the Author

Release Day: Cast in Wisdom!

Posted in writing.

Wisdom thumbJanuary 28, 2020 is book day for Cast in Wisdom, the chron­i­cles of Kaylin Neya’s life as a police officer in the city of Elantra.

I’ve written, or attempted to write, the following para­graphs multiple times since I reached my computer, but… I always ending up heading to spoiler terri­tory and have to back up and try again.

So: there’s some­thing in the book that moves toward changes that I other­wise can’t speak about on a book’s release day T_T but I’m excited to have you read it!

In other news: In the way of writers, the book that has been tormenting me is not Cast in Wisdom. Because I failed to take a step and land on my foot, the revi­sion for the next novel — The Emper­or’s Wolves — has only just been turned in, weeks late (yesterday, in fact). My arm, however, is almost fully healed, and I can type without constraint.

So: onward to writing new words again!


44 Responses to Release Day: Cast in Wisdom!

  1. S.M.F. says:

    I’m glad your arm is healing, at least! =D /hugs

  2. Tchula says:

    My copy of Wisdom is supposed to arrive today. Can’t wait to read it! I’m glad to hear your arm is doing better. :-)

  3. michelle says:

    Having now had a broken leg (ankle) and arm (elbow) I feel that while the leg is much more of a problem with daily, real life (walking up stairs, trying to take a shower, getting to work, etc), the arm is way way worse for *writing* productivity.

  4. Tchula says:

    I believe it. I figure I could prob­ably still do my job (optometrist) with a cast on my leg – I sit on a stool and my staff can bring me my patients – but if I couldn’t use my arm? Even if only one of them was out of commis­sion it would make it nearly impos­sible for me to work. And all our charting is done on computer these days, on top of the phys­ical compo­nents to the exam. I can only imagine how frus­trating not being able to do what you wanted with the words in your head must have been!

  5. Debbie H says:

    I have been eagerly waiting on this book. Thank you for all your hard work. I have down­loaded audio book and getting ready to start. This is one of my very favorite series.

  6. Kim Warren says:

    SO EXCITED!!! Thank you so much for your incred­ible stories! I am so glad your arm is healing and I hope your leg heals quickly. 

    I have started reading and am so excited where this might go! My entire family reads/listens to this series and we have debates and discus­sions for hours! We spent our Christmas break together listening to Cast in Oblivion to get ready for Cast in Wisdom! 

    Take care and thank you again!!!

  7. Asia says:

    Just finished work my first action at home: READING!! Cast In Wisdom i am ready! :) P. S Thank you for writing, I abso­lutly love Kaylin story!!

  8. Taylor says:

    I am even more excited to start reading now!!! And that is wonderful to hear about your arm. I can only imagine the relief!

  9. Carol Duffy says:

    So excited to get home and begin reading but most impor­tantly Yay healing!

  10. jamey creager says:

    Glad that your arm is healing. Good luck today on Cast in Wisdom day. I simply love your works, all of them.

  11. Joyce Ronquillo says:

    I kept checking my Kindle until about 11:30 last night hoping for an “it’s midnight in New York” arrival but fell asleep. Now I’m trying to read but I’m sleepy! 😞 I’ve tried an infu­sion of sugar and will begin again. Nothing today is more important! 

    I am happy your arm is healing. Take care of it. I’ve had stub­born injuries that hung around long past the expi­ra­tion of my patience and ended up creating asso­ci­ated issues. 😖

  12. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    I was so thrilled when I came into the office this morning and logged in. Lo and behold, I received an alert letting me know it was release day! Purchased the book first thing! Can’t wait to read it! Thank you Michelle so very much!

  13. Carrie Hamilton says:

    Hooray! So glad you are feeling better and cele­brating the book’s release. The good news about your health and the book’s arrival have enlivened a gloomy, January day.

  14. Stephen Engel says:

    I am glad to hear you are writing again. You are a writing artist, so I imagine words bottled up is not good.
    You are the best.
    Looking forward to reading Wisdom. :)

  15. Tracey P. says:

    Congrats on the healing arm. I have to admit, the release day for Cast books always excites me. I’ve dropped out of lots of series over the years but stayed loyal to this one since book one. Thank you for writing such real, relat­able characters.

  16. Zia says:

    I’m glad to hear your arm is healing well! 

    I took today off of work so I could read/reread as much as I wanted. 3x through and all I can say is I loved it. It’s defi­nitely one of my favorite in the series. Thank you so much for writing it!

  17. Happy bookday! I down­loaded the file already :D, looking forward to reading. Good to hear that your on the mend, I hope every­thing goes smoothly and fast now.

  18. Jess says:

    I’m glad to hear you’re healing and not just because I can’t wait to read Severn’s book :)

    For anyone inter­ested there’s a Face­book page “Cast Group” where a few people post about Cast related things and some general Michelle ones as well. It’s not massively active, but an event has been created so we can go some­where to discuss the book. Everyone is more than welcome

  19. David Youngs says:

    For the last week (!) the computer at the local Chap­tigo has shown “34 copies avail­able in nearby stores.” I’ve resisted through loyalty to our store and a prej­u­dice against the others. Now if I can get there tomorrow…

  20. D Spotts says:

    I have just finished Cast In Wisdom. An excel­lent book with a great deal of excite­ment; I really enjoyed it. The only thing I was hoping to see was Kayla and Severn’s rela­tion­ship go some where. Severn is one of my favorite char­ac­ters and I would love to have him take a larger part in the series.

  21. Sharon Brodbeck says:

    I did finish in one day, again. I am glad that Kaylin is still growing into her powers. Such a fitting end to this book and that is about all I can say without spoilers myself.

  22. michelle says:

    I finish books in one day *all the time*. But it’s still a bit discom­bob­u­lating to know that it took months to write and lasts less than a day o.o

  23. Andrea D Smith says:

    Glad to hear that your arm is healed. I bet it was driving you crazy, as a writer and daily life. 

    Yesterday was my birthday. Thanks Michelle, Cast in Wisdom was a great birthday present. I Loved the book. I did have a ques­tion, is The Emperor’s Wolves novel sepa­rate from the next Cast book 2021?

  24. Andrea D Smith says:

    Sharon — I finished the book in a day too. I always tell myself I’ll savor slowly but I devour it and reread several times. 🙃

  25. michelle says:

    @Andrea: The Emper­or’s Wolves is sepa­rate from the next Cast novel. It takes place in the past of the current conti­nuity — it’s Severn at 18, and his begin­nings as a Wolf.

    Whereas as yet unti­tled Cast novel is building upon the current newly released Cast novel. About which I will say zero more :)

  26. Bee says:

    Just finished the newest book — loved it! I must say, as someone who works for a large univer­sity this had me giggling in many parts. :) Bureau­cracy, indeed. 

    I was really happy to see the return of certain char­ac­ters with slightly more than a cameo (I will not spoiler who/what) appear­ance. The ending was inter­esting. I am now even more excited to see where this goes.

  27. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    I freely admit that when you release a book in any of your series, I sit down and devour it that same day. I do this for the sheer enter­tain­ment, fun, and thrill of the story itself. Then I read it again, slowly, taking it in for nuance and tying it into the ongoing story line. At some point in future, I’ll simply start the series from the begin­ning because it is such a beau­tiful story that I never get tired of. You are one of several authors that I do this with because your stories have impacted my life in a posi­tive way and there are specific memo­ries that are tied into it. I know you have a problem hitting dead­lines and that the story some­times runs in a direc­tion that takes you by surprise. Your stories, all of them, are always worth the wait.

  28. Zia says:

    I’m also one who read the book in less than a day — often I’ll reread it 1 – 2ish more times that same day because they’re ‑that- good. When Cast in Oblivion came out last year I was in the middle of training for a new job (that I dislike with a passion, but oh well) and I stayed up to both get my kindle copy and read it. It was so worth it, but I was so tired that this year I decided to be smarter. So I took Tuesday off to throughly enjoy Cast in Wisdom and so I could reread it as I wanted to without the pesky work day inter­fering. All my coworkers implied I was nuts for taking time off to read a book, but I’m thinking this is going to be a reoc­cur­ring event because it was so wonderful. So in October I’m doing it again :) 

    But thank you for all the time and dedi­ca­tion you placed into the novel and the series I love! I hope your week has gone well overall.

  29. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    And here I thought I was the only one to book time off work specif­i­cally to read a certain book! Yes, some of my co-workers also think I’m touched (There are other adjec­tives but not for use on social media :) ). Well, of course I’m touched. I freely admit it! Michelle and David Weber are the only two authors I book time off of work for in order to read their latest release regard­less of which series the book relates to! Kudos to you Zia! I also echo your comments to Michelle regarding her dedication!

  30. michelle says:

    I admit that I’ve taken time off to read before. But, it sort of makes sense: reading was so, so impor­tant to me. It’s *why* I’m a writer :)

  31. Hilary says:

    Really enjoyed the book. I love the complex world and char­ac­ters you have built and I also read it in a day, well I’m retired and have the time. Looking forward to the next one. But in the interim I will reread from book one of the series.

  32. David Youngs says:

    Do you have the radio on while you write? Were you listening to commer­cials for the “Domain of Killien”?

    (This is a Toronto-area reference)

  33. michelle says:

    I don’t actu­ally listen to anything when I write because I tend to listen to music that has lyrics — and if I do, I focus on the music and not the book T_T

  34. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    Hi Michelle, try a jazz station or an instru­mental station. I suffer from tinnitus so I usually have some­thing going in the back­ground. When I want to focus on a partic­ular task, I love listening to nature’s music. I find my concen­tra­tion is actu­ally more focused which is a good thing!

  35. Mary Allen says:

    Loved, loved Cast in Wisdom. I so enjoyed Night­shade, he seemed so inter­ested in learning and kinder somehow. Just sorry I have finished the book and have to wait for what­ever you publish next. I am rereading Battle right now. My favorite go to rereads are Hidden City and Cast in Court Light. Thanks for hours of enjoyment.

  36. Mary W says:

    I enjoyed Cast in Wisdom and look forward to rereading it soon. I decided in January that the whole series deserved a reread before Wisdom made its debut. This time it was read on my phone. The pr the size of the screen slowed my reading speed way down and allowed me to really enjoy the words on the screen and your writing style. Speed reading has it place and cannot always be avoided but a lot of nuance is missed. Thank you.

  37. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    Hi Mary W. I always read these stories twice. The first time is pretty much speed reading. I’m reading it simply for the fun, the thrill, the ride that Michelle takes us on. I then read it again a short while later for nuance to fit it in to the ongoing story line. We see to be very similar in that regard. I love her writing style. It’s grown, matured, and is so very entertaining.

  38. Dawn says:

    I’m so glad your arm is doing better. I can’t even imagine writing with the constraints you’ve been under. When I had surgery on my thumb, the computer at work was my nemesis. I loved Cast in Wisdom. I read it so fast the first time, I had to read it again. Loved it!! I don’t want to say too much, incase someone reads this thread before the book. So looking forward to Severen’s story! Thank you for such a great series!!

  39. Vicky J. says:

    Thank you Michelle. I really enjoyed reading the story. Now I’m going to listen to it at a more leisurely pace. Love Khris­tine Hvam reading the story as she has read all of the other Cast books.

  40. DeDe says:

    Was out of town and off the grid — so just started (and finished)Wisdom last night. Well — this morning I guess. 4am. I think I need a nice shirt that I can wear for days like this: **WARNING** New book, No Sleep, Be Gentle. Thanks Michelle!

  41. Mary W says:

    I have read the books more than once but have not read all of them recently. Usually, I need to read them as fast as I can before the day job gets in the way. This is the first oppor­tu­nity to take the time to enjoy the books. It is like running into my friends after a few years without seeing them, a thor­oughly enjoy­able experience.

  42. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    Hi Mary W. That is a very good way to describe rereading a series after a few years. They are very good friends and it’s always enjoy­able to catch up. I’ll have to remember that! Thank you!

  43. MaryW says:

    Hi Tyronne, I am glad you like the comment. The problem is that at my age there are a lot of friends I do not see too often. The advan­tage of being my age is now quite a few of my friends come on trips with me. Now if I could just find that book I read in an ebook.

  44. Tyronne Lorne Hodgins says:

    Trust and believe Mary that I under­stand completely!!! I have friends I haven’t seen in 20 years but at least we have Face­book! It’s not the same but it helps! Take care!

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