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Category Archives: covers

Posted in Kathleen Oudit, promotions, Elantra, covers, Mira.

I have the full cover for the new novel, Shards of Glass. I assume most people see the front cover at various retailers, so, as usual, post the cover when I have the full version. The cover design was done by Kath­leen Oudit, who I adore. I’ve stopped calling this the Magic School book because it turned left almost imme­di­ately. I don’t usually have to start the CAST novels multiple times; I sit down, I start. Maybe I’ll start a second time if the first attempt doesn’t hit the right tone, but the CAST novels have a tone. This book had to be started many times, and the even­tual begin­ning of the book was not the one I’d envi­sioned on any of the prior attempts. It’s not neces­sary … Continue reading 

Posted in covers, Shane Rebenschied, Kathleen Oudit.

I real­ized belat­edly that I have a full cover for Cast in Eter­nity, which I did not actu­ally post. And as I’ve been a bit absent — I really didn’t realize that it had been three months since I last posted — I thought it would help compen­sate for lack of news. As usual, the art director is Kath­leen Oudit, and the artist, Shane Reben­schied, long may they continue!

Posted in Cast, covers, Shane Rebenschied, Severn.

Well, the month between the last report and this one has been fraught. Emer­gency copy­edits, emer­gency proof­reading, the loss of brain cells and hair caused by those two, and the usual struggle to get out from under the must-find-only-bad-things given the prox­imity between the two emer­gen­cies… Also, the next Cast book needs a title, so there’s that as well >.< Not as many actual new words written this past month on anything as I would have liked. However! As promised, here is the full Sword and Shadow cover. ETA: The artist is Shane Reben­schied, the art director Kath­leen Oudit. BEYOND THE EMPEROR’S LAW In the city of Elantra, the law is upheld by a few groups, and the most feared are the Wolves — the Emperor’s execu­tioners. The newest member of this elite … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, Elantra, covers, Shane Rebenschied.

I mentioned in my previous post that I had the full cover for the upcoming Cast in Conflict. I didn’t forget the cover — I did forget that I work at the store on Saturday (it’s curb-side only, but the books don’t get to the curb on their own yet). But it’s not too late. Here’s the full cover :). (I tend to post the full cover because often the front cover is out in the world before I get copies I can share, so everyone will have seen that already.) I like it. It’s a very different type treat­ment, and I’m curious to know whether or not people will see and iden­tify it as a Cast novel. The artist is Shane Reben­schied, and the art director, Kath­leen Oudit. Kath­leen lives in Toronto, as I do, … Continue reading 

Posted in covers, Shane Rebenschied, Mira, Severn.

I’ve been given permis­sion to post or reveal this: The cover for the upcoming Severn novel, The Emper­or’s Wolves. I love it! I really, really wanted to share it here. Kath­leen Oudit, the art director, and Shane Reben­schied the artist, did a fabu­lous job! Now, I can! Below is the back cover text, which I will attempt to post with covers from now on. AT THE EMPEROR’S COMMAND Multiple races care­fully navi­gate the City of Elantra under the Dragon Emperor’s wing. His Impe­rial Wolves are execu­tioners, the smallest group to serve in the Halls of Law. The popu­lace calls them assas­sins. Every wolf candi­date must consent to a full exam­i­na­tion by the Tha’alani, one of the most feared and distrusted races in Elantra for their ability to read … Continue reading