the Author

Category Archives: writing

Posted in DAW, writing.

I have been absent for all of November, in part because of revi­sions and in part because of general stress and anxiety. I have copy-edits for Cast in Conflict on my computer now. Copy-edits are the part when I realize: Oh, I’m an idiot. Again. (If I made no mistakes, if I were compe­tent the first time, I wouldn’t have to deal with … my mistakes. And neither would anyone else. Para­lyzing writer-brain at it’s finest.) Writing has there­fore been slow. Well, worse than slow. I real­ized, with the new West novel, that I had made a crit­ical error (char­acter intro­duc­tion) and that the book would be much better if I fixed that. Which means, because of my process, losing 110k words of writing and starting again at the … Continue reading 

Posted in writing.

As promised, for those who have already read The Emper­or’s Wolves and wish to discuss it, this is the post on which you can do so. It goes without saying that the discus­sions will involve spoilers, and if you hate spoilers, avoid this partic­ular post. I am behind in absolutely every­thing T_T. I will be absent in a vain and flailing attempt to catch up. 2020 has not been the year for great focus =/.

Posted in writing.

This isn’t so much a social distancing post as an update. I’ve put the short stories on hold until the revi­sion for Cast in Conflict is done and back to the editor — it’s going to be a bit late =/. Release week for The Emper­or’s Wolves is coming up, and in theory it’s the time when I try hard to make myself more avail­able on social media — and I will try, but, well. Revi­sions. Cast in Conflict. I also believe that when it comes down to brass tacks, readers would rather have another book than … more Michelle babbling frenet­i­cally on the internet. I will, however, continue the short stories after the revi­sions are gone and the release date has been cele­brated, because we are not out of covid-19 social distancing … Continue reading 

Posted in writing.

Because The Emper­or’s Wolves comes out in October, and it’s September now, which means it’s time for the preview chapter. So, this week instead of a short story, I’m posting the first chapter. You can find it on the book page, linked above, or here. (The book page has current audio pre-order links; I assume that the audio­book will be sold on iTunes, but the preorder for that hadn’t gone live yet.) Because I’m Michelle, there’s a very thin divide between being excited and being anxious. This is, sadly, normal for me, as people who have had to live with me would be happy to attest, although possibly happier at a safe distance which is harder to attain during these times of minimal excur­sion from the house. … Continue reading 

Posted in writing.

The first thing I want to say is: I love Michelle Obama. After her speech, when Eva Longoria said, “This is what we missed”, she spoke for me. Over the past four years a lot of people have asked me, when others are going so low does going high still really work? My answer… Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehu­man­izing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that’s drowning out every­thing else. She goes on to say that going high doesn’t mean that we smile and make nice when we see injus­tice, when we see wrong, because going high doesn’t mean closing our eyes. The reason Michelle … Continue reading