the Author

Battle spoiler thread & Sun Sword Kindle news

Posted in DAW, ebooks, Essalieyan.

I am on the last arc of TOUCH now, and it is going much, much better — thank you all for your words of both support and encour­age­ment. On the other hand, I am so far behind in every­thing by this point that I expect 2013 to be…hectic.

I try not to angst too much on-line, because in the end, it’s not entirely rele­vant to the finished novel. Ten years from now – or maybe twenty – I won’t actu­ally remember which parts of any given book gave me ulcers and made me grind my teeth to crowns; the frus­tra­tion, the doubt, and the rewriting, are wed to the process. On the other hand, I was also happy to know that people who are writing found the post encouraging. 

I’m starting to get email & tweets about BATTLE, and I wanted to make a thread for people who are not spoiler averse to discuss the book. So, this is it. If you hate spoilers (I don’t; my husband is highly allergic to them), this is prob­ably not the thread you want to read or post in.

I also wanted to say that I noticed today that all of the Sun Sword books — all six — are now avail­able for the Kindle on Amazon. They don’t appear to have prop­a­gated to B&N or the iBook store yet, but I’m certain they will. 

And now, I am going back to TOUCH. And WAR. Thank you all for being so patient, and I hope you had — and have — a great new year.

116 Responses to Battle spoiler thread & Sun Sword Kindle news

  1. Meagan says:

    I’m glad to hear Touch may be going better for you (I don’t want to jinx it!) and thank you again for all of your books. I didn’t go quite as crazy over Battle as I did Peril (I’ve only read it about 5x since it came out instead of like I did with Peril and read it 5x in two days >.<), but I enjoyed it greatly and now have to sit and pretend to have the smallest amount of patience again while I wait for another book. 

    I keep attempting to buy the Sun Sword books on Amazon, but while they have a price with the excep­tion of The Riven Shield none of the others are letting me buy them. I there­fore have the first and fifth books of the series and am harrassing the Barnes and Nobles in the area for their terrible selec­tion of books since I went to 7 (yes SEVEN in a 75 mile radius) and could find only a couple of the Chron­i­cles of Elantra books (Peril and occa­sion­ally Ruin) and absolutely none of the West titles. None of them in my area were even getting Battle in so need­less to say Amazon got my busi­ness again and Barnes and Noble got a phone call about as high up as I could go about their poor choices in stocking. 

    Anyways…still slightly irri­tated over that so my apolo­gies. But thank you again for Battle. I loved it and it was a relief to read some­thing new again because I have already had to replace my copy of Peril so I defi­nitely needed some­thing else to read.

  2. Meagan says:

    Glad to see someone else has the same problem I have. I got The Riven Shield on my Kindle and I found The Broken Crown in a used book­store by chance because it was sadly going out of busi­ness, but I haven’t been able to get any of the others via the Kindle so I am once again attempting to get them as actual books (which I prefer anyways) instead.

  3. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard says:

    Meagan, I noticed this weeks ago. [Frown]

  4. robbin coane says:

    sunsword still not on kindle. they have them up, but not for sale. its been like this for about a month. sorry. :(

  5. Anon says:

    I, er, happen to work at Amazon, and took a quick look. Seems like a catalog update for avail­ability needs to happen to make them buyable. Did you publish directly to Amazon, or through your publisher? If the latter, they can prob­ably get in touch with Amazon and help you out.

  6. Meagan says:

    I’ve been watching it for the better part of a month and a half. However since it was posted here that they were for sale I took a new look. I was merely stating I was glad someone else had the same problem and it wasn’t just on my end since that has happened before…

    I decided to add to my book collec­tion instead; just purchased the remaining 4 Sun Sword books I didn’t have and should have them Friday so I should be caught up (finally!) by Saturday.

  7. Michael says:

    This is going to sound a bit perverse, but is anybody else disap­pointed that it wasn’t Jarven who tried to poison Finch? 

    As I was reading that section, I got a strong sense that it was Jarven. I was shocked. It’s good to be shocked from time to time. I hadn’t previ­ously wanted Jarven to do anything bad to Finch, but I was still disap­pointed when every­body concluded it wasn’t Jarven.

  8. Hilda says:

    Michelle, hope you feel and are much better. Thank you for this spoiler section. Once I read the book, the next fun thing is the hot discus­sion of issues and the guessing of what you meant. Your books are the best for that. You seed a lot for the future, the books are very long and complex, your char­ac­ters are all fasci­nating (in this one even Jarven, a very low key char­acter becomes a fairly big ques­tion mark), there’s always some new impor­tant char­acter (Darranatos), and the action never stops. You said above that you are final­izing Touch and working on War. That is so good news. In the list of books for the series, the book listed War and it says “Coming Soon”. Does this mean that we don’t have to wait a year for WAR?
    Will this section of the series may finish in less than a year? After War I under­stand there’s another series also with the same char­ac­ters Am I correct?
    Good night, everyone.

  9. Aaron M. says:

    Actu­ally, I thought it was Hectore/Andrei. Both as a pretense to insin­u­ating himself in the the Terafin merchant authority busi­ness and/or get into good graces with Finch regarding the whole Terafin assas­si­na­tion stuff. After all, he’d only recently found out about the nature of the dishes and I thought it was too much of a coin­ci­dence that he gets to expe­ri­ence those effects *the very next day*.

  10. David Y says:

    Michelle has to finish Touch, then do Cast in Lost Wax (or what­ever) and then War can come out.

  11. Christina says:

    So much seemed to happen in this book in regards to answering long-standing questions…especially about certain seeminly ageless, white-haired tempera­mental mages of the First Circle that after the book ended, all I could do was sit and stare into space with shock, trying to digest every­thing that’s happened and been revealed.


    That’s all I could say at the end. 

    And to those of you who have already guessed or deducted Meralon­ne’s true iden­tity before this book came out (I’m espe­cially cognizant of the denizens on Michelle’s yahoo site, as I frequently lurk there, and I’ve read the early spec­u­la­tion about Meralonne in the early posts), I give you kudos for being right on the mark!

    I honestly never saw it coming until about one or two hundred pages before the big reveal. I mean, yes, I read the spec­u­la­tion and the argu­ments for and against, but honestly, I never could completely agree with the theo­ries and guesses.

    I also have to say that I loved Kallan­dras’ appear­ance at the end, because we heard from him how char­ac­ters from The Sun Sword series are doing, and we now know that time­lines are now congruent, and we are fully in the “present” where The Sun Sword left off. Upon reading about how Kallan­dras, Serra Teresa, and Bard­master Solren of Senniel College had a meeting though, I *sorely* wished I could have read that meeting and that dialogue in the book. Yes, I love Jewel’s story, but I miss our Southern friends and I wish I could have seen the Empire and Senniel College through Serra Tere­sa’s eyes.

    I am chomping at the bit for WAR already – how is Jewel going to survive the Oracle’s path, how will she bring about Summer? How will she convince the Kings to allow her to rebuild Aver­alaan Aramarelas to be the City it needs to be to stand against a god??? Will she be able to rescue Carver and Ellerson? I mean, we know Carver’s alive (for the moment), but what in the world happened to Ellerson?? He is very likely dead, but I’m hoping against hope.…

    And the big ques­tion: If the Sleepers wake, (and they hope­fully won’t wake in War, but knowing Michelle, anything could happen) how will Jewel save the city and convince them that they must redeem them­selves in the White Lady’s eyes and keep the oaths they broke so long ago???

    And Meralonne, oh Meralonne.…

    …my only complaint about this book: yes, we saw and finally got to know Meralon­ne’s iden­tity. He is a great char­acter, and if there’s lots of him, I’m happy with the book regard­less. The only thing lacking was Isladar. I’m wondering what my favorite Kialli Lord is up to right now.…

  12. mary Allen says:

    Loved Battle — I went back and reread The Sun Sword and Skir­mish just to get back to speed. I can’t figure out how you will tie it all together in just one more book. I was surprised to learn APhaniel’s identity.

    I love every­thing you write and am now anxiously waiting for the next Cast Book.

  13. Fox says:

    I was very lucky, in that I managed to get hold of 1 of 2 copies, which had found their way to my local book­store 2 weeks prior the actual release of Battle.

    1 thing I found enoying about Jay, is that despite being the Terafin, she doesn’t want power for power sake.

    She seems reluc­tant to use what she has been given, and I find that very irri­tating for someone who has had as goal to safe­guard the late Terafin’s lagacy.

    Hope­fully Jay can grow some back­bone in the final book and not being afraid of using her gifts until the very last minute.

    Battle was and is a great read, kudos to Michelle for having written it, and I’m looking forward to the next Cast book with Kaylin.

  14. shauntel says:


    How is this going to end in only one more book?!!! Unless she does another arc, with a different main character.

    1. The people up north (Angels father’s people) Werylon the son of Cartanis, we’ve heard nothing of their battles unlike the south. Even though this is where the shining court is located.

    2. The hunters, What will the son on of the hunter (in hunter’s oath) and the Hunter gods daughter do? what is his role??

    3. Adam and his sister what will happen when he returns? What of the crip­pled little girl’s role, will she be used by the demons?

    4. The summer queen?

    5. The Guilde master of the makers and his long lost artisian (reunited?)

    6. The god of hells daughter, will she takes his place when he dies??

    7. Anna, is her body still controlled and taken over by the God of hell??; will she be reuinited with the Kalakar guard who aban­doned her as a young girl, will he kill her, or will she kill him?

    8. The Bard will he escape his fate for betraying the assas­sins guilde???

    9. What is going to happen to the Kialli (some I really like , Anduvin, ishavael, Terrek to name 2)
    10. I really liked the Dream Warden, I think he should have a happy ending, he seemed so sad, espe­cially when he stated that only one god/person didn’t mind having him around.

    These are just some of the small ques­tions we are awaiting answers, please don’t rush the ending, give us a completely satis­fying book with a clear ending that answers questions.

  15. Tad says:

    Admit it! You’re just like Meralonne, and can’t wait for the End of Days to arrive!
    (You’ll have to, though.…wait I mean.…=) )

  16. Hilda says:

    David, The reason I asked is because Michelle herself said “she was going back to Touch and to War”. To me it seems she is already writing War. I also looked at the page behind the title of Battle, and it lists the books in the House War series. Next to War, it says“coming soon”. This comment, I had not seen before. I know the next Cast (In Sorrow) is in there some­where; because Michelle had to split the last Cast because it was too long. It’s then possible that she has finished drafting Sorrow, and it’s in some of the lengthy review process. I don’t know; I hope so because Michelle has been writing appar­ently non-stop. It would be great if we can get all those books soon after the long review process without Michelle getting sick in the process. Writing 3 different series, at about the same time, seems to me an incred­ible accomplishment.

  17. Erin says:

    Yes I too thought it was Jarven. I’m having trouble trusting him.

  18. Erin says:

    My expe­ri­ence is the same as Paul’s. The books appear in the Kindle library but a message says they are not available.

  19. Kvon says:

    Any spec­u­la­tion on the role of the Astari gardener? She was dropped into the mix and then disappeared.

  20. I’m pretty sure they are still handled by DAW, according to what Michelle said when she first talked about making the Sun Sword series avail­able as ebooks.

  21. I totally agree that the over­ar­ching plot of all the Essalieyan books can’t be fully addressed in one more book.

    I expect at least one book of Jewel on her quest towards the Oracle, and one book of the rest of her den holding together House Terafin from all the challenges.

    And then there is Evayne and her fate, Meralonne and his fate, Kallan­dras and his fate, Allasakar himself, Isladar and Kiriel, the Cities of Men and the Voyani

  22. Hey, when I read that enumer­a­tion, I realise that — apart from the Terafin centered books (okay, so that might be one book only — the other impor­tant topics to be addressed number six! That ought to make a great third series for the over­ar­ching plot then ^^.

  23. I think she may become impor­tant i n fate of House Terafin while Jewel is on the way to the Oracle. Sort of a support for the rest of the den.

    Unless the Oracle tells Jewel some­thing signif­i­cant about the grove and she comes in there. We know MW plays a long game after all ^^

  24. Hilda says:

    Christina is right: I said WOW so many times. Answered big ques­tions; raised many others.
    I also wonder about finishing all the adven­tures and answering all the pending old ques­tions in just one “big book”.I have a vague recol­lec­tion from some long ago message fom Michelle, that after WAR there will be another series. Am I mistaken?
    In this website we discussed Meralonne; we all agreed he is immortal, but I don’t think we hit on what he is. Truly for me was unex­pected because I could not see how he could escape that fate.
    The white dragon? Can Jewel befriend him and use him to fight the strong demons, the Dukes of Hell??? Really, I can’t see her the current chrac­ters doing it. They already faced him and failed? What about fighting even more of them? There is some indi­ca­tion that there are more “Princes of Hell. So, we need that dragon; the idea came from its roar, like the demons roars. Why kill this or others when Jewel needs as many extra­or­di­nary fighters as she could get. She needs to find other fighters and she needs to find some extra­or­di­nary weapons (she started with the new armory room), with Angel and Angel friend.
    I found it hard to believe that in the return from war cele­bra­tion, all our heroes together could not defeat the Duke, not even harm him. Vian­daran had faced groups of demons together and defeated them, and could do nothing against this one.
    I thought the Lord of Hell could not have chil­dren, except Kiriel, and now it seems he had more? What happened to Kiriel? As a Kakakar guard she should have been in the parade. Couldn’t she fight.
    Jewel needs to prepare the other Houses for the attacks from the demons before she departs. It’s said in the book that some are infil­trated. She must alert them to take action. There’s also talk of attakc in other parts inside and outside of the Empire? Will she go there?
    Finally, I mentioned some time ago that I wish Lefty was still alive. Michelle answered: Jewel knows for certain Lefty is dead, not like the two new lost ones: Carver and Emerson.

  25. mary Allen says:

    I thought Kirlel and the Osprey’s (those left after the battle) remained with Validan as his personal guards. I am most anxious about Kirlel, Anya a ‘Cooper and Lord Isladar and some final reso­lu­tion to his plan.

  26. Christina says:

    Yes, Hilda, you are correct. There is, according to what I know, another series after the House War saga that will specif­i­cally deal with the coming End of Days and the actual war against Allasakar. The last I heard it was called the Black Gauntlet series.

    As for the dragon…that was a very inter­esting sugges­tion. I look forward to seeing how this plays out. As for Allasakar having children…it is indeed proven *possible* for him to have mortal god-born chil­dren. Kiriel is proof of that. We already know that he has had other First­born chil­dren. Darranatos must count, and of course, there is Calliastra, who we met in the Shining Court.

    As for extra­or­di­nary fighters…in Battle, we see that those two…whatever they were…who gath­ered and enter­tained the Dreamers for Jewel, kept them safe. I think there was some fore­sight or vision or hint in Battle that Jewel would have a good-size or small army of like immor­tals to fight on her side. Again, this is some­thing I think we will have to wait for in further books to bear fruit.

    I can’t wait for War!

  27. Hilda says:

    Mary Allen, you are right. I had forgotten that they stayed with Valedan. At some point they will be needed in Aver­alaan Aramarelas. Their story could be written during the next series that Cristina mentions below. I thought so. There are still lots of books to continue the life of al those friendly heroes we have left behind with their stories unfin­ished, I really want to see what will happen with Lord Isladar; he is so different from the other demons, but not good, not yet. He is an enigma; prob­ably the most unknown of all the demons, even though he is the most visible one. I want to see Anduvin with Meralonne.
    Christina, I did not remember that Calliastra was His daughter. I wonder if she will fight at His side or at the side of the White Lady.
    So many details, so mamy char­ac­ters, minor and major. So many pending details. I think I need to go back and read all those books again. I have done nothing in the last 2 + years than reading Michelle’s books. Plea­sure! And another series coming!!

  28. shauntel says:

    Islador, is my favorite demon with Audvin. did anyone else re read, the section in the second house name book where the Isador states that his long game is at last coming to an end. It’s where Allaskar is finally entering the world in .the undercity. 

    Is it me or is he talking of another god and not allaskar, he owes alle­giance to also (I don’t know if he is different because he is like Evalyn) may be the god Mysterria? If you read that whole section including his discus­sion with the Dark god when he is fighting the hunter god.

    I think it’s inter­esting about the how everyone talks of the 3 gods who didn’t take the oath, (Brendon (oath god), Allaskar (dark god), Mysterria (un-named god). They only speak of Brenden and Allaskar. When Jewel was talking about a god who could grant Avandar, death I think she was speaking of Mysterria.

    Hilda: I think,

    The only reason Allaskar had a god born child was, because Islador kidnapped a young healer (so she could keep the child alive insider her body). The only reason she allowed the child to live is because The Seer asked her to inorder to save the future. It was in I think the first Sunsword book.

    Also that Demon that came during the cele­bra­tion parade was almost a First borne, not a Duke. (a Child of the gods) They stated that only Allaskar himself could hold Darrantos name and call him, So his being in the world meant the Gates of Hell itself was obvi­ously open.

  29. aawss says:

    It’s been obvious for a while what Isladar is plan­ning: regi­cide and rebellion

  30. Joseph Hurley says:

    Just wondering if there’s any update on the Amazon Kindle status. Like several others mentioned, I can see the books listed (with an asso­ci­ated price) in the Kindle store, but am unable to buy any but Riven Shield (which has been out and avail­able in Kindle format for a while now). I’d really like to read this series, and digital format works better for me (easier to see/read since I can adjust font size). Thanks.

  31. Theresa says:

    I picked up “House Name” in the stacks of my local library last spring, and have been reading through all the Michelle West/Michelle Sagara books since then. It’s wonderful to find a fantasy writer whose writing is so creative and at such a high level, and who is so prolific! The only down-side is having to wait patiently for the next instal­ment in the series!

    I loved Battle. I really enjoyed its focus on Jewel’s power and the hidden paths. I hope that Avandar continues to play an impor­tant role in the books because I find his rela­tion­ship with Jewel fascinating.

  32. Hilda says:

    Theresa, have you read the Sun Sword series yet? I f you haven’t I suggest you collect all the issues now that they have been reprinted; in partic­ular, get Book Five, The Riven Shield, right away. This volume diss­ap­peared for several years and readers were desperate to find it. I got a last copy in Canada over a year ago.. It’s avail­able again here, but so many people wanted it, it could diss­ap­pear quickly again. My whole set of The Sun Sword looks like a whole class­room has read it; it’s that much read just by me. The reason I asked if you have read Volume 5 is because of Jewel and “Vian­daran” rela­tion­ship there. Then,suddenly every­thing that happened there is forgotten. Not even one thought about it from the two of them has escaped on these other books. That is frus­trating. Of course, for the House series it works this way. I hope towards the end of these last series Vian­daran comes up again as a hero. He is very much ignored by other char­ac­ters in the Hose and War series, even Jewel seems to disre­gard him while others play a major role. I can’t under­stand why the powerful Vian­daran of Riven Shield and other novels, is very, very low profiile since his return to Aver­alan. Just think his unex­pected inter­ven­tion in the parade when the demon attacked. He raised with his golden sword to attack Darranatos. Char­ac­ters from the court, from the Houses, from the Astari specially, even from Jewel’s den should be all over the place asking about Avandar/Viandaran, his flight, his fight, his sword that comes and goes as Meralon­ne’s. Instead he goes back to his role as a valet, sorry Domicis, and no one wonders. I have to assume that in this era where lots of powerful people or enti­ties, or magical beings come forward, Vian­daran is not that major figure. Maybe when he goes again into the magical roads with Jewel, even though other char­ac­ters will also go with them, he once again be able to show his power. The Kings and family, the mages, the Astari, etc, are so afraid of Jewel’s power, but pay no atten­tion to the combi­na­tion of Jewel plus Avandar. I can’t wait to see him agaain as he should be.

  33. Hilda says:

    Shauntel, what you said seems reason­able. I don’t know or remember much of Mysterria; so, yes he could be the one for Vian­daran. I always thought it was Allasakar and I think that’s what Jewel believes too. Nearly 2 years ago, some of us readers in this comments section started trying to figure out all these gods to make sense of them. I don’t remember if we mentioned Misterria. In any event there’s so much still unsaid about them.
    About the wide spoken inability of Allasakar to have chil­dren, it ould have been from a female human only; in this case he had Kiriel because the mother was a “healer”. I guess if the mother is a godess or daughter of a godess, he won’t have the same problem. And yes, they would be first born. They called him a Duke of Hell and also a Prince.

  34. mary Allen says:

    I am sort of inter­ested in the dipo­si­tion of the rings Evayne has given out.
    I know Kiriel has one, Kallan­dras has one, Aralis and Serra Diora but I thought a fifth ring is out there and I don’t know who has it. Did I miss it being given out.

  35. Mark Galpin says:

    We know there’s at least one more major series for Stephen of Maubreche.

  36. Mark Galpin says:

    I don’t recall that Serra Diora has one. So far as I’m aware, we’re still waiting on dispo­si­tion of both earth and water. Person­ally, I expect Angel to get Water.… In either event I pretty strongly expect we’ll see water given out this series — we’ve seen Jewel interact with Water alot throughout. I absolutely do not expect to see Earth given out until the last series.

    Absolutely cool, by the way, that we finally find out what Jester is going to be doing for the den!

  37. Mark Galpin says:

    Vian­daran is not using his sword, because Jewel has ordered him not to draw it. She fears that if he draws it he will set aside his mortality, and she will not be able to call him back to it. She nearly had him draw it against Darnatos, but she views this as some­thing to be done only at the very end of all other options being exhausted.

  38. shauntel says:


    What was the ring that the Guilde master has, the one she tried to give to Meralonne when she summond him? He said it was not time yet. Is it one of the five rings I wonder?

    Also the neck­lace that Snow gave jewel, to wear with the dress for the funeral. The One he stole from Allaskar, I really want to know what it does. Although it was implied that it did actu­ally belong to Jewel.

    The song that the Wayland sung. I think the descrip­tion was of the winter queen, when she goes to be tested by the oracle she is also going to bring the summer seedling to the Winter Queen. I think she will return with her to the City during the war, and that is what’s going to stop the sleepers from destroying the city.

    These books are so awesome so many things can happen!! :))))

  39. Chris says:

    Is The Riven Shield actu­ally avail­able again, or do you mean the ebook one? I’d really love to buy the book, if it is.

  40. Chris says:

    Has anyone heard when Memory of Stone and Other Stories (the POD collec­tion of the 6 short stories) might be avaIl­able from Amazon or B&N?

    Michelle had posted on July 9th that it would prob­ably take “six to eight weeks”, but I still haven’t seen it at either store and really really want to finally read it. But I also want to avoid ordering from Lulu if at all possible. If anyone’s heard anything I’d very much appre­ciate the news. Thanks.

  41. Hilda says:

    Mary Allen, Mark, Everyone:
    1. Since yesterday I have had in my mind the name of the mage who did the rings, Myrdion. The reason I remem­bered is because the powerful rings is one of the subjects I would like to raise with readers for discus­sion and explore ideas. I think we already may know where the last ring is. Sigurne has it in a box in her bedroom. She showed it to Meralone, and he told her the time is not yet. So, Sigurne has the last missing one, the one with the diamond. She is an incred­ible powerful mage who hasn’t shown her true colors yet. She is elderly though, and may be one of those who will go out fighting before the end of the series. I wonder what she will do with the ring. The way thing are going, I think she should wear it all the time.. Meralone said “not yet”.
    2. Do you think Meralone smokes his pipe almost all the time, specially when he is stressed to avoid showing his real “persona”. Then, I remember Jewel’s grand­mother smoked like that too. Was it to stop showing she was a matri­arch, so she could survive attacks?
    3. There’s no doubt now that Jewel is the Matri­arch of the lost group of Voyanne. She is also Sen with the power to raise one of the lost cities. But where is her Voyanne family, where will she find it? It can’t be her den because they must remain in Terafin; she needs to gather others.
    4. We need to hear the story on how the next Voyanne family reached the second Lost City? They must have fought demons attack because Allasakar is trying to stop all of them. Were the Arkosan able to help the second group with their power?
    5. When the Oracle speaks to Jewel, Teller and Avandar in the palace, she said she sees several futures, not all of them are in all futures except one? Does it mean in all futures some of them are gone? Or does it mean that all of them are only in one possible future? There is the possi­bility the Avandar will fail to protect Jewel? (Page 375).

  42. Hilda says:

    I have had, for several months now, in my Nook (B&N) several of those short stories.

  43. Hilda says:

    I thought they were supposed to be avail­able in both forms. Maybe we can find the answer if we look at Michelle’s message of a very few month ago, when she gave the good news. The Riven Shield was one she specif­i­cally announced. I won’t mind a new copy. Mine is flying apart; I have it tied.

  44. Chris says:

    I had read that message too, but it only talked about the ebook, I didn’t see anything about print books, and so I was surprised by what you wrote because it sounded like you were saying that they were avail­able also, which is the first I’d heard of that.

  45. Hilda says:

    Chris, I just went to Barnes &Noble, I used them because my chil­dren gave me a Nook over a year ago. Under Michelle West they seem to have all or almost all her Sun Sword series books. I did not go as far as ordering the books to see what is really avail­able, but next to them they have prices and comments. They do have some or all for Nook too. Try there and see if they have what you need. I intend to get the Riven Shield again but for the Nook.

  46. Hilda says:

    Mark, why do you think that the 2 missing rings are earth and water. According to you, is Kiriel’s ring fire? I ask because I had no idea they repre­sented an element. Is Kalan­dras air? I know he calls air, Is it only because of the ring? Jewel does that too. and all the mages, Arianni and demons.But there are only 5 of those rings. I’m assuming the one with Sigurne is for her; I don’t think is for Meralonne to use. Carver is not a fighter, but he manages to get along well with people. I’m asssuming he may be able to do some ambas­sador work . Angel can use a ring and so can Arann. So we re still guessing.

  47. Tracy AOK says:

    Hello Michelle. I see comments that you are trying to put the Sun Sword Series on Kindle. Are you also working to make it avail­able on Nook? I have all your books in paper­back up through the Hidden City. Since then I have been buying and reading every­thing on my Nook. I have re-purchased The Sacred Hunt and all the related short stories on Nook. I would love to re-purchase your Sun Sword Series for my Nook as well. I contacted Barnes & Noble and they said you just need to contact pubit@​bn.​com but I’m sure you’ve already done that. You are hands down the best fantasy author I have ever read. Your novels are better than Robert Jordan, Terry Good­kind, Eliz­a­beth Hayden, Mercedes Lackey, and even Tolkien to name a few. They are better in story, creativity, grammar, plot, every­thing. Even your editor is better — found a lot of typos in those other novels and only a few in yours. I would suspect that if you could get your previ­ously published novels out in Nook and Kindle format, that you could re-sell them to other readers who have trans­ferred to ebook reading like I have.

  48. I don’t think Kiriel’s ring is elemental. She has healing powers, but she can’t heal people because she’s Allasakar’s daughter. She can heal objects…(reinforce build­ings, etc). The ring suppresses her shadow side and brings out her healing side, from what I remember. Kallan­dras is defi­nitely air. I thought Diora had earth, but I might be misre­mem­bering. What’s his name has fire (the Osprey… um… Auralis?). So I thought only one ring was left, water.

    Kallan­dras can only call air because of the ring… the others that can call it are talent-born (mage, or like Jewel, seer). Obvi­ously the Arianni and Kialli can call the elements (the Kialli no longer have the respect of any element but fire, though… although some Kialli, like Isladar, are saddened at the loss… like the earth not remem­bering them).

  49. If you have (purchase) the Kindle format, you can convert it to the Nook format using Calibre (just Google it). I switched from Kindle to Nook last year and converted my whole library…

  50. Amber says:

    Hi Fox,

    I am, like you, waiting for Jewel to hit her “I’m going to roll up my sleeves and get this done” point. Up til now she has defi­nitely been avoiding facing the reality of her role and respon­si­b­lity, but I think by the end of Battle we were starting to see some of her street fighter mentality again. Hope­fully we get to see that more in the next book!

  51. Tracy AOK says:

    Wow! I didn’t know you could do that! Thanks! Of course, none of the Sword Series is avail­able on Kindle yet either. But if that comes out first, now I have an option. Thanks so much Jamie.

  52. Chris says:


    I defi­nitely see it for the Nook, but not at all in print.

  53. Esther says:

    I found it odd that the romantic/deeper rela­tion­ship between Avander and Jewel, hinted at strongly in the conclu­sion of Riven Shield and the short story about Avander has so far gone nowhere. To me Battle felt like what it Michelle West had orig­i­nally intended it to be, the first half of a novel, not a complete one. The cliff hanger at the end was so painful! I can’t wait for the next installment…though I know it is rude of me to say so already!

  54. Mike D says:

    @MSW — I also wanted to say that I noticed today that all of the Sun Sword books — all six — are now avail­able for the Kindle on Amazon. 

    May I ask about Canada and over­seas ebook availability ?

    In the KN Kindle Store I see all six, but all marked “not currently available”.

    Plus someone needs to insert product descrip­tions for the Hunter’s * books.

    Mike D
    Little Egret in Walton-on-Thames

  55. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard says:

    For what it is worth, the Sun Sword books (except for The Riven Shield) are now gone from the Kindle store.

    Hope­fully when we see them again, they’ll be really avail­able for purchase.

  56. Hilda says:

    Friends, because so many of you are still looking for the Sun Sword series and keep mentioning it, I just went to the Barnes & Noble store in my computer again. I asked again for Michelle WEST and took me directly there. This time I clicked on Riven Shield and the computer gave me no warning. It immeditely noti­fied me that they charged Riven Shield to my card and I will have it down­loaded in my Nook in 1/2 hour. Since I had planned to do that, I had no problem. I then clicked in another book of the series and they give prices for paper books and seem to have them avail­able, at least some books for some titles. They say “avail­able”, also say “reprint” (which is what some of you are looking for- real books). If any of you want some of these books, you should try B&N„ then Michelle West and try to buy them and see what will happen. See if you can get them. Try it and let us know if it works for you.
    As I said: Riven Shiekd is coming to my NOOK.

  57. bonnie holmes says:

    i ordered battle from my book store my daughter ordered it on line and we have been waiting over 3 weeks so i asked my sister to pick it up at bakka books since she lives near there.we will see who gets it first.

  58. Allison says:

    I was in a big huff so I clicked the link that allows you to report incor­rect infor­ma­tion in the item descrip­tions on Amazon (yes every book but Riven – I was grouchy). I asked if it counted that they described the book as a kindle i.e. elec­tronic edition yet unavail­able for purchase. That would be crazy if it worked. Although I’d rather the fix be avail­able to purchase.…

  59. Hilda says:

    Friends, I just ordered the SEA OF SORROWS from the Sun Sword in book format series in the BARNES & NOBLE website, I ordered it for 2 reasons. My book is split in two, but it’s complete and could be saved tied with rubber bands. I would have preferred the NOOK format but I wanted to see if the books were really really avail­able in print format. THEY ARE. In print and NOOK. I also got Riven Shield in the Nook format too a few days ago, since my print copy is all loose and tied with rubber bands. They also have the 2 Hunters books. To confirm the order I spoke to customer service. I don’t want to buy all the books again in print so more are avail­able for other readers that can’t find them. Try there. Good luck! I also have all the short stories in the Nook. Maybe some of you could buy the books in a friend Nook, read them there , or use the system that someone put in this website a few days ago to transfer it from Nook to the Kindle if you have the Kindle. Hope this works.

  60. shauntel says:

    Lost Voyanni,

    I think that one of the cities upon which Aver­ralyn is built was Vexus, and the lord of hells shining city as was stated, but also in the last book it was stated that one of the one of the previous named cities built on the ruins was AMarkess, is anyone else consid­ering that Jewel’s last name is Markess?? She is of the Sen Blood line I think.

    Rings: Kiriel ring is the Oath ring, It is actu­ally stated in one of the books, I can’t remember which one. which is why it can bind her powers. I think when she was so mad at Islador and the death of her Nanny, (Ashaf) that she swore an oath, and this oath prevents her from randomly using her power too much unless it is for the memory of Ashaf and the protec­tion of others like ashaf..

  61. Chris says:

    That’s no surprise. All of the Hunter’s and Sun Sword books are avail­able in print EXCEPT the Riven Shield. The Riven Shield is avail­able only in ebook,

  62. shauntel says:


    I have been waiting to see if the site would update, but the Elantra series has not posted Cast in Peril on your home site. It posted Battle right away, but the Cast in Peril title has never been posted. Don’t know why?

  63. Christina says:

    With regard to the rings:

    Kallan­dras has the ring asso­ci­ated with Elemental Air.

    Auralis has the ring asso­ci­ated with Elemental Fire.

    Kiriel, ah Kiriel. She has the Fifth ring. There are four rings asso­ci­ated with four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The fifth ring’s purpose is not, in my memory, *explic­itly* stated, but I would hazard a guess it could be a ring of Spirit.

    Consider this: It is only with the aid of the ring that Kiriel’s power was, for a time, seem­ingly less­ened in The Uncrowned King. This was when she started to expe­ri­ence mortal frailty – she actu­ally started sweating in the heat for the first time; she lost her drag­on’s roar; she lost, for a time, her ability to see into other people’s souls. In The Sun Sword, in that epic battle, it was the ring’s subtle inter­ven­tion that brought her back to her humanity, ulti­mately leading her to make the choice she did. So, given this, I would posit that Kiriel’s ring, the fifth ring, is Spirit or Soul.

    The rings of Earth and Water – we have not yet seen who will wear these rings. Yes, Diora has an affinity with the Old Earth and she can bespeak that Element – but she does not have the ring for it. But, if anyone should be given the ring for Elemental Earth, I would posit that it *should* go to Diora – or if not, why not a Hunter­lord or Hunt­brother, since they are also depen­dent upon, and tied and sacri­ficed to, the Old Earth through their covenant between their god and Old Earth???

    As for Water – I have no idea about who could possibly wear the ring asso­ci­ated with Elemental Water. I don’t know if Jewel can or should – she already has so many burdens to carry that I think adding this one might be too much. But who knows??

  64. Bill O'Neill says:

    I’m glad to see you are still writing Michelle. It seems you’ve been fairly prolific since we last met, oh, about 20 or more years ago. We should have coffee some day soon.

  65. Hilda says:

    I went back to the begin­ning of Battle (very slowly) now that I know the end. Michelle started wih the end in mind. Fighting the corrupted trees, The Kialli Sword­smith Anduvin found a very strong one. Evayne a“Nolan took the tree Anduvin and A’Phaniel fought. They spoke and said: There is no path now to the Hidden Court except by the Green Deep­ings. There will be no Summer. They need the Winter King to die so they can plant the Summer tree in its dead body.
    Evayne brought to Jewel the seedling/tree she took from Illara­phaniel ( I assume she must have ravel back in time when the tree was alive and well and kept it). Jewel, without knowing, is in for an incred­ible grief (neither will we like it). She is taking the tree to Arianne, by the Green Deep­ings, and she is going with the “Winter King” (Tor Amanon) from one of the Ancient Cities of Man. He will die so that Summer will come back. A’Phaniel told Kallan­dras: “Arane now requires two things: a Summer King and a seedling. One, even one will suffice.”
    Somehow, Anduvin, who is trav­eling North, will go too (not sure how); and he will make the new shield for A’Phaniel, who needs it to fight Darranatos in the great and final war.

  66. Isn’t the tree in the box the one that Yollana and Diora puri­fied in the Sun Sword? Jewel said in Battle that she was going to demand that Arianne release Tor Amanon, which I assume means make him human again. I was under the impres­sion that this was neces­sary so that he could become the Summer King. Too bad we don’t know what that partic­ular title really means though. Well, if all goes according to plan, Arianne will have the poten­tial to bring Summer.

  67. Jason WEST says:

    I am really fed up with waiting for the ever­sions of sun sword. I finally thought they were avail­able but no. So i have broken down and ordered the first three books in paper of the series as I want to get to Skir­mish and Battle. Maybe by tthen I can get them on my tablet.

  68. Hilda says:

    Christopher,you may be right. I had forgotten the tree they had, and I believe they put it in the magic box where Diora carried the sword. The thing is that we know Evayne took the tree she is giving to Jewel from Meralonne and Kallan­dras, but I don’t think we know what happened to the other tree. How Michelle keep track of all those details I have no idea. I have read all those books 2 or 3 times( some­times reread parts of them while I’m stiil reading them) and still find new things, or another reader remind me of another inci­dent. I also wonder how the Southern part of that universe will merge with the Northern part.

  69. I thought she just reas­sured Meralonne that there was one tree left.Of course she also irri­tated him by saying that she was the one who would decide when it went to Arriane. He felt that Arianne should be the only one to decide when summer came. I thought Meralonne and Kallan­dras had to kill every tree they found on the border.

  70. shauntel says:

    About the Summer tree:

    May be I am confused but.…..

    I re-read the begin­ning and, they were fighting the corrupted trees, but they NEVER found a uncor­ruipted one. Melleron had to destroy all the trees. 

    He was not aware that a seedling survived, that is what he and Celle­riant discussed when they met on the Terefin grounds for the first time in Battle. 

    Kallan­dras my have known, because he may have been one of the barbs to sing the seedling to sleep when directed to by Evavlyn, but I don’t think he told Melle­rion when they were fighting the trees.

    when Kallan­dras brought the box to Jewel at the end of the story No one knew what it was prior to Jewel opening it, Melle­rion was very angry and deter­mined that jewel was to go to the Hidden court prior to starting the oracles trials. I don’t think that he would have let Kallan­dras return by himself with no other guards for the last hope of the Winter Queen.

    Well that’s inter­pre­ta­tion, Although all the answer’s will come hope­fully in the new book:))))

  71. QuantumDinosaur says:

    I have just started a wiki on the sun sword and house wars series if you want to contribute it would be appre­ci­ated. Mostly I just wanted to compile all I knew about it some­where for my own sake but thought it might be helpful to others and peak interest in people who stumble across it.

  72. QuantumDinosaur says:

    I have just started a wiki on the sun sword and house wars series if you want to contribute it would be appre­ci­ated. Mostly I just wanted to compile all I knew about it some­where for my own sake but thought it might be helpful to others and peak interest in people who stumble across it.

  73. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    I just finished Battle for the second time in the last week. Wow and Wow! This just keeps getting better and better. The first time through was for the sheer joy of the story itself. The second time was for nuance and joy again. I am curious though. Battle is the 5th book and War will be the sixth so you say. I say you must have another series in mind after War is published. I just don’t see how you will have Jewel complete (and I presume) pass the Oracle’s test, rescue Carver and hope­fully Ellerson (although I suspect one or both will not survive), come back to Aver­alaan, redesign the City, plant the leaves, gather the allies, visit the Winter Queen, bring in the Summer Queen, fight the war, stop the God, etc. etc. etc. and actu­ally bring this most amazing story to an end in one final book. I don’t think you can. You’ve admitted as much in previous writ­ings that you are pretty much inca­pable of keeping a story­line within a certain word count (and I thank you so very much that you can’t!!!). I don’t get to visit this site as often as I would like so you may have already addressed this point. But I am curious — will there be another series after The House War?

  74. Hilda says:

    Tyronne, way back in this column Theresa wrote that there is going to be another series following the book War; she even gives the name of the new series. I do remember in one of Michelle’s arti­cles of a year or so ago, she did discuss the books she had on mind to write. I don’t know how easy it woud be to find this in Michelle’s website, but I read it there.

  75. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Hi Hilda.

    Thank you for your message. I knew there had to be another series cause there just is no way to wrap this up. Either way very diffi­cult waiting but I can look foward to her next install­ment in the Elantra series which I enjoy just as much but for different reasons and her Queen of the Dead series. Take care.

  76. Meagan says:

    Bit off topic…but can I just say I ‑love- the cover for Cast in Sorrow? I have been checking up on the title constantly (love the release date as well btw) and the cover is just beautiful!

  77. Chris says:

    Thanks for mentioning that it’s up Meagan. I had checked a few days ago, but didn’t see it yet. I agree that the cover came out great.

  78. Hilda says:

    Kaylin and Jewel have many common char­ac­ter­is­tics and expe­ri­ences, but their envi­ron­ment is different; we enjoy both stories. Jewel seems more inter­esting because her situ­a­tion covers more times, more places and more char­ac­ters. Kaylin seems more fun. I think we still have at least 5 or 6 more years of happi­ness with House Wars. We still have to see the Southern Sun Sword world merging with the Northern House War world; Jewel becoming matri­arch and Sen raising the last City of Man, joining all the other Matri­arches. She has to complete her devel­op­ment as a seer. She also has to walk the Hidden ways, meet her old acquain­tances, fight more demons, build hills around the city, etc., etc.
    What is amazing in all this is that so many of her current compan­ions are perfectly aware of what or who she is, not just a seer, but not one of them tells her. Even the cats, Lord Celle­riant, Meralone, and, of course Avandar. She goes from one event to another, creates that open wild world from her library, and does not under­stand what it means, but all the others do. I think it will be very diffi­cult for her to forgive Vian­daran. They all expect so much of her, but are willing to make her walk “blind”.
    I think that the neck­lace Snow brought to her, and for some reason she was wearing it once without the fancy dress, (I guess with Ararath ring), was warm on her chest because it was trying to talk to her (like the one Diora carried and was trying to warn her about the storm). It is the Heat of her Voyanni tribe. It seems absurd that not even the cats will tell her all. Remember White telling her: It’s yours, it’s yours. Allasakar had given instruc­tions to kill all matri­archs. Maybe her grand­mother was matri­arch, or Allasakar had killed her mother (matri­arch), and the grand­mother escaped to save Jewel.
    I want to read all those possible futures. It’s hard to wait, but Michelle is busily writing.

  79. Hilda says:

    Megan, Chris: where did you find it? I went yesterday to Amazon and Barnes and Noble and didn’t see anything. After I read your message just now, I went again to both sites, searched under her name and under title and didn’t see it. Is it ready to preorder?

  80. Fox says:


    HI every­body!

    I don’t know how many of you are aware, that the cover for Cast in Sorrow can be seen at Amazon​.co​.uk.

    It’s a nice looking cover, but I miss seeing the glass dragon though!

    So enjoy the cover, those of you who have no will to resist the temptation.

  81. Fox says:


    It seems I wasn’t the first to notice the cover, bummer!!

  82. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Very inter­esting view­points. Myself, I love Jewel’s char­acter as it’s inter­esting to see how she is growing from the inno­cent naive young girl who is afraid of power and it’s respon­si­bil­i­ties into a young woman who grasps power to acheive her goals. There is so much angst and doubt in Jewel but it is fast diss­ap­ating as the circum­stances grow more dire. Kaylin on the other hand just makes me laugh. She leaps before she looks and hopes she’ll land safely. She too strug­gles with the same respon­si­bil­i­ties that Jewel is. Kaylin has no trouble laughing at herself and Jewel not so much. Kaylin too is growing but in a some­what different fashion but I think in the end, both Jewel and Kaylin will arrive at the same place. Both in full command of their abilities. 

    Jewel’s companions/guardians are a different kettle of fish entirely and I’m not sure where Michelle will take these three in partic­ular. They will not tell Jewel what to do as until Jewel is in command of her own gifts she is dangerous in the most unpre­dictable of ways. Once Jewel gains command of her abil­i­ties with the Seer’s stone, watch her rela­tion­ship with the three do a 180. This is why I’m most inter­ested to see where Michelle will take these relationships.

    When I read either series, I’m always amazed at the different writing styles employed by Michelle. I didn’t realize that Michelle West and Michelle Sagara were the same person at first. I can see some simi­larity (in word choice/phrases) now but if you’re new to either ‘author’ I doubt that person would make the connection.

  83. Hilda says:

    Found and ordered today. Thank you two for finding it. But waiting for AUGUST.…. Unfair. It’s early March. The cover is great, but the marks in Kaylin body look just like squares. Do you think she is the same model; looks different to me. What does she have in her hair ? Are those the sticks she uses to hold the hair up? Fox is right. I wish we could see the tiny dragon. I suspected that Michelle would finish it much earlier than usual because she had already accom­plished a lot when she wrote the first part and had to split it in two. So a lot was prob­ably finished months ago. Maybe there is a date set up for the series that can’t be broken to expe­dite selling

  84. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Hi Hilda, Meagan. The joys of owning a Kindle. I think I may be a tad envious. I have a Kobo (birthday present don’tcha know) I’m waiting for Kobo’s response to my request for the Sunsword series. Kobo carries every book and short story except for the Sunsword series.

  85. Meagan says:

    Yes, I think its a different model — I’m not overly fond of her myself as I think she makes Kaylin seem a bit teenage-ish. As for the marks I’ve never truly been impressed with them, but I do ‑really- like the back­ground on the cover. 

    Also — look at the August release date this way — it is about a month earlier than last year so it will only be 11 months of total waiting instead of a full year ;) That’s what I keep telling myself anyways. 

    I’m prob­ably going to order 1 copy from Amazon and then pick one up from Barnes & Noble if they don’t mess things up royally again this year. I try to get two copies of each book now because I love the orig­inal size more than the mass paper­back version and since I have had to replace ‑all- of the Cast books at least once it’s just better to have that extra copy on hand. Plus this way I do try to support both the book­store and the internet in the same go…granted it means a major budgeting plan on my end, but it is so worth it!

  86. Chris says:

    Thanks Hilda, but the credit really belongs to Meagan here. 

    Also, I agree with her perspec­tive that I’m glad we’re getting this 3 weeks earlier in the year than Peril. Since we hadn’t heard anything then I was preparing myself in case we had to wait until Oct., Nov. or even later. But Michelle came through for us again (though I do worry a bit that she isn’t spending enough time with friends and family given her amazing productivity). 

    As for the cover, I like the pose, back­ground and espe­cially the yellow cover (we haven’t had a yellow cover since Court­light and I’m very much hoping the one after is red). I don’t pay that much atten­tion to the marks on the cover myself. 

    And I’m very happy with the release date person­ally, because there are no other major releases that day that I’m inter­ested in, but one minor MMPB is coming out that day and I can pick up both with a $25 B&N Gift Card that should just about pay for them both. B&N really helped me out last year with Peril and one of their employees spent almost an hour on the phone with their distri­b­u­tion center who said that the delay was due to the publisher. Consid­ering that other retailers had prob­lems too then I’m inclined to believe them, but I guess that I’ll see.

  87. Hilda says:

    For those of you who are still going over this comment column.
    I was going over some of Battle again and came to the point where Jewel just woke up and found her library all changed and open to purple skies. Evayne showed up and so did the Winter King whom she called Tor Amanion. Now, that was very inter­esting; but I’m always trying to see what will come in future books. And a thought came to me which I haven’t seen in this column. How many of you think the Lost City that belongs to Jewel’ Voyanni tribe, and that she will raise from the sands, will be Tor Amanion? And those prohib­ited books in the Library will be the ones needed either to raise or to govern the City. That’s why she said she “will need them”.

  88. Samantha says:

    Just remember the more busi­ness you given amazon and the less in an actual book store the faster all book­stores go out of busi­ness. Stores carry what sell, they don’t stock it just to say they have a great selec­tion. It is a busi­ness with profit and loss goals. Support BN or a local and keep book­store relevant.

  89. Meagan says:

    I would love to, but I go to the seller who has what I am after — I am not willing to wait another month for the product I want to buy. I try to give book­stores busi­ness, but from the same stand point you just mentioned ‑I- as a customer am going to give busi­ness to the place that has what I am after. I am not going to buy some random book to try and help a store that is stocking self-help books by the hundreds and fantasy by the dozen. — I go where I can find what I am after when I want it.

  90. Chris says:

    I’ve dealt a few times with Myste­rious Galaxy in Redondo Beach, CA and they’ve always been rude and/or incom­pe­tent. Why are inde­pen­dent book­sellers always supposed to equal good? 

    Now, I have had some good expe­ri­ences at the two B&N in the area and so often buy new books on their day of publi­ca­tion at their brick and mortar stores (even though the online B&N refuse to send me the regular discount coupons that they send to many members and non-members alike at least twice a month).

  91. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    I must admit to being torn on the posi­tion of e‑book and book­store. I have a personal library of close to 3,500 books. I was given a Kobo for my 50th birthday. I have since purchased nothing but ebooks. I cannot afford to do both and really, I don’t see the point. It’s either one or the other. There are pros and cons to the book v. e‑reader issue. As much as I love my Kobo, I do miss holding a book in my hands. As for inde­pen­dent book­stores, like VHS and 33 1/3 rpm records, they are a fast becoming a thing of the past as tech­nology changes. In Toronto, one only needs look to the megachain Chapters/Indigo to see this. More floor­space is given to other product rather than books. The reason is simple. E‑books. People are not buying books. The manager at the local Chap­ters and I comis­ser­ated one Sunday on this. It is truly sad but it is a fact of the society in which we now live. If the megachains are moving away from selling books in order to stay in busi­ness, what chance does the inde­pen­dent book­store truly have? The megachains drove alot of them out of busi­ness in the first place and e‑books will pretty much finish them and the megachains off in the long run or the book­stores will change so much they won’t really be just book­stores anymore.

  92. Samantha says:

    As a consumer I agree and have the same reac­tion. I want my book when I want it. I am also aware that where I buy my books matters, and there­fore try phys­ical stores first because I don’t want to see another store go out of busi­ness. By the time my daughter is a mom books will be starting to become a rich mans indul­gence and the longer we can put that off the better the industry will be. Don’t let your­self get jaded. If you make a posi­tive impres­sion on a book­seller and request they carry a few authors then stores like BN will. They call it “short listing” this brings a book into the store and gives it a certain amount of time to sell. If it does then more are brought in. I would love for more people to try this. My local BN always has Michelle on their shelves because of this. Good luck with your shopping.

  93. Meagan says:

    I think you may have misun­der­stood me. I always go to B&N and ask for the latest book. Heck I called 9 of them last year up to a week prior and asked. I don’t buy these books as e‑books — I want the phys­ical copy, but I also want it ‑imme­di­ately-. If B&N doesn’t have it I order it from Amazon because, so far, they have never let me down. 

    Now…to support B&N after I have gotten my Amazon copy I go buy another copy from a B&N store. It drives the majority of people up the wall, but I always have to replace my books anyways so I might as well buy two straight off (when I can afford it) and not have to worry about it. So I do give B&N a chance, but when push comes to shove I want the books asap and Amazon seems to be the way to get it. Case in point I have been to 10 book­stores to buy another copy of Silence and I cannot find one in any book­store around here. Since I already had a copy I was willing to wait, but it’s clearly not happening. Same with Battle…no one carried it so I went back to Amazon. I’m willing to buy the book from both, but it’s a matter of money as well and I save up for months to buy the first book so often it really falls down to who I can buy the book from first.

  94. AKKat says:

    I just wanted to say that I saw Battle (and the rest) on audible and I squealed without meaning to, out loud and every­thing. I was mulling over what to do since I prefer to wait for things to hit paper­back, and reading on my computer isn’t comfort­able (no kindle/nook yet though everyone keeps telling me to get them) — this neatly solved the problem.

    Plus I’ve been eagerly awaiting them to listen to them rather than reread. Eeeee. :D

  95. Sadjaxx says:

    How is it that the cover for Cast in Sorrow is up on amazon​.com but not on this website? It looks great, btw.

  96. Marcie says:

    Hi Michelle,

    I’ve very much enjoyed reading The House War series but help!

    I just finished The House Name and bought Skir­mish thinking I could just pick it up and go. But in the Author’s Note you said that if we haven’t read the Sun Sword series (which I haven’t), we’d be lost. 

    So you put a ‘story so far’ up on your website for us to read first.

    HELP! Where is it???

    Many thanks,

  97. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Hi Marcie.

    In answer to your ques­tion, on the home page, at the bottom, you will see various covers for the different series, click on the cover for The Hidden City. This will bring you to her How War page. Scroll down to Skir­mish and click the title ‘Skir­mish’. Then you’ll have access to the ‘Story so far links’. Trusting this works for you!

  98. Jacob says:

    Any chance of getting an update anytime soon? Not trying to force anything but it seems it’s been 3 months since we lost heard from you, are things going ok for you?

  99. Roxanne Scoville says:

    Michelle, light of my literary life! Your books pulled me through some rather horrific times and I tired of drag­ging a large, bulky bag of your books from hospital to hospital, so I was thrilled when my husband surprised me with a Nook. Only problem… CHILDREN OF THE BLOOD down­loaded without it’s language sepa­rated by para­graphs and other helpful devices meant to help the story make sense. Hmm. Did they feed it into the computer incor­rectly. I have “purchased” it twice now thinking it was a glitch. It isn’t. HELP! I love being able to cart all of your books around with me in one handy container, but when it’s virtu­ally impos­sible to read, what should I do? Who do I contact? Barnes and Noble? You? Let me know, please. A devoted fan. Battle was amazing. Hope you don’t get any more migraines working on it’s sequel. Love to your family, Roxanne (besides my 11 kids, 8 in-laws, 14 grand­kids) I consider you someone who has done some­thing I could only dream about. Thank you.

  100. Tickle says:

    Hello All,

    I loved Battle. I knew Meral­lonne was the same as Celle­riant. I’ve been reading through the posts and everyone has tons of theo­ries and some need to go back and re-read the Sun Sword series, lol. Well, here are my take aways:

    Meral­lonne — Smoking his pipe is an entirely Mortal thing for him and it keeps him tide to the mortal world (and not treat/view everyone the way Celle­riant does). I thought the ring Sigurne had was Meral­lon­ne’s not hers, and she is just keeping it for him. I’m ot sure if it is one of Myrrid­ion’s rings.

    Jewel — I’m also getting tired of Jewel trying not to face reality, but once I read that she was waiting for Kallan­dras, I under­stood her hesi­ta­tion a little better. Towards the end, she seemed to get her back­bone and now that her goal is to find Carver & Ellerson, she is going to be bout it, bout it!! I do think she will unwit­tingly gather more immor­tals. All the ones, like the 2 in her forest, who are sleeping along the hidden paths are going to wake up and flock to her forest and city. I bet the next signif­i­cant one she meets will be the strange crea­ture she saw on the sculp­ture wall (the one she had to look back at and that the cat wouldn’t tell her who it was). She just seemed a little too drawn to it. I think we all know that Jewel is the Matri­arch of the 5th Voyani tribe. I bet it comes out that Evayne or even the Oracle told Jewel’s distant ances­tors that one of them had to leave the Voyanne so that Jewel could save Aver­al­laan and that one day thier decen­dant would stand against Allasakar in a City of Man that would match what they buried in the sand. 

    Avandar — Jewel does not want to unleash the all powerful Vian­darian because when he goes Warlord, he acts the same way the Immor­tals do, no regard for anyone else who may get hurt). He is ruth­less and Jewel cannot abide that and she has real­ized that she doesn’t want to lose him. I do think that she is slightly in love w/him but doesn’t/will never admit it. She will realize that he is her match. I think things will heat up between him if he doesn’t lose her on the path (as the Oracle warned him). I do not think that he is being over­looked by the Kings and espe­cially not Duvari. Since he is a Domicus and hasn’t broken any laws, and saved the Princes, they can’t openly move against him (well the Kings won’t), but best believe that he has every­one’s atten­tion and always has. They already know that the Gods know him and if the Godborn haven’t spoken against him, then I don’t think the Kings will.

    Voyani — I think we will see Margaret in Battle since Jewel is taking Adam w/her. I hope Jewel runs into or picks up Godborn Stephen of Maubreche and his HuntSister Nenyane. Since their maze is magical and also can be another plane(?) that Jewel is going to end up there (possibly led there by Caralonne, who was posing as the Master Gardner of Maubreche). I think that is why Margaret felt the need to intro­duce herself w/her full title, so that when he meets Adam and he says he is of Arkosa, they will have a refer­ence and tell him they saw his sister.
    I hope we get some back story on how the Lyserra Voyani raised their city, but it isn’t that impor­tant to me. I do want to know if it will be Yollana who raises her City and I do want to hear about Jewel’s family and what happened (I think Avandar will be the one to tell her once they know for certain which family she is part of).

    I think we will meet back up w/Kiriel & Auralius when they are on their journey to the Shining City to get Anya. I don’t think it will be in battle, but you never know. They may meet o the road, but I think we will get back w/them in the next series after War. All the extra pieces will start moving then. I do hope that we get to see our Southern friends in the mix. They will need Valedan’s Sun Sword and the 5 Radann swords. I would love it if the South rides to war to assist the North, just as he North did. It would suprise the hell out of the North, but I could see Valedan doing that, since now they know the deal and that the Lord of Night wants the North gone because they have people who can fight. I can’t wait to see all the changes that have to be happening in the South. I’m not just talking about what Valedan and Diora will do, but all the war stories that the cerdan will be telling about all the demons, magical trees etc. I hope that at least, they’ve learned not to kill the golden-eyed anymore. 

    After reading the short novellas, I can’t wait to see who get’s the remaining Myrridion rings. I do think that either Angel, Carver, or Jester will get one of them.
    I can’t wait to see who ends up being the Mortal who can wield the God killing sword. I person­ally think it is going to be Aiden, Here is my reasoning: He is currently being trained by the best swordsman in the entire Sun Sword world. He is also young enough that he could be the boy growing up in the North that Margaret was told about at the end of Sea of Sorrows during her travel vision. Since he was born in the North, he believes in the Gods and knows the stories. Since he was in war, he knows what they are up against and has already faced Demons (albiet carrying a banner and not fighting, but still). He is known by everyone he needs to be, Meral­lonne, Jewel, Kallan­dras, Valedan, and espe­cially Evayne. I just don’t believe his story is over.

    I know this is long, but those are my current thoughts.….

  101. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Hi Tickle.

    I think I can agree with a lot of your suppo­si­tion. Well thought out. I think the only item I think I disagree with is who will wield the God killing sword. Person­ally, my money is on Angel. I can’t even begin to back that up. It just feels right to me.

  102. Hilda says:


  103. Hilda says:

    My NOOK was also a gift from my 3 chil­dren. I had a problem with my NOOK once and one guy in the B&N store was able to solve it. I’m not sure if all the employees are that capable, or if your problem can easily be fixed. Books are down­loaded from B&N Head­quar­ters; they may be able to fix it the same way.

  104. Tyronne Hodgins says:

    Hi Hilda.

    Happy to have been of assis­tance. I’ve been recom­mending Michelle to a lot of people as well as I really enjoy her all her story­lines. I got hooked simply because I was looking for a new author to try and a young woman in the World’s Biggest Book­store here in Toronto recom­mended her to me . To this day, I really wish I had asked her name. I’d like to thank her!

  105. Hilda says:

    Just to keep the discus­sion and conjec­tures going forward, if you want to follow up. It’s easy by just glancing through the older books. I was trying to put them back in order on my shelf and, couldn’t help it: glanced through one of them again… Riven Shield.
    It’s clear that Elena has some power and Lord Telekar — a demon Michelle said we will see again (if I remember correctly in one of her columns) -, recog­nizes that Elena has power and we left them trav­el­ling back. Will she become the Sen of the Arkosa city, where her cousin Margaret is the Matrirch? Will she be forgiven? Would the past that Margaret saw when she first entered the city allow her to forgive Elena?
    The role that Ariel —  the child Jewel accepted from Isladar when he was injured — will have in the future. This, I can’t guess; I can’t remember any hint from Michelle. She is staying behind in Aver­alan without the cats who keep her company and without Adam; the remaining of Jewel’s den won’t have time for her. Her future and/or past, I think, is tied to the very powerful woman mage (protected by the really bad Lord Ishavriel), whom, I believe Auralis aban­doned when she was raped by the demons Ishavriel sent to hurt her and put her under his power.
    In Battle, the demons blame Isladar for the defeat suffered by Allasakar in the South? Why the demons believe that Isladar betrayed them and because of him they lost the war in the South? I don’t remember any that he did to cause the defeat. He couldn’t even reach Kiriel and have her at his side. They beleive Isladar betrayed Allasakar; I did not read that. There is no reason given for the attack the other high level demons (the Lord’s Fist) carried against Isladar, who was Allasakar’s right hand. After he was injured badly, Isladar buried himself under the sand of the Sea of Sorrows. He had kept his memory intact as before going to the Hell, and the sand accepted him to heal himself.
    Jewel had a vision of the future that Kiriel was at the head of a demon army, next to Isladar and was laughing at her (Jewel). I think the smile was a friendly smile, a friendly salute, but Jewel is fright­ened of what it could mean. I think this will be in the last book of the series when they win the final war against Allasakar.
    There’s no ques­tion that to win the war, Vian­daran must return to become the Warlord, the Winter King prac­ti­cally told Jewel that. Will he be able to become Vian­daran again? Is there a future for the two of them? When he is the Warlord he does not recog­nize Jewel, can he come back to her; she managed to do it once, but he was not fully or long time gone into his ancient role.
    And more for the future.

  106. Mike D says:

    Getting back to the ebook avail­ability I see that 3 out of 6 Sun Sword books are now avail­able for both the Kindle and Nook.

    All the House War books are simi­larly avail­able, but only in the us, NOT THE UK.

  107. munky says:

    Yeah, 1, 3 & 5. How frus­trating is that?! Just finished 1, and desper­ately hoping 2 comes in the mail today.

  108. Pamela says:

    Sun Sword #4 Sea of Sorrows now avail­able on Kindle.

  109. Paul (Drak Bibliophile) Howard says:

    Sea of Sorrows is also avail­able at KoboBooks

  110. Mary Grove says:

    Back to the comment about remaking Meralon­ne’s shield. I thought the shields, like the swords, were expres­sions of a mage’s will/embodiments of his/her power, and once broken, could not be remade. Isn’t there a comment about that either when Meralonne is training his mage/warrior candi­dates, or else when the demon who is part of the Fist of Allasakar loses his shield in the South when his arm is cut off by Tere­sa’s brother?

  111. Chris G. says:

    The shield’s can’t be repaired, but my under­standing is that a new shield could be made and that was some­thing that Meralonne spoke about with one of the demon’s, Anduvin I think.

  112. Hilda says:

    I haven’t been here in a while. In Battle, page 13, Anduvin has a conver­sa­tion with Meralone in front of Kallan­dras and after their conver­sa­tion with Evayne about the Summer Queen, the path­ways and what may happen in the near future. Anduvin asked Meranelone to take him to the North and to the Summer Queen, in return Anduvin will make him a shield that not even the Gods can break (powerful indeed).However, at the end of the book Meralone is unable to go with Jewel; so, unless later in the WAR book the Queen comes into the City, Meralone won’t be able to take Anduvin. I wonder if he will send Anduvin with Jewel? No, without Meralone, the Queen will kill him. Can’t wait for WAR, now that Sorrows is 2 months away. Michelle’s books are like a drug. I have found other books for the in between, but they aren’t enough. Keep wondering and we can keep this conver­sa­tion going.

  113. Earle Davis says:

    OK is there anyone out there that would like to see a short story about Jewel becoming Terafin? I mean the part where she goes into the Council cham­bers and becomes Terafin. I would have loved tobe a fly on the wall for that chapter and the part where she goes to the shrine to tell Amarais(?) that she was Terafin. I thought that that story would have been great. We have seen Jewel meet and do a lot of things in her journey but becoming Terafin would have been one of the high points. I wish Michelle would write a short­story so far that would tell about the next day.

  114. Hilda says:

    Earle, I came back to visit this site again. You are right. I had hoped to see that, It’s possible that Michelle had written it and had to take it out to shorten the book. Yes, it may make a good short story but we will know the end of it. The part where she faces her competi­tors would be very interesting.

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