyes and opin­ions about Michelle’s work.


  14. Laura says:

    eagerly awaiting the ebook versions of The Sun Sword series. Already got the Hunter duology. Love this series!!

  15. Gerri says:

    Woohoo! Got it!

  16. michelle says:

    Thank you again, Paul! I’ve added the link to the actual book page :)

  17. Amber says:

    Have to say I am really excited about these coming out in e‑book because now my husband will stop ruining my paper­backs! I started reading this series when The Broken Crown first came out (I was 11, 26 now) and have kept all the books in great condition…until my husband started reading them 2 years ago and now they are falling apart :P! So once again, yay e‑books!

  18. Angela says:

    I agree. I really LOVED the Hunter duology as much as I’ve enjoyed the House series. But I have decided to hold off on finishing the House series until I can read Broken Crown, etc.

  19. michelle says:

    You’ve been reading them since you were eleven?

    I’m impressed. I know that a lot of people find them very dense and some­times confusing. When my son was eleven, he read the Hunter duology. He found them enor­mously depressing. I kind of warned him that he might find them stressful — but he wanted to read them because a girl in his class had asked about what I wrote, and I had given him a copy of Hunter’s Oath to give to her.

    He then said, “I would like to read it, too.”

    The girl in his class read a book a day. She read a lot. My son did not read huge amounts. She wasn’t likely to find it upset­ting; he was.

    He spent three weeks processing Hunter’s Death, at the end of which he said he would like to read Broken Crown… and I said, “It will be upset­ting. Could we wait a few years?”

  20. Ellie says:

    Hi I love your chron­i­cles of elantra series and i was wondering if you could post the first chapter

  21. Chris says:

    It looks like Battle is up for pre-order at Amazon. com. It’s a bit hard to find in a search (imo), but is under the exact title: Battle: The House War: Book Five [Hard­cover], for those who might be interested.

  22. Salty says:

    Thanks Chris,

    Same at B&N. Search for “Michelle West” doesn’t bring it up but search for “Michelle West House Wars” does. According to B&N it will be avail­able on 12/31/12.


  23. Hilda says:

    Thanks, Ralph. I saw your message here today. I visited the Yahoo group when you invited us some months ago. I had to say I found it very confusing . I’m not blaming any of you; I’m simply not that skill­full in the computer, even though I used it for years at work (WP). Blame my age, 73, although I’m trying very hard to learn more. That’s why I tell MIchelle to please do more than 1 book (House and Cast ) a year when­ever I hear one of her books (now appar­ently all of them) becomes 2 books. Although still healthy and going on with life, I would love to have the time to read all of them. I have read thou­sands of books in my life, but I say it again: reading a Sagara/West book is a great plea­sure. Each time I read them, I find some­thing new, like trea­sure hunting. There is so much humanity in them; so real for fantasy books. Like the Lord of the Rings, and the Lackey/Mallory series (The Obsidian Trilogy/The Enduring Flame Trilogy/ and 3rd Trilogy about to come out) all related, I never tired of rereading them. When I have some extra time, I’ll try Yahoo again.

  24. Hilda says:

    I have Nook, but “Battle”, NO WAY!!! Hard Cover, first day delivery to me. (Sleep­less night, too).

  25. Hilda says:

    Sorry, I’m answering now; didn’t see it before. Yes, you helped me with that and I will be forever grateful. Thanks!!! Looks like years old book; all your books do. That’s a good thing. I trea­sure your message/authograph.

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