the Author

Category Archives: self-publishing

Posted in Essalieyan, self-publishing, Publication, Hunter's Redoubt.

Hunter’s Redoubt is now avail­able! …mostly. Print versions can be ordered from retailers. Amazon’s version of the trade paper­back went live on Amazon sites today, and that is the version that will be shipped if you order the paper­back from Amazon. The audio­book has prop­a­gated out to Kobo — but it hasn’t reached other audio­book retailers yet (I checked before I posted). I will try to update links on the book page as it does. I am still in Kansas City, but we’re leaving for Toronto today, so I may be out of internet reach while we travel.

Posted in Audio books, Cast, Essalieyan, self-publishing, writing, life.

I’m writing to you all from Australia, where I have come on my writing retreat, which used to be an annual thing until Covid. I have an unfor­tu­nately tight dead­line, and I’m neck deep into Cast in Atone­ment, which is not yet done. I hope to be finished before I leave Bris­bane. And when I say finished, I mean: finished first draft. After which I will revise for submis­sion, and then submit. Shards of Glass is due out at the end of November, so I’m fielding a few ques­tions about that — but my head is fully entan­gled in the Cast novel, so Shards feels like it was written years ago (it wasn’t). My toe has improved enough it doesn’t bother me much, but according to X‑rays taken a week before I left, … Continue reading 

Posted in DAW, Essalieyan, self-publishing.

This might be a bit on the long side. That’s the warning. Some of you may remember a couple of months ago I said things were… stressful (possibly worst month ever) on Twitter. If I had been thinking, I would have made certain to sepa­rate terrible month from pandemic, which has – for my family – remained a large and consis­tent weight in the back­ground. We’ve been lucky; we’ve lost no one. We made sure that the less internet-savvy were signed up and vacci­nated, and we got vacci­nated ourselves; I have no under 12s in my house­hold, and there are none in the house­hold we bubble with when its safe to do so. Mostly, however, what I was thinking was: How do I tell people? And what do I do going forward? So let’s start … Continue reading 

Posted in download, self-publishing, Short Stories.

So, this is late. And people who are looking at the covers will realize that I have jumped from 17 to 19. Story 18 was an alter­nate history, written over a quarter of a century ago (yes, I’m old), and I am just not comfort­able with it. It was alter­nate future, not alter­nate past, and the key char­acter is… someone who is alive now, adult, and not in any way but name asso­ci­ated with the char­acter in the story. Don’t write stories with fiction­al­ized real people T_T. Because I was angsting about this — and about the face that I know nothing about photo­shop and cannot there­fore change the numbers on the covers of the stories — I may have fallen off the stability wagon a bit and there­fore did not get a new story … Continue reading 

Posted in self-publishing, Short Stories.

This is a bit late today. I got up at 7:00 in the morning and came down­stairs and did all the proofing and format­ting and… woke up. So, in fact, it wasn’t done. Grumpy, I rolled over and got up and came down­stairs and proof­read and formatted and then… woke up again. Third time appar­ently is the charm, but it’s unusual to have dreams that mundane. You can’t call them night­mares because it’s awful only once you’ve woken up and realize that all that theo­ret­ical work was a dream and it still has to be done. I have no idea why my subcon­scious is trying to give me ulcers. I mean… once? Okay. But twice? As I’ve been doing, the story in .pdf down­load is here. The story has … Continue reading