the Author

Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Posted in Elantra, Miscellaneous, chapters.

I have managed to fail to correctly step off a bus — on a day when there was no snow, no ice, no rain, and the side­walks were perfectly normal. Appar­ently I tripped over an invis­ible turtle on the way out. I landed on my left elbow and knee. This has, appar­ently, caused a compres­sion frac­ture in the elbow — although it must be minor because I was sent home from the hospital with an all clear, and someone phoned me 2 days later with a less clear – which is to say a phone call from an ortho­pedic surgeon letting me know that the intern on duty Monday evening missed a small compres­sion frac­ture in the elbow while looking at the X‑rays. Every­thing is there­fore being done with one hand — and as I’ve not finished neces­sary revi­sions, … Continue reading 

Posted in Books, ebooks, Miscellaneous.

I trav­eled to Bris­bane, deter­mined to finish Grave. Toronto to Bris­bane is a long flight (or long, at least, in North Amer­ican terms, and very long if one absolutely hates being on a plane, which your author emphat­i­cally does). On the first leg of the journey, I sat beside a young man who pretty much spent the entire flight to LA coughing. Or sleeping. Or coughing in his sleep. This did not fill me with confi­dence, but it’s not like I could get up and switch seats — these days, all flights appear to be full. I arrived in Bris­bane after — yes — the longer of the two flights. (I almost wept when I checked ‘how much longer will this flight last’ and found that the ten hours I was certain I had already spent … Continue reading 

Posted in Miscellaneous, Books, DAW, Essalieyan, Queen of the Dead, writing.

I will start with happy news first: I’m not a fabu­lous photog­ra­pher >.>. I couldn’t make to to the RT conven­tion, but they mailed the award, and I received it yesterday (I had it sent to the book­store because someone is always there during the day). At the moment, it is sitting beside my computer, along with the birthday card I received from DAW (which would be: Sheila Gilbert, Betsy Wolheim, Joshua Starr, Katie Hoffman, and Briar (whose last name I can’t find >.>). This is all good, because: I have — for entirely different reasons, jetti­soned the 55k words of Grave, and started it again. And then again. And then again. So: I am working, and have been working, on this book, which I honestly thought would be finished by now. I have not pulled … Continue reading 

Posted in Miscellaneous.

In the FAQ comments — which I’ve turned off because I didn’t realize that I was getting comments there, and of course, since I was unaware, I’ve been ignoring them — there was one I would like to address a bit more publicly (I’ve addressed it in email, because the reader was kind enough to send email via the contact form when I failed to answer a comment I didn’t actu­ally see). Do you have a place where you accept dona­tions to the author? I tend to read books from the library or buy them used, which means that authors don’t receive addi­tional royal­ties when I read their works. I like to make dona­tions directly to the authors whose work I most enjoy, as a “thank you” and as a “please keep writing!”. I’d rather donate the retail … Continue reading 

Posted in DAW, Essalieyan, Queen of the Dead, writing, Miscellaneous.

I seldom post about the Hugo ballot. This year, however, there’s one cate­gory that’s very rele­vant to almost two decades of my writing. I want to say a few words about one of the nomi­nees for Best Profes­sional Editor, Long form. That nominee is Sheila Gilbert, of DAW books. She’s been my editor at DAW since 1994. 1995 saw the publi­ca­tion of Hunter’s Oath, but of course she purchased the rights to that book prior to the publi­ca­tion. She read it, she made sugges­tions, and she offered me my first DAW contract. Hunter’s Death followed in 1996. And then I had the choice of starting some­thing entirely new, or contin­uing in the same universe. Sheila and I talked about it a number of times, and we … Continue reading