the Author

Appearances in 2012

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July 27 – 29: I will be attending Conflu­ence, the small SF conven­tion in Pitts­burgh that I try to attend every year. Seanan McGuire is both the author Guest of Honor and the Filk Guest of Honor.

I have a very tenta­tive schedule, but it’s likely to change a bit, so I’ll hold off on posting it.

August 30-September 3Worldcon!.

November 1 – 4World Fantasy Conven­tion. I theo­ret­i­cally have more free time (any non-guest of honor attendee can sign up for one panel, because there’s a much higher number of authors to readers ratio), but the conven­tion is also in the suburbs of Toronto, which means the book­store (where I still work part-time) will have tables there.

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