the Author


Liz Bourke’s inter­view on Tor​.com, which was really inter­esting – at least for me :).

The Chal­lenging Destiny inter­view was done face-to-face, with a tape recorder in a restau­rant that was a little on the loud side. I speak much more infor­mally, and the tone of the inter­view is there­fore different from the tone of most of my other interviews.

Jim Hines of the Goblin trilogy, inter­viewed me about working in an SF/F book­store (in my case, Bakka-Phoenix Books).

Another inter­view with Spher­ical Time. It’s here, and covers slightly different ground.

John Ottinger at Grasping for the Wind has just let me know that an inter­view he conducted has just gone live. It’s here.

44 Responses to Interviews

  1. Page Traynor says:

    Hi Michelle–

    I am reading Cast in Secret, although I hadn’t read the earlier two – have just ordered them. I love your book and voice. You are giving me new ideas about using humor in books.

    I am a reviewer with RT in cate­gory and mystery at the moment, although after some years I have started writing again.

    Kaylin is both appealing and inter­esting and I look forward to reading her back story.

    Thanks for the stories. Page Traynor

  2. Shelley says:

    I’ve enjoyed your Cast series thus far, but am dying to see Kaylin advance her rela­tion­ship with Lord Night­shade. Is there any hope?

  3. Sandra says:


    I’m really loving the new ‘Cast in’ series. How many books are you plan­ning to write for this series?

  4. Amanda Z says:


    Oh my gosh! I just wanted to tell you how much I love your Cast series. I am in love with the book and can NOT wait until you come out with Cast in Silence. I must say that I love Lord Night­shade, the way that the pre-teens are in love Edward Cullen. Is there anything that you can tell me about Kaylin and Nightshade’s rela­tion­ship? What is it going to progress to? When will they reach the next step? Do they love each other? I read Cast in Fury in one night after I bought it! Just wanted you to know that I love your writing!!!


  5. Bill says:

    Just finished “Fury”, and am looking forward to the next book — the plots are good and the char­ac­ters believ­able. As for requests, I think Kaylin will set new records for both naivete and bad karma if she doesn’t “advance her rela­tion­ship” with Severn.

  6. Bettina says:

    Your books are great, I hope you continue the series! I’m reading Cast in Secret right now, and I’m looking forward to reading Cast in Fury. Thanks!

  7. Kate says:

    Wow, seems there’s going to be a clash over who should get Kaylin’s affec­tions – Severn or Lord Night­shade! I’m all for Severn though! I love the books, and as an aspiring author, I’m really loving the blog! I know everyone has their own ways of doing things, but it’s still cool to see how an awesome author does it. Thank you!

  8. Suzy says:

    I’ve read The Sacred Hunt, the Sun Sword, most of the Cast series and am reading The Hidden City now. I love your work!

    I’m loving reading about the forma­tion of Jay’s den. You do such a great job of keeping Jay Jay, while jumping decades back in time. It’s defi­nitely living up to all of my expec­ta­tions for the series thus far. I can’t wait to read House Name and the rest; I’ve been dying since Jay left to go North during the Sun Sword!

  9. Rosie says:

    Michelle, Four books is a very long time to be dangling the romance carrot. I really enjoy your books; I like the city of Elantra, and the differnt races, and the myste­rious marks on the main char­ac­ter’s body. But please, please start some­thing with Severn, soon! A series without a love interest — any love interest- is incom­plete. I hope Cast in Silence will address this issue. I would dearly love to say the Elantra books are my favorite fantasy series ever, but am sorry to say that at this time I can not do so in good faith. I will have to go with Tamora Peirce’s Alana series for a bit longer. Please, do not disapoint!

  10. Alessandra Porta says:

    I’ ve read all your novels and love, really love the way you write! I think the Sun Sword cycle to be one of the best things ever written in fantasy… I love the depth of char­ac­ters as well as the plot. Every book lives and breathes… and defi­nitely smiles to me
    Please go on as fast as you can with House Name as well as the Elantra series!

  11. Alessandra Porta says:

    No trips to beau­tiful sunny Italy? ;-D

  12. Katheerine Long says:

    I started with your Cast series, fell in love with your writing and now I have covered the first 3- Sun Sword books. Oh I also read Into the Dark Lands and Hunters Oath and Hunters Death- I had a very hard time keeping some of the char­ac­ters straight, in the Sun Sword books. Espe­cially the Anna­garian Ranks, The Royals, and The Clans. I feel really stupid, so I will keep re-reading them until I can keep them all straight. I didn’t have that problem with the Cast series. Thanks I can’t wait to read the next book, Cast in Silence. I am a big , big fan of every­thing of yours I can get my hands on!

  13. Ajah says:

    Forget Severn, let’s see Kaylin with Night­shade romantically!

    And although they are your oldest books and not in print, I thought the Sundered series was absolutely beau­tiful and moving.

  14. Emma says:

    I have really enjoyed reading your Cast series, and I really enjoy all the different char­ac­ters however will Kaylin advance her rela­tion­ship with Lord Night­shade or Severn?

  15. Sarah says:

    Is it okay to ask how long you waited to get a response for Chron­i­cles of Elantra?
    Or do you have any advice about waiting on a response? i read the inter­view Chal­lenging Destiny but i may have missed something.


  16. Sarah says:

    i love your Chron­i­cles of Elantra series.

  17. Mindy says:

    I pulled The Hidden City off the library shelf and wolfed it down, and then read it again. The best, most well written and engaging book I’ve read in a long time! I’ve gone on to read your Cast series and enjoyed them as well, but I have to say I can’t wait for the second House Wars. Thank you!

  18. kimberly says:

    amen to the rela­tion­ship part on the elentra series. i think when someone finally gets around to kissing kaylin i will faint. i love this series so much, and have reread it at least five times now. i cant wait for there to be an expres­sion of her more and more unhidden love and trust for severn. i know people like the idea of her being with night­shade but i cant see her going for him unless he is changed some­what and can be someone who is as passionate as she is. anyway i ramble. thank you so much for giving me a book series i can enjoy time and time again.

  19. Ruth says:

    I just read the 5th Cast in book. I LOVED it. The ending just blew my mind. Never saw it coming and I am known for being able to predict what will happen early in either a book or a movie. It makes it very hard to find books and movies to enjoy. I am thrilled with the triangle in the book. I root for Night­shade half the time and then Severn the other half. I have liter­ally no idea who I would like to see with Kaylin! I do know, however, that I WANT more of that sexual tension that is between the three of them. It is nice to have that emotion portrayed in a book instead of explicit descrip­tions of sex. Thank you for that. I can not believe I am going to have to wait till August to read more of the story. I share these books with my friends and we all talk excit­edly about each one.
    A true plea­sure! Thank you

  20. Twannah says:

    I came upon the Cast series by acci­dent and I must say that I have enjoyed them immensely. I am very picky about the story line so I came to really enjoy Kaylin and the other char­ac­ters. I too am anxious to see who Kaylin will choose in the romance area. I must say that I am routing for Night­shade, but that is just me. I have started to reread the series because I have not found anything that is of interest. Thank you.

  21. Is there a web site or anything that breaks down the Sun Sword chrac­ters and explains some ques­tions about the series?

  22. MPalmen says:

    Just a quick question:

    Is there anywhere on the website the chrono­log­ical order of the novels in the series The House War, The Sacred Hunt and The Sun Sword ?

    I’ve just bought them after reading the books of the *very* excel­lent Chron­i­cles of Elantra and wondered about that.

    I hope you’ll continue writing for quite some time to come.

  23. Bianca says:

    I was bored one day, scouring the sci-fi/fan­tasy section in Barnes and Noble for some books to read. Most of them didn’t really strike me at first sight, but then I saw Cast in Shadows and imme­di­ately started reading it. I got through the first page and proceeded to check out with your book in hand.

    I’m seri­ously awed that such a fabu­lous writer like you could be hidden and unknown! Your humor is fantastic and I love your complex plots. Kudos to you!

    Like everyone, I am curious about how Kaylin’s love inter­ests will play out.… Night­shade and Severn are intriguing char­ac­ters. Oh, and I think I will check out your other series as well!

  24. Mikaela says:

    Hi! I really enjoy your books, so thanks for writing them. I have to say that I’m partic­u­larly like your Chron­i­cles of Elantra and like every else who has commented, can’t wait to see Night­shade and Severn have a show­down. (Team Night­shade! Woooh!) I was just wondering…how come you’ve ‘tenta­tively’ suggested September 2011 for Cast in Ruin? You said that you were nearly finished in the last post, and surely it doesn’t take a whole year to edit, proof, and publish a novel? It can’t! We can’t that long!
    Keep writing :D

  25. Emma says:

    I have read the cast series so many times I have lost count. I just got Cast in Chaos. I finished it in less than eight hours, and I have to say I love Lord Night­shade. Will Kaylin advance in her rela­tion­ship with him, or Severn?

  26. Sarah Brewer says:

    I absolutely love the Chron­i­cles of Elantra! I am currently reading book 4 and the 5th and 6th books are in the mail to me right now :) Do you know how many books will be in this series?

  27. Jennifer says:

    I stum­bled across your Cast series about two weeks ago. As soon as I read the first novel, I imme­di­ately purchased the rest of the series. All six books have been wonderful. I look forward to the coming novels in the series.

  28. Candida says:

    I just started reading Cast in Shadows. I am quite pleased to discov­ered there are more books in the series. As with many Sci-fi readers, I prefer series. Thank you for writing a very inter­esting world, filled with rich char­ac­ters. I am ordering the rest of the series this week, I am very much looking forward to reading them.

  29. Tyronne says:

    I just cele­brated my 48th birthday. I have a personal sci fi/fantasy/horror book collec­tion that is easily in the 3500 range. I have read that whole collec­tion at least twice. I nowa­days buy 90% of my books by author as opposed to genre. I was directed to your Elantra series by a young woman I met at the World’s Biggest Book Store. I really need to start asking their names so I can give them a little recog­ni­tion. I was looking for a new author to try and she recom­mended your series. She was so exuberant in her praise for your story­telling that I bought all 6 books on the spot. 6 books, 6 1/2 days to read them all. Wow! That was a roller­coaster ride for me! Thank you so very very much for the outstanding enter­tain­ment! Your cast of char­ac­ters came to life for me and I could see them clearly as if I were watching a movie as I read your books. I am starting them again, this time reading for nuance and am amazed at the back­ground detail that you have provided in this story­line which blends so easily with the dialogue. Although, I don’t believe Kaylin will be meeting the Emperor in Cast in Ruin (which is too bad because I really am looking forward to seeing that scene). I will just have to content myself with Kaylin’s upcoming etiquette lessons (which to my mind, could easily justify the title), although I suspect your next install­ment will deal primarily with the newcomers and Tiamaris. This is just my way of saying Thank You for the hours of pure enter­tain­ment and laughter that you have given me and I look forward to more since I will be buying your other books. As I said, I now buy my books by author and I am honoured and pleased to add your name to my must read list. Thank you again!

  30. So many posts — thank you, everyone who’s stopped by to tell me that you liked the Cast novels. I really appre­ciate it!

    @ Tyrone: I’d love to know who it was as well!

    And you are absolutely correct: Cast in Ruin will deal primarily with the newcomers and Tiamaris — although one of the newcomers changes things in a signif­i­cant way.

  31. Melanie Kline says:

    Will you give us any hints for a romance for Kaylin?


  32. TimB says:

    Wow! I am really enjoying your Elantra series, Michelle!!! I’m sorry it has taken me so long to finally dig-in and immerse myself. You have really created a world/universe that draws me in wanting to explore. Your char­ac­ters are believ­able and sympa­thetic, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. Thank­fully, I purchased a nook ereader, so I can carry all of your work without endan­gering my fragile body. ;-) Thank you so much for sharing your formi­dable talents with us mere mortals. ((grins))

    Happy Christmas!

    Sir Tim

  33. VickyL says:

    I love your entire Cast series, I have reread them so many times, and each time they are a delight. I specially loved Cast in Moon­light, and wonder if there is any chance you could also write more about Kaylin’s early life with the hawks. I’ll bet her rela­tion­ship with Marcus and her fellow hawks would make for some very enter­taining and inter­esting tales. Thank you so much for sharing your imag­i­na­tion with the rest of us. I look forward to all your future Cast books.

    Happy New Year!

  34. Melanie says:

    I am only partway through the Cast series as I borrowed the first three and loved them so much I had to order the rest. I am anxiously awaiting their arrival but the forced break is good because my husband was begin­ning to get tired of trying to conver­sate with the cover of your books. This is defi­nitely the most exciting series I have read in a long time. Yes, I can not go to bed until I have finished the last page kind of good.

    I must throw in my vote for Night­shade as well. Never­mind Jacob and Edward this is the orig­inal King Arthur and Lancelot triangle. Only our Guin­e­vere now is defi­nitely capable of taking care of herself, with a little help from a wonderful cast of friends!

    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  35. Tickle says:

    I love the Chron­i­cles of Elantra series. Please continue to add to this series. I also would like to put in my vote for Lord Night­shade to be Kaylin’s love interest. Kaylin and Severn should remain family, but not get into anything romantic.

  36. Alyssa says:

    Just finished the new Cast in Chaos book this past weekend. Picked it right back up and read it again. Then re-read the first one. Then re-read my favorite parts in Chaos again. Went out to the stores and made them find the anthology in the back so that I could read Cast in Moon­light. Read that twice in a row. Bought Cast in Silence that was in stock and ordered Cast in Court­light and Cast in Fury. Finished reading Case in Silence twice and now I’m stir crazy while I wait for the other ones to come in

    I am most anxious to see how etiquette lessons go and Kaylin’s inter­ac­tion with the Dragon Court plays out. XP

    These books are so super sweet crazy mega awesome-sauce . I don’t know how I’ll manage to wait another year for the next book in the Cast series.

  37. Sarah says:

    I am currently reading Cast in Silence and am in love with the series! However, I was wondering if there was a publishing mistake in the printing of the chap­ters or if it is inten­tional and I should just keep reading? Chapter 11 ends and jumps into chapter 15 (going from page 160 directly to page 225). Chapter 15 and 16 are complete and chapter 17 starts one page (pg. 256) before the book jumps back to page 193 into a different chapter. I’m just curious what I am missing from pages 160 to 193?? I don’t want to miss ANY of this series!

  38. Genna Warner says:

    Your book is a publishing mistake. You will need to take it back and get a new one to read every­thing in order. I have had over the last few years several books that were missing pages or not bound in the correct order. Most places will take them back without issue and give you a new copy.

  39. E.C. Dylan says:

    I am completely taken with the Chron­i­cles of Elantra series. What an inter­esting world you have created!

    Just like everyone else, I would love to see a romance for Kaylin. My vote is for Night­shade — the tension between them is fantastic. I love rereading their inter­ac­tions — you’ve written them so well! I think Severn is the easy choice for Kaylin, but the chem­istry between them isn’t the same. Severn’s broth­erly traits make it hard for me to view him as a viable love interest for her.

    Thanks for the great work — I’m anxiously awaiting your next book in September!

  40. Jewels says:

    I totally agree with this post, I have been hooked from the very begin­ning. I can’t wait to see how this all ends up. I read all the books in hard copy and then I purchased a nook and had to buy them all there too. I just re-read them all and loved them all again. The world that Michelle has created is unique and fantastic.… the char­ac­ters are strong and you can’t wait to learn more. Now about Night­shade or Severn.…I find Severn’s silent support capti­vating and true, not to mention witty, dark and sexy. Night­shade adds spice and intrigue but he makes you nervous because you cannot get a read on his inten­tions. If you love the bad boy, Night­shade is the solid choice, however, there is some­thing going on with Severn and the idea that we don’t know every­thing about him too is quite appealing. Love it. Love the world! Love the writing.

  41. Angel says:

    Hi, Michelle.
    I’m trying to read some of your earlier works (still waiting for House Name in eBook and sitting on the edge of my seat for more Elantra books).… I noted that some of your earlier works are on eBook, but some are not (espe­cially the DAW ones). Is there any chance that those books will wind up ePub­lished as well? (I have a Nook, but I can read Kindle for iPhone in a pinch)

  42. Amanda says:

    Hi Michelle,

    I really loved reading this series, but I was curious, do you have the Sun Sword books on audio­book format? The reason I ask is because I really enjoy being able to listen to books while I’m at work, and your series is the only one that I do not have on audio book format. I under­stand, they are a little long, but I couldn’t help asking. Could you please respond via email when you have a spare moment?

    Thanks so much!

  43. Mandy says:

    I love the Cast in series, its one of my favorite books, but Cast in Chaos was a little confusing D: I hope Kaylin’s rela­tion­ship with Night­shade develops more although her rela­tion­ship with Severn isn’t clear.

  44. Sara Waltersdorf says:

    Just finished the second House War book and wanted to say how great all of the books are. Am now inspired to read the Sun Sword series again. Thanks for the great reads!