the Author

Upcoming appearances and pixelproject fundraisers

Posted in writing.

Because I’ve worked in an SF/F specialty store since 1986, I haven’t attended conven­tions in Toronto as an author; during those, we have a table at the conven­tion and we also need to keep the store open, so I’m seldom an author in Toronto, because: book­seller. BUT:

I will be at the Ad Astra table at the Toronto Comic Con, for those of you who are local, or close to local, on the 18th and 19th of March, 2017. It’s at the Metro Toronto Conven­tion Centre.

During the signing times, we’ll have books for sale, but if there are specific books you want signed (ummm, by me – and yes, I have signed other author’s books at customer request, but only once), let us know by either sending an email to the store or calling (416 963 9993) before the 17th of March, 2017, and I’ll make sure I have them there (books that are out of print are not, of course, guaranteed >.>)

Come and say hello! I have 2 hours for lunch (or coffee break?) on each day, and I don’t have to be at the table for the entire day :)


A reminder that I will be partic­i­pating in a google hangout for pixel project’s fundraising drive on the 17th of March, at 8:30Edit: I’ll be reading and answering ques­tions asked by the moderator/audience in a google hangout – but the session will be live-streamed to a youtube channel for the audience.

I’ll be reading for 10 minutes, and then answering ques­tions, first from a pixel project inter­viewer, and then from the audience.

Before that, however, my donated perks for the pixel­pro­ject fundraiser will be avail­able. The pixel­pro­ject fundraising drive offers various perks for dona­tion, sort of like indiegogo or kickstarter.

My items aren’t actu­ally up yet, but will go live on March 11th at 12:00 a.m.

What I’m offering:

1. I’ll sign, person­alize, and send 1 book from any of three series: Chron­i­cles of Elantra (in trade paper­back, any title), House War (in hard­cover, any published title because no: not finished WAR yet), Queen of the Dead (in hard­cover, any title). Because I live in Canada and have shed copious tears because of “US only” offers, I’ll mail the books anywhere in the world.

2. 30 minute Google hangout, 1 to 1.

3. I will write a short story based on either a topic or world of your choosing. When I say short, I mean it will not be a novel; I think in the past people have offered short stories of various lengths as donor perks, but it’s me, and I’m terrible at esti­mating length. I’d rather have the freedom to just write the story from start to finish. (Someone once asked me to donate a 3k word short story, in 2 days, to a project. I laughed a lot and said it would take me weeks to come up with some­thing that short, and I’d have to go through a dozen false starts before I managed it, if I managed it at all.)

So: you could ask me to write a story about Barrani. Or dragons. Or roses. Or sick chil­dren. A modern fairy-tale, etc.

Alter­nately, you can ask me to write a story set in Essalieyan. Or a story set in Elantra. Or set in any of the worlds I’ve written about. (Ummm, they have to be my worlds because I don’t really have permis­sion to write in anyone else’s. I could prob­ably whine at Tanya (Huff) for permis­sion to write in one of hers — but who would want non-Tanya Huff words in a Tanya Huff world?)

You will be the first person to see the story; when I finish it, I’ll send it to you.

I reserve the right to publish it, though. If and when I do, I’ll also send you the finished version, which will likely be ebook (with cover).

It’s been a while since I have written a short story – I’ve been a tiny bit behind on the novel dead­lines (she says, giving Grave and War the side-eye).


Karen Rose is offering to match all dona­tions — up to 4,000.00 given on the weekend – so if there’s anything you want as a perk, the time to donate is on the 11th or 12th of March; it will double the donation.

100 Responses to Upcoming appearances and pixelproject fundraisers

  1. Joey says:

    Yay for (slightly) advance notice regarding appearance! 

    When I say short, I mean it will not be a novel … ” <== I love it! 

    I’m already thinking about a possible cross-over between a Michelle Sagara West universe and a Tanya Huff universe. :)

  2. Aelynn says:

    Wow. If I could be in Toronto, I would be, believe me!
    I’ll try to pick up some­thing from the pixel­pro­ject once your stuff is up. Would it be possible to “pre-order” a signed copy of WAR, for when­ever it comes out?

  3. michelle says:

    @Aelynn: War is 280k words, and at least 75k from an ending, so it’s not coming out any time soon >.. If it were finished and at the publisher, I’d say yes — but it’s not finished yet, so there’s no hard fulfill­ment deadline. 

  4. michelle says:

    @Joey: funnily enough, that was not what I thought you’d say :).

  5. Joey says:

    @Author. Ha! So there! (Also, not the first thing I thought, but didn’t want to be too predictable. Hee!)

  6. Aelynn says:

    @michelle: I really wouldn’t mind waiting for it! I know I’ll be buying the book anyway as soon as it comes out, so… ^_^;;

  7. michelle says:

    @Joey: sadly, I could whine at her for permis­sion, but she’d break both my hands if I suggested she write any of it :). I think she writes the best dialogue in the busi­ness, so rereading Tanya always makes me feel incom­pe­tent. And also: when she’s in the middle-of-the-book blues, and she sends me a partial and tells me how boring it is, it REALLY makes my writing look plain and unin­ter­esting, to me. And then I have to try hard not to hate her :D

  8. Zia says:

    Wow. So much excite­ment. I hope you have fun at the the Toronto Comic Con. 

    I’m real­l­l­llly hoping to be off work in time for the google hangout. My job hours are a little bit tricky (start at 6 am, get off when things stop hitting the fan or at least after a 10 hour day) and I’m assuming that’s 8:30 EST time, and I’m Moun­tain, so that’s 6:30 for me.

    I’m going to be following the donated perks results closely, as there is no way I can partic­i­pate, but it will be fun to watch. 

    I hope all is well with you :) Thanks for an update/reminder!

  9. michelle says:

    @Zia: it’s EST. It goes to 9:30, also EST. Things here are better, but at the moment, I have two sick sons at home >.

  10. Zia says:

    Illness seem to be abound right now. I hope everyone gets healthy soon! And I should at least catch some of it then :) Unless someone get injured again. I swear all the barn horses need bubble wrap for the next six month >.<

  11. Melissa says:

    Ok, my head just exploded!
    “I will write a short story based on either a topic or world of your choosing.”
    Maybe I can sell my car… or my child…

  12. michelle says:

    @Melissa: The urge to sell chil­dren only really happens when the chil­dren would not be neces­sarily desire­able to a wider audi­ence *wry g*. Also: I have no idea what the dona­tion level for the perks actu­ally are until the 11th.

  13. Michael says:

    This is a tough one, but I think I’d request a story about The Black Ospreys…or Isladar… More thought is clearly required.

  14. hsmyers says:

    The problem with the short story is that the one I’ve in mind really should be a book if not a larger arc…a certain young maker and her story both before and after her disap­pear­ance with a good helping of butter­flies of course!

  15. michelle says:

    @Hugh: you are correct. For a variety of reasons which I can’t go into because: spoilers.

  16. DeDe says:

    #3, #3… too many choices! I agree, the end story of the maker would be awesome. And I’m looking forward to (someday) hearing about the big sleeping dragon? in the cave. I think Eval­len’s back story might be inter­esting although we’ve already seen quiet a few pieces. But the story I’m really looking forward to — the one I know I’ll have to wait (and WAIT ) on — is Isladar’s story. :-)
    Can’t sell the husband — but how about a very cute 2 month-old puppy? small print disclaimer: (comes w/ some icky tummy problems?)

  17. Oh my, the option for a Michelle “short” story is very tanta­lizing. Just the number of possi­bil­i­ties is boggling, like wandering into a Costco-sized candy store and told to pick anything I want, but the master candy maker them­selves will help craft a selec­tion of candies which taste great together..

  18. What an incred­ible prize to be able to give an idea for a short story. My mind is whirling with possi­bil­i­ties as well.

  19. Linda says:

    I would love you to write a short story around the Barrani/Dragon wars and how a dragon became the emperor.

  20. DeDe: Isladar is part of the end game, if he survives.

    There are some things that are kind of wrapped up and folded into the novels that are not written yet. So early Evayne would be possible, but Cessaly would be diffi­cult. Not impos­sible, but difficult.

    Linda: I’m not sure one of those could be done in a short story. Hmmmm.

  21. hsmyers says:

    As Toronto is at (nearish sorta) the other side of the conti­nent from me, any idea when the next time you are going to be in Port­land Or.? If I know a head of time I can save pennies in my “for trans­porta­tion” jar and be there to take you off to good coffee and unworldly donuts…

  22. Debbie H says:

    Don’t ever feel incom­pe­tent. Your worlds are my very favorite. How does the dona­tions work, highest bidder? Hope your blood pres­sure is better and kids get better soon. What a dream job of working in a SF/F book store. How do you get anything done? I already have over 5000 books at home, if I worked in a book store I would be in big trouble. Can anyone say hoarder?

  23. Jurriaan says:

    More about Verasallion?

  24. Agustin says:

    Oh dear… A short story on Severn’s years during his Wolf tenure while watching silently over Kaylin will be awesome! =D

  25. Melissa says:

    I was thinking the same thing! I want to know what Severn did from the time he burried the girls until he met her again in the Hawk­lord’s office. What did he do? Where did he go? How did he cope? Why did he choose to join the Wolves? How long did it take him to find Kaylin? Did he always keep tabs on her or did he veer from that path? How did events make him who he is?
    Or …
    It would be awesome to get the scoop on Night­shade’s mark. What EXACTLY does it mean? What are the specific details of the connec­tion that is formed between the two people involved? What events took place to make it forbidden? Was it ever accept­able? I want the story of the actual inci­dent that made the Barrani say “never again!” And what does it mean for Kaylin?

  26. michelle says:

    @Hugh: I’ve never been to Oregon – I don’t travel all that much. If it’s on the conti­nent, I go to World­cons, or World Fantasy, but I think this year one is in Helsinki, Finland and the other in San Antonio, Texas.

    @Debbie: I *think* the dona­tions are the kickstarter/Indiegogo model – so it would be whoever donated for that partic­ular perk. Younger son was miser­able all day yesterday; low grade fever and no food. Older son was almost normal (finally). Bets are on how long it takes husband to catch it =/. Blood pres­sure is 110/70 in the morn­ings, up to 120/75; it climbs while I’m awake for some reason…

    @Jurriaan: He is, oddly enough, part of the End of Days. 

    @Agustin: I’ve toyed with the idea of writing about the Wolves, tbh. But if I did that, while Severn would anchor, it couldn’t be *about* Severn, in the end, because he’s now a Hawk.

    @Melissa: Earlier Severn would work — I think it would be a darker tone, though

  27. Peter Moore says:

    Unfor­tu­nately I’m retired and I seri­ously doubt that I’d be able to afford #3, but if I can’t, I’d still like some more short fiction from you. I love your fantasy novels, but your short fiction is even more fun. I’ve tracked down and gotten all of it I can find. Please write some more of it when you have the time.
    Since my favorite piece of short fiction of yours is “The Memory of Stone” and since one of my all time favorite scenes is Guild Master ADelios, Jewel, and Lord Cele­riant, from “Skir­mish”; I’d echo hsmeyers and DeDe, for more about Cessaly, and espe­cially the telegraphed story from the above mentioned scene. Maybe I’ll hit the lotto and be able to bid on 3/11. You do seem to have some­thing in the works tho and I’ll be looking forward to it. I sincerely hope your b/p is now under control and your 2 sons get well soon.

  28. @Peter: there will be more Cessaly, but I’m not sure I can fit more Cessaly into a short story at this point =/.

  29. Peter Moore says:

    @ Michelle: As long as there is more Cessaly I really don’t care what form it takes ;) . But if you ever need a break from your long fiction, but still want to ‘keep your hand in’ so to speak, I for one would be more than happy to find more short fiction from you. I know it prob­ably doesn’t sell as well, but it sure makes my heart smile. Maybe you and Tanya and Kate Elliott and a few others could publish a new female centric heroic protag­o­nist style anthology.

  30. @Peter: this is going to sound a bit strange, but writing short for me is often harder than writing a longer work – in part because I can see the ending clearly, but have a very defec­tive sense of how to get there in a set number of words. There are some tones/voices that work in a short form, but others that don’t. Which is why the first four novels were initially a short story =/. But, yes, I’d like to write some shorter pieces and this was kind of meant as a big incentive.

  31. Zia says:

    It’s going to be quite fun to see how this all ends up. If I could actu­ally play I’d have my own problem as I can think of at least 10 things for #3, and I’m curious about all the ideas already mentioned as well.

    Though I do feel a tiny bit worried about it as well. As for length…I’m sure none of us would be heart­broken if it ended up more on the long spec­trum of short ;)

  32. Agustin says:

    @Melissa: yes, yes, your version of Severn is great, too! <>. ^^ 

    @Michelle: any short story on Severn will be superb and enlight­ening. So much more of him that we have not know yet. And i see less and less of him in the later book of Elantra series. I do miss him, kinda. <> It’s weekend now here, and will be soon there, so happy weekend to you, too. Take a break some­times. =D


  33. Agustin says:

    @ Melissa: I’ll love your version of Severn’s short story! <>

    @Michelle: ANY short story on Severn will be great! <> he’s kinda see a lesser role for him in your later Elantra books, though, and it made me miss him, kinda. <> Will love to read any of his story, as it will enlighten us more about him. ^^ Have a great weekend and take care! =)

  34. Melissa says:

    I have set my alarm for 10 minutes before midnight, just in case I fall asleep (As if)
    It’s mine! MINE! My precious…

  35. Ummm, just one quick thing: I really have no idea what dona­tion level things are going to be attached to. I made the offer of the dona­tion perk – but I didn’t decide its value (prob­ably a good thing on bad writing days, because my sense of its value would shift dramat­i­cally). So I have zero idea how much of a dona­tion would actu­ally be required.

  36. Melissa says:

    I am just being silly. There is no way I could actu­ally afford to donate very much $$ right now honestly. But I do intend to partic­i­pate. I am just trying to be encour­aging & let you know that you have people who are anxiously waiting to hear your stories. I try to support you in my own limited way. I buy both the kindle & the phys­ical books of the Elantra series and Kindle of every­thing else I see with your name(s) on it. I lament every time I hear that you are attending an event so far away (I live in Florida) because I very much want to meet you and have a conver­sa­tion with you. I really don’t mean to put undue pres­sure or cause worry about the short story. No stress… deep breath… keep your BP in check. Be well.

  37. @Melissa: <3

    I think I viscer­ally hate disap­pointing people – and espe­cially people who are, in aggre­gate, respon­sible for me having this career at all. When my 2 were young, we had very little money (and a new mort­gage); books were hugely impor­tant to me. They still are. But there’s no way we could have partic­i­pated in some­thing like this at the time. I never felt that books/writers were less impor­tant because of it; in some ways, they were more impor­tant — the words would reach me regard­less, if that makes sense?

  38. Joey says:

    @Author: I am very very very disap­pointed CAST IN NETS has not been a title in that series. Very.

  39. Melissa says:

    Do you have any idea of the level of incom­pe­tence it would take to make us be “disap­pointed in you?” Seri­ously. You would have to destroy every char­acter in an very droll manner (Joss Whedon knows that killing a beloved char­acter just makes the story better), misspell ever other word (for which we would blame your editor), openly and aggres­sively disparage your fans, and maybe publicly kick puppies for us to NOT want to read what you write. Even then, I would prob­ably read your books.
    You have already more than estab­lished your­self as an outstanding story­teller. Just tell your stories, however you hear them in your head. We already believe in you, and that will not change even if you make us angry. We want to hear the stories that you dream up. It is the YOU in the stories that makes them so beloved. No one else could write them the way you do.
    And I mean that in a non-creepy, non-stalker way.

  40. @Melissa: <3

    @Joey: An Australian reader asked her husband, who was working in Toronto for 1 week, to come into the book­store to meet me. He suggested CAST IN BRONZE. His wife, on the other end of the phone line, was morti­fied. I laughed and threat­ened to drop a heavy book on his head.

  41. Joey says:

    @Author: I love it!

  42. Zia says:

    I’m in a similar boat as Melissa. There is no way I could afford a dona­tion right now either, but it is fun to dream. 

    But, at the same time, I also echo her thoughts on you being unable to disap­point us. Heck, every time you do some­thing like this all it does is make you someone I admire even more. I always just wish I could partic­i­pate even once. 

    In theory, it may happen. In prac­tice, I have a very old car, and it tends to need some work when­ever some­thing like this comes up. I do love that car though, and given what I ask it to do it’s a miracle it’s lasted as long as it has…though I really hope it doesn’t take this as a sign to die. 

    @ Melissa: I completely under­stand the wishing things were closer. I’m in Colorado and while that’s the middle of the USA the few authors I follow seem to like coasts.

  43. hsmyers says:

    Just as a suggestion/plea, it would be a very good thing to publish with winner’s permis­sion the short story? This would feed your vora­cious fan base and might make a contri­bu­tion to the rainy-day fund! While I regret­tably can’t afford the price for trans­porta­tion to Toronto I really don’t mind your work at any price :)

  44. Joey says:

    The short story offer has already been taken? Darn! “Hamilton” had its first preview showing in San Fran­cisco. Guess I lingered too long at the stage door. 

    Congrat­u­la­tions to the winning donor!

  45. Aelynn says:

    Noooo! Someone already claimed the short story! I had the same idea as Melissa about the scoop on Night­shade’s mark… >_<;;
    Any update as to whether or not we can say “WAR” (when­ever it comes out) for the book deal?

  46. Joey says:

    I like the idea of the short story getting published in a way the rest of us can read it, provided the appro­priate permis­sions are obtained AND it doesn’t require The Author spend too much time away from other writing to get it formatted/covered/uploaded/etc. Maybe it can be submitted to other venues for publi­ca­tion before the onerous self-publishing route is explored?

  47. Melissa says:

    It was MEEEEEEE!

  48. Joey says:


  49. Aelynn says:

    Congrat­u­la­tions!! ^_^

  50. Melissa says:

    Which would everyone rather hear about, Severn or Night­shade’s mark? Maybe I should leave it up to Ms. Sagara? Which story would you rather tell? Severn’s past (dark is good) or the history & signif­i­cance of the mark?
    I am so excited!

  51. Joey says:

    For me, it’s neither. I’d rather see another Augus­tine Painters story.

  52. Zia says:

    Congrats Melissa!

    I was going to stay up to see when things went live, but I have to work in 1/2 an hour so sleep (all three hours of it) was the more respon­sible thing to do. Next time I think I’ll pass on the sleep.

  53. @Aelynn: I will go ahead and say Yes, I’ll commit to sending WAR if you feel patient enough to both wait until it’s finished *and* published. BUT: you need to not change your email address until then, or conversely, let me know if it does change before then.

  54. Aelynn says:

    @michelle: Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  55. @Melissa: Congrat­u­la­tions :).

    Let me say one thing about Nightshade’s Mark: the signif­i­cance has nothing to do with Night­shade, and every­thing to do with the Barrani, histor­i­cally. So if I wrote a story about the signif­i­cance of the Mark itself, I’m not sure how many familiar char­ac­ters would actu­ally be *in* it. It’s illegal in Elantra; it’s no longer consid­ered accept­able by the Barrani. 

    People are unhappy because of what the marking conno­tates, not specif­i­cally because it’s Nightshade’s mark. They’d be unhappy if it was anyone’s — but they have no polit­ical pull over a fieflord.

    @Joey: *That’s* what I expected you to say. And in fact, did say to Tanya on the phone when I was discussing possible dona­tion perks. And you know – I’ve been mulling this over for years, but can’t see how I could write another Augus­tine story that wasn’t a novel — or three. Because the first two stories revolve around the Adver­sary, but the Adver­sary is only barely in the picture (no pun intended); he’s like an act of nature, or a very unhappy god.

    And also: the first story was 6k words by request. Which, of course, it wasn’t; it was 14k. The second story was 9k words by request, with the provi­sion that the editor would accept *any* length, but could only afford to pay for 9k of the words, and that was 30k words.

    Oh, wait. Hmmm.

  56. @Hugh & Joey: One way or another, I’ll publish the story, but Melissa will see it first and there may be a gap between Melissa seeing it and general avail­ability depending on the rest of my deadlines.

  57. Aelynn says:

    @michelle: Well the site says my dona­tion went through, but it’s really not “foreign” friendly. It still asks you for a phone number… that fits NA length. Oh hum. Luckily, all the digits went in for mine, just in a weird format. One supposes they know to add an inter­na­tional dialing code. Not that they’d need to call me for anything, but I suspect it’s meant to be part of the credit card check (?), so why they can’t adapt the format to all coun­tries? ANYHOO.
    Thank you again a million times for agreeing to include WAR in the list and allowing submis­sions from outside the US. m(__)m
    If Melissa does ask to elab­o­rate on the story behind Night­shade’s mark, I always expected it to be a “histor­ical” short story rather than one with known char­ac­ters, tbh. I’m just really curious to know what it actu­ally means and why it was banned. ^_^

  58. Melissa says:

    That is exactly what I am looking for! I don’t need to know Night­shade’s moti­va­tions, you will tell us eventually. 

    Can Severn’s back­story be contained in a short story or will it turn into a novella? Because I don’t want to disrupt your schedule. 

    Is there some­thing else in that universe that you have been looking for an excuse to write?

  59. @Melissa: neither will be a short story; the shortest will either be a novel­ette (between 7.5 and 17k words) or a novella. There are multiple events that a Severn short could be: directly after Kaylin flees Night­shade, for one. Possibly the weapon. Possibly inter­ac­tion with the wolves before he joins the Hawks/first actual mission. 

    @Aelynn: the reason most people remain US only is postage costs; in the US, it’s fairly cheap to mail a book across the US anywhere (Alaska may be different); mailing outside of the US can at times double/triple/quadruple the cost. 

    (I think I sent books to Australia once, and postage was 104.00 when not going by ship. Which was more than the books were actu­ally worth, by retail cover price.)(In North America. Phys­ical book prices in Australia are much higher than in North America, and I think that builds in the price of actual ship­ping, tbh).

    I, on the other hand, live in Canada, and weep copious tears about US only offers. And then badger my US friends enough that it’s a wonder I still have any…

  60. Dawn says:

    @michelle. If I live in Toronto…could I make arrange­ments to pickup the signed book at Bakka, rather than have you ship?

  61. Aelynn says:

    @michelle: Ah the joys of Canada Post. I would say it brings back fond memo­ries, but that would be an utter lie. Not that Royal Mail is much better, but… I digress.
    Fair enough then. I had to give the address matching my credit card for the dona­tion, but as books are heavy, I wouldn’t mind the book being sent to my parents’ address in Canada if it’s easier for you.

  62. michelle says:

    @Dawn: Yes, absolutely. But: I *can* also ship, if that’s incon­ve­nient. Alter­nately, if you’re in Toronto, I can trade ship­ping for coffee (as in me buying).

    @Aelynn: No, it’s fine – sending the book to your parents means *they’ll* have to haul it to the Post Office, and it’s my commit­ment – I only meant to explain why inter­na­tional offers are often so scarce from the US, not to add *any pres­sure or guilt*. Sorry =/

  63. Aelynn says:

    @michelle: Oh I meant I’ll see them sooner rather than later (me visiting them or vice versa), so it really is not a problem. If I can save you some stress and bother, it’s defi­nitely a win to me. ^_^;

  64. Dawn says:

    @michelle Um.…trading ship­ping for seeing an author I’ve been reading for over half my life seems like a fair trade off. But I also love coffee.

  65. michelle says:

    And: thank you all so much! It was impor­tant to the orga­nizers to have people make dona­tions this weekend, because this weekend only, Karen Rose offered to match dollar for dollar. 

    All of my perks were snapped up by my readers! So, every dona­tion is effec­tively worth double the value to the charity.

  66. michelle says:

    @Dawn: good :).

  67. Zia says:

    I’m not surprised every­thing was snatched up so quickly! Glad to hear your perks end up being worth double the value :) 

    Thanks for putting such options up, and congrat­u­la­tions to everyone who was able to acquire one of the perks!

  68. Joey says:

    @Author: I am happy for the success of your donated items. And yes, I continue to be fasci­nated by the Augus­tine world. Perhaps the right incentives/enticements will persuade you to write another short story. Or the stand­alone novel. :)

  69. michelle says:

    @Joey: Would it surprise you to know that I’ve been thinking about it on and off for a number of years now? I don’t quite under­stand why some things work for readers. Tanya did the intro to the anthology that the second story appeared in, and so she read all the stories (it’s Tanya; she’s thor­ough), and when she finished Colours of Augus­tine, she phoned me and said, “Stop what­ever you’re doing right now and write more of this.”

    …since what I was doing was finishing a novel for DAW for our mutual editor, she grudg­ingly acknowl­edged that I could continue.

  70. hsmyers says:

    Michelle, as an early reader (not long after Tanya :) ) of your short stories and as one who is very familiar with the text I have to agree with Tanya! No, not the “stop every­thing” part, but the “write more of this” part. Of course, this is no problem, you have so much “Copious spare time” ™ you could write tons! Right? 

  71. Elizabeth S says:

    I wish so much I had seen this before today! I would have happily paid twice or even thrice the cost to have a short story about Severn!!!!!

    *sits back and hopes the person who chose the short story asked for some­thing set in Elantra*

  72. Agustin says:

    @ Melissa: Congrats!! I’m so envi­ousss.. =D Severn, pretty pleaseeeee?? =DD

  73. Melissa says:

    Michelle has graciously agreed to write about Severn! Done deal. Yay!

  74. Zia says:

    Yay! Elantra universe! Not that any other one would have been a disap­point­ment, but I do favor that one slightly.

  75. I’ve got the google hangout tonight, where I will be reading 10 minutes of CAST novel, and then answering ques­tions for the remainder of the hour, and following that, two non-writing days at a table at Comic Con. 

    But I’ve started thinking about Severn, in the mean­time. My writing process – which is my process and not anyone else’s and not intended to be in any way proscrip­tive – almost requires a “think about this in the back­ground” period. 

    And now I will write my War and Cast words :).

  76. Melissa says:

    Umm… I can’t figure out how to do the google hangout. Is the link above supposed to take us to a Face­book page that says, “Sorry, this content isn’t avail­able right now”???? I want to have it set up so I do not miss anything, but appar­ently I am an idiot. Does the link go live at 8:30?

  77. Joey says:

    @ Melissa. First, it would be helpful to know what equip­ment you’re plan­ning to use for the Google Hangout. Is it a computer like a desktop or laptop? Or a mobile device like a smart­phone or tablet? Also, I’m not sure how Face­book enters into the flow. When I use the link provided on the Pixel Project page for The Author’s hangout today on my iMac, I get a redi­rect that (even­tu­ally) gets me to a YouTube page. Since I’ll be on-the-go at that time, I’m down­loading the Hang­outs app to my iPhone right now. Guess I’ll be learning how to use that on the go as well. Good luck!

  78. @Melissa: ummm. I have to run out to the post office & to feed the sons, but I, too, get a nothing. Let me check my email, etc. to make certain I didn’t mess up, and I’ll post back here when I get home.

  79. https://​hang​outs​.google​.com

    is where I’m supposed to be (I get on early to make sure that I can actu­ally connect). Appar­ently, they call at that time. 

    https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​r​E​4​E​D​b​I​f​d​f​I​&​f​e​a​t​u​r​e​=​y​o​u​t​u​.be is the link I was given on twitter, and it goes to a youtube channel which in theory livestreams at the right time. So let me edit that in upstream right now. I’m sorry for any confusion.

    And now, I’ll go feed the kids.

  80. Zia says:

    Thank you for posting those! I’m still hoping to be able to join, and I was also a little puzzled as to how it all went down. Now if I can just get all 3 barns and the dog taken care of before the time I’ll be set!

  81. Melissa says:

    Thank you! The youtube link seems to bring me where I need to be. I appre­ciate the help! 

    @Joey: Macbook PRO

  82. Aelynn says:

    Ooh new perks have been added to the list! Wish I could afford the dedi­ca­tion… >_<;;

  83. michelle says:

    @Aelynn: I think they were going to announce those during the hangout, but yes, they’re new; I was going to mention them after the hangout. And: it’s me in the google hangout and I think other people in the youtube livestream channel.

  84. Zia says:

    Darn for the lack of a paycheck still :( Just two days early. Oh well. Very cool about the extra perks.

  85. michelle says:

    @Zia: it’s kind of a lot of money, so I don’t really imagine that it will disap­pear imme­di­ately. (Any Australians reading this: It’s not meant to be either a chal­lenge or a bet.)

  86. Thunderchild says:

    No Australian would consider that a bet (no stakes, and seri­ously if no stakes why would you bother) and typing in details with an iPad isn’t really a challenge. 

    Not quite sure how this remains a mystery

  87. Zia says:

    The dedi­ca­tion is already gone ;) But there was no way that was a possi­bility. That would be the sum of a paycheck, so that would have required more than a split second though (couple months of careful plan­ning), but the 2nd perk I was thinking was a possi­bility. Oh well :D I’m just enjoying seeing how quickly they vanish.

  88. michelle says:

    @Zia: Reading between the lines, the person commenting above you is respon­sible for its disap­pear­ance. He is the entire reason I made the brack­eted comment >.. I often wonder if my sense of Australians is entirely skewed because I don’t have enough expe­ri­ence, otherwise… 

  89. Melissa says:

    That was awesome!!! Thank you for reading from your new Cast book. I can’t wait! Well done tonight.

  90. Thunderchild says:

    Zia, you don’t know me and prob­ably never will, however I need you to email Michelle directly; yes I did win the dedi­ca­tion but it’s my gift to you so you’ll need to email her and work out the details. Michelle already knows and is expecting your email
    Ps. I’m keeping the book for myself.

  91. michelle says:

    @Melissa: Thank you :). I mostly get very nervous because it’s very, very hard for me to actu­ally be a reason­able, chatty person; I tend to over-focus, and if someone asks a ques­tion, I think about the *ques­tion* and the answer, and… less and less about the appro­pri­ately neutral delivery, and, and, and.

    (ETA: reason­ably chatty != reason­able, chatty)

  92. Zia says:

    @ Thun­der­child: Congrat­u­la­tions on snatching up the dedi­ca­tion. While I’m flat­tered for your offer (flat­tered, touched, slightly embar­rassed) I’m going to have to politely decline. That is your perk, and you should enjoy every part of it. So thank you very much, but no thank you. 

    — —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — —

    As for last night, I echo Melissa. I was happily to be able to watch the google hang out and I thor­oughly enjoyed the read from the new Cast novel. Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to do that Michelle!

  93. Melissa says:

    @Michelle: Reason­able, chatty, appro­pri­ately neutral… I say “Bah!” Be who you are. That’s what makes you unique & special & inter­esting to listen / speak to. (cliche yes, but also true) I thought the whole thing was bril­liant! We got a glimpse of you as a real person. We got to see some of the passion that you feel for your char­ac­ters (One that we echo. I am entirely too emotion­ally attached to Kaylin & Severn) I don’t want to see a perfectly scripted & preplanned inter­view. That is what made the hangout so valu­able; the insight into who you are. Now we know a little bit more about the person with the mind that created the universes we love.
    And I laughed heartily when your son photo-bombed your inter­view. Comedy relief! 

    @Thunderchild: You are amazing! Gifting the dedi­ca­tion to someone you do not even know is an outstanding act of generosity and self­less­ness. For what its worth, I am proud of you. 

    (edited out at request of poster) 

    @ Zia: Whoo- hoo! Good for you. : )

  94. Aelynn says:

    Gutted I couldn’t see the google hangout as it was too late for me (curse those early wake-up calls and all that), but it seems it was a success! ^_^

  95. Thunderchild says:

    At the risk of turning this into a conver­sa­tion (which isn’t my forte), a couple of notes;
    1. Melissa, thank you. Still trying to work out how to “acci­den­tally” let my mother see that; don’t worry I’ll manage.
    2. Zia, I know I made it seem like you had the option of turning it down and that’s on me so my bad. I did this, not for the dedi­ca­tion, not for a bet or chal­lenge but Michelle’s comment was prac­ti­cally a dare, and as an Australian, that can’t be ignored.
    2a. If you don’t take it, then I’ll have to use it for my sisters and I’m pretty sure they’re blessed enough just having me as a brother, this would just make them insuf­fer­able, and no one wants that.
    3. please accept it, email Michelle and have when you finally open the book and see the dedi­ca­tion enjoy it for what it is, your name is there because you love the books.
    4. And most impor­tantly it means I get one up on Michelle. It’s like my own personal Master­Card moment.

  96. michelle says:

    @Melissa: 1. I under­stand how you feel. I lost 2 months of writing time, and I‘m Canadian.

    2. I hope you don’t mind, but I‘ve edited out one sentence, regard­less, because in as much as it’s possible in the current climate, I’d like to remain poli­tics free here. I venture out into the wilds and I read and follow poli­tics as it’s unfolding — but I honestly feel so bruised and battered by the end of it, that I like to come “home”, which on the internet is here, and put my head down without seeing more.

    And yes, this is some­what selfish.

  97. Zia says:

    @ Thun­der­child: Again, thank you, but I really cannot accept it. Had I been able to afford some­thing like that I likely would have done some­thing similar with the results as the whole concept of a dedi­ca­tion mentioning me (or having to do with my deci­sion) in any manner is posi­tively panic inducing. So again, thank you very much, but I’m going to have to decline.

    @Michelle: Thank you for editing that line. I’ve been enjoying this site as one of the very few polit­ical safe havens (I’m exhausted of the massive hate that is towards every. Single. Side. Regard­less of what side it is…I am sick of it. People are different. No need to stick a bunch of unknowns in a box and lable them all as evil ‑again, everyone seems to be doing this so it’s not directed at any specific event) and seeing that comment really gave me a sour taste since it meant those comments had made it here as well.

  98. Melissa says:

    My sincere apolo­gies to all. Plz delete the entire thing. (I would do it if I knew how) It was meant as a “Well done, it’s nice to see there are generous people left.” This is the reason I have never actu­ally partic­i­pated in anything social media before. I gener­ally do not have much of a filter and I tend to offend the masses with my … self. Plz forgive

  99. Zia says:

    @Melissa: speaking for myself, person­ally, you did not offend me. Again, my comment was not meant to be directed at you. I’m just so over anything related to Amer­ican poli­tics I’ve been heavily avoiding anything that could bring it up. And…it’s every­where. Don’t like a movie? Blame the former/current admin­is­tra­tion. Don’t like what someone says? Attack their possible politic beliefs. Any time I see anything even slightly polit­ical I tend to cringe, as then the flood gates are some­times open, and I have to run for the hills. 

    The beauty of people is the wide spec­trum of opinion/thoughts on any one subject. Millions and millions of grey areas. I enjoy the differ­ences, but lately they aren’t show cased as differ­ences, but rather it’s been an excuse to attack someone who stands/believes even a hair different than someone else, which then just descends to two people/groups using the same dirty tactics to belittle the other’s stance. And that’s what disheartens me. 

    I’ve seen kind­ness show up in many different places, from people you’d expect and people completely unex­pected. As a result I know it exists, but it is always nice to see because it is so often hidden by so much nega­tive. And I got that was the main point you were making.

  100. michelle says:

    @Melissa: I am not offended either. The rest of the comment was lovely and heart­felt, and it was about you and how you were feeling. I think it’s fine as is now, but if you want me to remove it, I can. 

    Your feel­ings and responses are not debat­able; no one debated my right to have mine.

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