the Author

Category Archives: chapters

Posted in Elantra, chapters, Mira.

I have been focused on the very very very many mistakes I have made while trying to be a publisher, and my attempt to juggle has been less than perfectly successful. However, Mira has not, in fact, made a mess of publi­ca­tion and publi­ca­tion sched­uling, and Shards of Glass will be avail­able every­where one would usually expect a book to be avail­able by, oh, its publi­ca­tion date! Shards of Glass has a publi­ca­tion date of the 29th of November, so I’m a touch behind in getting the first chapter out for people who like tormenting them­selves by reading sample chap­ters when chapter two is a month away >.> The preview chapter is here. My publisher is also running a goodreads give­away.  The give­away runs from today (1st of November) to the 13th … Continue reading 

Posted in writing, chapters, Jody Lee, Kathleen Oudit, Hunter's Redoubt, The Burning Crown.

This book had a bit of journey. I’d written 200k words. I’d cut 110k of those words, but still believed I had 90k words. This is not what happened. What happened in the end was I had 0k of the orig­inal words I’d written — and 303k of the new words I’d started once I’d typed “the end” (which is figu­ra­tive as I don’t think I’ve ever typed that unless instructed to do so). It is the longest first book in an arc I’ve ever written. Which was not my intent. But. Michelle. Story length. It is the story of my writing life >.< Jody Lee did the cover art, and Kath­leen Oudit, the cover design across all four formats. This is the front cover and the … Continue reading 

Posted in Essalieyan, chapters.

The state of this author is fraz­zled. The only thing I’ve really self-published before were ebooks; the print collec­tion Memory of Stone came later, and there wasn’t neces­sarily a ton of excite­ment about it; it wasn’t new per se. Hunter’s Redoubt is entirely new. And I have discov­ered that while uploading ebooks is simple and clean, uploading files for print books is … not. Little things have to be adjusted. Big things have to be adjusted. The book is at the maximum length that Amazon will print, which means some of those adjust­ments are diffi­cult to make. But Amazon’s processing tells you imme­di­ately when you have to make adjust­ments. IngramSpark’s processing does not. I know I uploaded the wrong cover file for IngramSpark because neither I or my … Continue reading 

Posted in Cast, writing, chapters.

It’s October 2022, and at the end of November, 2022, Cast in Eter­nity will be published. It was a book written entirely during Covid lock­down. I wonder if, a decade from now, I’ll remember that as clearly. I’m mostly hoping I won’t. I try to post the first chapter of an upcoming book a month before release day. So: this is the post for that. The first chapter of Cast in Eter­nity is here, but you can also find it on the bibli­og­raphy page for the CAST novels. *** I am contin­uing to write, both Sagara and West words. The Sagara words are for the as yet unti­tled Magic School book — but I am sad to say that my Magic School book is … not quite what I thought it … Continue reading 

Posted in Elantra, chapters, Mira.

As Eliz­a­beth G reminded me in my last State of the Author post, it is in fact January, which is the month before February, which is the publi­ca­tion month for Sword and Shadow. While I knew on some level it was January, the lead in to February, I … somehow failed to make the connec­tion >.<. I there­fore have a first chapter and an updated home page. The first chapter can be found here (although all preview chap­ters are also linked to their indi­vidual book/bibliography pages, for future refer­ence). And now I will crawl back under my rock, taking my laptop with me because dead­lines are tighter than I thought they were by about a month, which is still doable, but. I swear my brain has become jello during … Continue reading