the Author

Cover: Cast in Honor

Posted in Elantra, covers, Shane Rebenschied, Mira.

I know most of you have prob­ably seen this on-line (at places like Amazon or B&N), but I just got the offi­cial cover released to me today, so: here’s the cover for Cast in Honor. Which I love love love. It’s more of a thematic cover than a tech­ni­cally accu­rate one — but when a cover conveys a mood or a tone to me, it works. Shane Reben­schied is, as usual, the artist respon­sible for the final cover; Kath­leen Oudit is the art director. I want to keep them both for the rest of my career.

I kind of want to enlarge the cover, print it out, and hang it on every wall in my home.

As for me, I am on a kind of writing retreat (in Bris­bane, which is as far away from daily respon­si­bil­i­ties that aren’t writing as I can be), and I am going to finish Grave if it kills me. And yes, it means I’m behind in every­thing else, and I’m sorry for that. Also: the begin­ning of War has to be scrapped, but actu­ally, I know exactly why and what has to start it instead, so, that’s a net positive.



22 Responses to Cover: Cast in Honor

  1. Mary C Mills says:

    Love the cover and can’t wait for the book.

  2. Allyson says:

    Love it!

  3. Just waiting for it to arrive…

  4. A wonderful cover with another awesome story inside. Win-win in my book (I am pun‑y).

  5. Zia says:

    This has to be my favorite cover. I am fairly certain I drove people insane when I first saw it. November cannot come fast enough. Hope all is fairly well with you other than the one book that is still being diffi­cult. Thanks for taking the time to post!

  6. DebbieH says:

    Wonderful cover! Counting the days. Hope your retreat is produc­tive. Thanks for all the wonderful stories.

  7. sometimeskate says:

    I did see it and wondered about the huge sword, but then I thought about it and I saw it was Kaylin standing sentinel for the city of Elantra. (not sure what the grass symbol­izes, but it is pretty, and adds nice colour.) I also really like that Kaylin ‑looks- like Kaylin. She’s scrawny. Not thin with boobs, or curves. Though I wonder if cover Kaylin is a bit pret­tier than real Kaylin. 

    i have soo many ques­tions about the world, and the people. When I really love books, I always wonder about things that never make into the books, but I’ll be nice and not inflict them all on you. But I keep wondering if Severn will end up being some sort of Big Bad. Does anyone else?

  8. Pewpewkachu says:

    Oh man…now we’ll all be foaming at the mouth with curiosity at what the scrapped bit in WAR was. Or maybe that’s just me…but I’m sure what­ever is replacing it will be just swell. I shall wait with bated breath~

  9. Andrea says:

    This is my favorite cover so far. Kaylin Naya looks like a Halk and her facial expres­sion is broad­casting her grief, and self-loathing that she’s always carrying around. Love it! 

    Michelle your not the only one that blew this cover up. I have it hanging on the wall???? It makes it so much more real. Can’t wait to get my hands on it. ❤????❤ your work. 

    Without getting too spoilery can you please tell us if the huge sword on thjeanieneprizese cover is that of Lord Nightshades? 

    Hope you get much written on your retreat and thanks for the post.
    We worry about you ????

    PS Is Sigurne expert going to be posted soon?

  10. Andrea says:

    Oops! eanieneprizes pasted itself there. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s phone spell checks without my approval. ???? sorry

  11. ElizabethN says:

    I’ve had as my pc wall paper, taunting me for months now. Getting closer!

  12. Debbie says:

    WOW Awesome. Love the cover.
    Welcome to Oz and hi from down here in Melbourne

  13. LenaG says:

    Love the Cover! Is there anyway that a poster side could be made for you fans?? Would love a copy!

  14. love the cover :)

    sample chapter, please?
    its looong time to November

  15. Joseph says:

    I read the excerpt in iBooks. Loving it so far!

  16. SuE says:

    thanks for the hint :)
    I found it on google books — first chap­ters and then random pages .. torture, pure torture …
    Oh wait, I asked for it :)

  17. sometimeskate says:

    I found the chap­ters as well. I hope that someone caught where Diar­mat’s name is misspelled before the paper copies are released. I loved reading it, but it seemed like an awful lot of book to be made avail­able to the public before release.

  18. Elayne says:

    Oh I found it took and got to read most of 6 chap­ters! Fun times! Thanks for the tip. Now for the waiting :(

  19. Auraya says:

    I found the sample chap­ters on google­books. Started reading them at work and finished at home. I got to Chapter 15 and can already tell you that this will be one of my midnight to dawn books. I really hope that will be seeing some of the results of what happened in chapter 9 and 10. Those two chap­ters are fantastic.

  20. Cath says:

    I found these last summer. I started a few books in and went back when I was able to get the early ones. I have re-read them already and what puzzles me is that no matter how often I get to the end of Cast in Flame, I still haven’t found Cast in Honor on my shelf yet. ;) Thank you for all your hard work!

  21. antony says:

    Looks fantastic. When will we have a release date for a kindle version?

  22. Anna says:

    Love the series
    Cover is the best of all .. can’t wait to read the book
    Fantastic series
    Hope you enter­tain us for many years to come!!!

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