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Category Archives: Mira

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing, Mira, life, Academia.

In 2023 I finished and published Hunter’s Redoubt, the first book in the final sequence of the West universe. In 2024, I intend to finish The Wild Road. Or at least finish the first draft of the book. It will still have to be revised, editing, copy-edited, proof-read. Having a publisher didn’t mean those things didn’t have to be done, but my part in the doing was much smaller. It was reac­tive, not active. But having done it once, I think I’m more aware of what can go wrong, and things should be much smoother. *** In 2023, I finished Cast in Atone­ment, but that’s author-finished; the book will be published in, I think, August 2024. 2023 also saw the publi­ca­tion of Shards of Glass. For me, “finishing” a book is done … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, chapters, Mira.

I have been focused on the very very very many mistakes I have made while trying to be a publisher, and my attempt to juggle has been less than perfectly successful. However, Mira has not, in fact, made a mess of publi­ca­tion and publi­ca­tion sched­uling, and Shards of Glass will be avail­able every­where one would usually expect a book to be avail­able by, oh, its publi­ca­tion date! Shards of Glass has a publi­ca­tion date of the 29th of November, so I’m a touch behind in getting the first chapter out for people who like tormenting them­selves by reading sample chap­ters when chapter two is a month away >.> The preview chapter is here. My publisher is also running a goodreads give­away.  The give­away runs from today (1st of November) to the 13th … Continue reading 

Posted in promotions, Elantra, covers, Mira, Kathleen Oudit.

I have the full cover for the new novel, Shards of Glass. I assume most people see the front cover at various retailers, so, as usual, post the cover when I have the full version. The cover design was done by Kath­leen Oudit, who I adore. I’ve stopped calling this the Magic School book because it turned left almost imme­di­ately. I don’t usually have to start the CAST novels multiple times; I sit down, I start. Maybe I’ll start a second time if the first attempt doesn’t hit the right tone, but the CAST novels have a tone. This book had to be started many times, and the even­tual begin­ning of the book was not the one I’d envi­sioned on any of the prior attempts. It’s not neces­sary … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, Essalieyan, writing, Mira, Cast.

Very early February, granted. I have finished Shards of Glass and have submitted it to my editor at Mira, which means it’s not tech­ni­cally finished until revi­sions have been requested and completed. This gives me a needed mental break from a book that was almost two weeks late, so I can return to it with a less panicked and more objec­tive frame of mind. When I say “more objec­tive” this is on the scale of writer neurosis, so keep that in mind :). While I wait on edito­rial input for two books, I have started the ramp up to writing two books; I have more of a head start on the West novel, but will take at least a week to reread all of Sun Sword and make notes. I tend, in real life, to forget … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Mira, Publication.

November 29th is publi­ca­tion day for Cast in Eter­nity! …A day I had marked in my calendar as: “Optometrist appoint­ment: 12:30” T_T. It’s been that kind of month. Phys­ical books have made it to the store at which I work, and ebooks — I think — went out at one minute after midnight. So, fingers crossed, any preorders have been met, and anyone who prefers phys­ical books should be able to find it in stores. (As usual, the phys­ical books have a much wider avail­ability range, because the books have to get from a ware­house to all the corners of North America — or beyond! — before the 29th.) Links for ebooks, audio­books, etc. can be found on the book’s page (linked above). While I don’t link libraries, if budgets are tight, libraries should have the books … Continue reading