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Category Archives: Elantra

Posted in Elantra, Essalieyan, writing, Shane Rebenschied, Kathleen Oudit.

January was the month of reviewing copy-edits for Cast in Atone­ment, while writing the Sagara book that is not yet titled — Magic School 2. Copy-edits are gone, and until page proofs arrive, only writing remains. The West novel in progress is The Wild Road. I have broken 100k words, and I am hoping that the book will be 250k words long. Or less. To be fair, I was also hoping Hunter’s Redoubt would be 250k words long. Which it wasn’t. The only West novel that has stayed on the right side of 200k words was City of Night. Which came in at 176k words. I honestly do not write long books on purpose, but… I write them to reach the end. Some­times the end is farther away than I thought. … Continue reading 

Posted in Mira, life, Academia, Cast, Elantra, Essalieyan, writing.

In 2023 I finished and published Hunter’s Redoubt, the first book in the final sequence of the West universe. In 2024, I intend to finish The Wild Road. Or at least finish the first draft of the book. It will still have to be revised, editing, copy-edited, proof-read. Having a publisher didn’t mean those things didn’t have to be done, but my part in the doing was much smaller. It was reac­tive, not active. But having done it once, I think I’m more aware of what can go wrong, and things should be much smoother. *** In 2023, I finished Cast in Atone­ment, but that’s author-finished; the book will be published in, I think, August 2024. 2023 also saw the publi­ca­tion of Shards of Glass. For me, “finishing” a book is done … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, Shane Rebenschied, Publication, Kathleen Oudit, Academia.

This is a little bit late in the day, and I apol­o­gize for that, but: it’s November 28th, 2023, and that is publi­ca­tion day for Shards of Glass. For some reason – not, clearly, one set in consen­sual reality – I thought today was the 27th. So tomorrow would be the 28th. …and books are released on Tues­days, which this is >.<. Shards of Glass is the first book set in the Acad­emia that the former Arkon claimed as his hoard. New faces and old occupy the Acad­emia, but the Acad­emia is older – by far – than the fledg­ling Empire in which Elantra is set. Robin, kidnapped from the streets of the poorest of neigh­bor­hoods in Elantra, was an invol­un­tary student, but he learned to love the learning elements of his captivity. And the food … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, chapters, Mira.

I have been focused on the very very very many mistakes I have made while trying to be a publisher, and my attempt to juggle has been less than perfectly successful. However, Mira has not, in fact, made a mess of publi­ca­tion and publi­ca­tion sched­uling, and Shards of Glass will be avail­able every­where one would usually expect a book to be avail­able by, oh, its publi­ca­tion date! Shards of Glass has a publi­ca­tion date of the 29th of November, so I’m a touch behind in getting the first chapter out for people who like tormenting them­selves by reading sample chap­ters when chapter two is a month away >.> The preview chapter is here. My publisher is also running a goodreads give­away.  The give­away runs from today (1st of November) to the 13th … Continue reading 

Posted in Jody Lee, life, Cast, Elantra, Essalieyan.

As those of you who follow my Patreon know, at the begin­ning of July, I had a drive-by argu­ment with a chair in the living room, and lost. I managed to break not one, but two, toes. I have been off work at the book­store, but in theory will return on the 10th of August, the day on which I can take off the boot on my foot. Previous toe breakage did not require a boot. But I could stand on the foot in both prior cases. By the end of the day of the 2‑toe breakage, I was reduced to crawling because I couldn’t actu­ally put any weight on the foot at all. Which meant, when we went to the hospital, I went in bare feet; I couldn’t put even a sandal on. … Continue reading