the Author

About International Editions & Availability

Posted in ebooks, Essalieyan, grovelling apology, Queen of the Dead.

In the Touch thread, Hanneke asked a ques­tion which I’d like to answer here:

I’ve been looking for it on Kobo every few days, and it hasn’t shown up yet, two-and-a-half weeks after publi­ca­tion day. Should I prac­tise my patience a bit longer, or is this long enough to guess that someone at the publisher forgot to tick the ‘avail­able to buy in the rest of the world’-box at distri­b­u­tion, or forgot to send it to Kobo, and send them an e‑mail?
If so, do you happen to have a name or an e‑mail address for the publisher, where I could send my question?

The short answer is: No. If you picked up Silence from Kobo, and you do not live in North America, or have a North America-based account, it shouldn’t have happened, because I have World Rights to the titles in any other market. (This holds true for House War books as well).

The longer answer is: I’m very, very sorry =/. Because: I have World Rights and I have not yet made those books avail­able in other markets. I am working very slowly through House War because someone asked me about the avail­ability of Battle in the UK in ebook, and I was deter­mined to have UK editions avail­able for Oracle and subse­quent books at the same time as the North Amer­ican versions.

The reason it’s taking so long is I’ve had to extract text from the .pdfs, and then change spelling, etc. The spelling is actu­ally easy. HOWEVER… the text extrac­tion was not perhaps exact. Or close. So, many of the dialogue lines or the short lines were collapsed together in the extrac­tion. It’s obvious when two short dialogue lines are missing a carriage return.

It is not obvious when those dialogue lines bracket a dialogue tag.


See what?” Carver asked. “Some­thing shiny.”

This looks — on scan­ning — correct. Unfor­tu­nately, it’s not. It should be:

See what?” Carver asked.

“Some­thing shiny.”

(The second speaker is Jewel). This means I am reading each of the first three books, page by page, looking for exactly this type of error. And sadly, there are a lot of them.

After House Name, I began to keep track of every­thing in one file. I tran­scribed all of the page proof correc­tions & the revi­sions & etc., in one place. So once I reach Skir­mish, it becomes, in theory, much, much faster.

This is also true of Silence and Touch; I only need to do the format­ting & ISBN assign­ments, and uploads, etc. Which doesn’t take zero time, but is not as time intensive.

But at the moment, I have revi­sions on Cast in Flame due at the end of the month, and of course, I’m trying to finish Oracle (it’s not finished yet), and Grave.

But: The lack of UK/International English editions is entirely my fault. I’ve changed my work­flow so in future I should be much, much more effi­cient — but I am from the days of dinosaurs, and so much of my work­flow is based on Other People publishing my books.


This is how the rights fall out for my various books.

The Sacred Hunt: (Hunter’s Oath, Hunter’s Death). DAW has World Rights. Anyone, anywhere, should be able to buy these in ebook format. If you can’t, let me know.

The Sun Sword: (Broken Crown, Uncrowned King, Shining Court, Sea of Sorrows, Riven Shield, Sun Sword). DAW has World Rights. Anyone, anywhere, should be able to buy these in ebook format. If you can’t, let me know.

The House War: (Hidden City, City of Night, House Name, Skir­mish, Battle). DAW has North Amer­ican rights. Anyone who is buying these books in the US/Canada should be able to buy the ebooks anywhere. I have World Rights. So far, I have formatted & corrected only Hidden City, and uploaded that to various sites. I haven’t uploaded to Kobo yet; I have to do the paper­work — w8bens, etc. I’m 3/4s of the way through City of Night, and that should be up in about two weeks. I will, come hell or high water, have Oracle done and ready at the same time as the NA version.

Queen of the Dead: (Silence, Touch, Grave) DAW has North Amer­ican rights. Anyone who is buying these books in the US/Canada should be able to buy the ebooks anywhere. I have World Rights. I fully intend to have Grave up at the same time as the North Amer­ican edition is avail­able — but while I will make sure Silence and Touch do get out there, I’m behind on those. I have every inten­tion of making them avail­able — they’ll be the next thing I do, after the 5 House War books.

Cast: This is more compli­cated. Harle­quin owns World Rights for all of these books. But each HLQ subsidiary is respon­sible for what is published in its own terri­tory. If you cannot buy these books in, say, the UK or etc., I can’t actu­ally do anything about that; it means the subsidiary in your terri­tory hasn’t chosen to pick up the Cast novels.

29 Responses to About International Editions & Availability

  1. Hugh Myers says:

    In another life, I’d be your edito­rial assis­tant and load share :)

  2. Joey says:

    Thanks for the expla­na­tion. It seems like a lot of burden on the author to know or have to learn about getting their novels ebook-ready. Hang in there!

    Also, will you be making public appear­ances this year?

  3. tina jagros says:

    What about the audio versions of the cast novels for Canada? Audible says the last four are not able to be sold to Canadians?

  4. michelle says:

    For Audio versions? O.o. ALL of the Cast novels are, or should be, avail­able to Cana­dians. (North Amer­ican rights). Let me send email.

  5. N. E. White says:

    You might want to check out JW Manus (http://​jwmanus​.word​press​.com/). She’s worked on a lot of print to e‑book conver­sions and her rates are reason­able. Just a thought.

  6. michelle says:

    I think that it’s work­flow related. If you *know* that you’re going to be doing the conver­sion to ebooks, you start with a slightly different work­flow; there are things you have to make time for, and steps you have to follow that weren’t, prior to self-publi­ca­tion, an issue.

    And, at least for me, there’s a process-learning curve. I’m sure that 5 books from now, it will seem ridicu­lously simple and I will wonder why it caused such angst. Cue hollow laughter.

    As for public appear­ances: I’ll be doing to Loncon3 — but I expect the panel load to be light there, because I really don’t have much pres­ence in the UK. I am *almost* certain I’ll be heading out to World Fantasy (it’s in Wash­ington), and if Conflu­ence finds a hotel, I’ll be going to Confluence.

  7. michelle says:

    I now have the world’s most amazing ebook conver­sion soft­ware. It is the one thing that makes the process fun, and the output — in the opinion of people who hand­code — is excel­lent and clean. And I love it, did I mention?

    At this point, it’s the proofing, the fixing all of the small mistakes the orig­inal text dump intro­duced. So — I’m doing the clean-up that she speaks of, and the proofing itself was done (the text is from produc­tion mass markets) for zero-level typos. 

    It’s the type of error that I quoted above that is causing the need to do the line-by-line reading — and I have to say: I write long books.

    I would be able to do it in a week per book if I didn’t also have new books to write; as it is, because I’m not under contract for the books I am doing myself, it feels far less urgent than the new words, and it falls behind when I’m swamped.

    But the thing is: it does take time. I’m always surprised at how little time people claim it takes — but to be fair, they’ve started out this way, and this is what they know.

    I do have someone else doing covers, because I have no compe­tence at all in that regard.

  8. Hanneke says:

    Thank you for your clear expla­na­tion and summary of what should be avail­able where.
    I’m in Holland (Europe), and most USA/UK publishers’ contracts have a clause about them being able to sell their English editions ebooks non-exclu­sively in ‘the rest of the world’ (= the non-English-speaking coun­tries, as far as I’ve been able to deter­mine, but maybe some­times including Australia and New Zealand). This means I can some­times get a choice of the UK and USA editions, if those are sepa­rate; and it also means I’ve got used to being able to buy most English-language ebooks when they come out.
    So I bought Silence from Kobo without doubting their right to sell it to me, and was looking for Touch on the same principle.

    I’m sorry for unwit­tingly buying an illegal copy of your book; but as it’s a sale through your regular publisher I do hope the accounting works the way it should and you get your usual percentage.

    I don’t know if you will be able to see the books I see, when I look for your name on Kobo, but in case you can I include the links here. For Michelle Sagara this is what I get:
    This shows the complete Cast series, mostly double (UK and USA edition, as well as German and French trans­la­tions of some of them), the Dark­ness quartet, and the five non-SunSword short stories you published as ebooks your­self. They also show Silence as avail­able, and today Touch has appeared as well, from publisher Penguin Group US, imprint DAW.

    If they don’t have the ‘non-exclu­sive rights to sell in the rest of the world’ this means DAW has to update that infor­ma­tion to it’s distrib­u­tors so they’ll stop selling it to us non-Americans.
    Maybe the best way to get that done is if your agent can take this up with them? She knows the exact wording of the contract and can hold them to it.

    This is the list for Michelle West:
    It shows the six self-published short stories in the Essalieyan universe, the two Sacred Hunt books, the Sun Sword books one to six, and the House War books one to five (publisher Penguin Group US, imprint DAW).
    From your listing, I under­stand that the House War books shouldn’t be avail­able to me — sorry, I didn’t know that and have bought them all.

    I do read a bit of stress about the added work­load of preparing your older books for inter­na­tional distri­b­u­tion in your post above, which brought me to the following thought.
    If you want to give your inter­na­tional fans a chance to buy it from your legal USA publisher until you have time to publish it your­self, you could wait a while before trig­gering that warning to the publisher through your agent, but I don’t know how that works out in the way of income and contract provi­sions… I just get the impres­sion you’re really swamped with work and don’t need the extra hassle of preparing the older books for distri­b­u­tion anytime soon. And as long as they’re legally avail­able somehow, and you are being paid for them, I don’t think think your fans will mind the details.
    I know nothing about the book­selling or publishing busi­ness, so maybe this is just a really stupid idea. But if it isn’t, and can relieve a bit of the stress and let you concen­trate on your writing — that might help for the near future, just until you’re caught up with the backlog caused by Touch being such a bear to write?

    I really enjoy all your writing, and buy every­thing I can as soon as I can; but if those contracts mean I’ll have to wait a year or so longer I’ll just have to wait. The books will still give me as much plea­sure to read, when­ever I do get to read them.

  9. michelle says:

    I have never said a word about the avail­ability of these books to people who are not in the US/Canada :). The primary reason for me to make these books avail­able is so that people who do want them can buy them.

    I know a reader in the UK said they weren’t avail­able to him (I think it was BATTLE); prior to that, I think people who were reading them ordered the hardcover/paperback.

    I *believe* the non-exclu­sive means that DAW can *ship* books to the UK retailers. 

    I didn’t realize that the books *could* be picked up by Euro­peans. All of the short stories can be, because those are free and clear; the first two DAW series, as well.

    I can’t, however, go to Smash­words with any of the novels, because Smash­words has no gran­u­larity: every­thing they main­tain has to have world rights.

  10. michelle says:

    …and I forgot to say:

    Thank you so much for a) the listing and b) the reading and c) the incred­ible patience!

  11. Chris Chen says:

    You’re going to LonCon3! Eeee! What is your policy on book signing? I know LonCon3 will have a time/ place for sign­ings, but will you be partic­i­pating? What is your policy on signings?

  12. michelle says:

    I hope to be partic­i­pating :). I don’t have a lot avail­able in the UK, so I wouldn’t be surprised to have a fairly light panel load. I’m pretty much happy to sign what­ever people bring me, though.

  13. says:

    I’ve always thought it a little weird that I can buy all the Cast books on Kindle through Amazon except “Cast in Chaos”? Of course the paper­back is avail­able through Amazon but there is no listing for the E‑Book.
    I don’t mind how long I have to wait for the E‑Book conver­sions. I am just so pleased they will be avail­able in Australia. Thank you very much for all your work. Cheers…

  14. Tyronne says:

    Just so you know, Touch was avail­able for Kobo down­load today. I just purchased it and am looking forward to reading it!

  15. Hanneke says:

    A) You’re welcome!

    B) The trouble with the non-exclu­sive right to distribute to ‘the rest of the world’ is that it very often (almost always?) explic­itly excludes the UK, in the hope or expec­ta­tion of selling it to a UK publisher sepa­rately; and fairly often but not always Australia and New Zealand too. I think Canada is mostly lumped in with the USA rights.
    So leaving DAW to distribute to ‘the rest of the world’ will not help your UK fans, and maybe not the Australians — they are still depen­dent on your world­wide publishing rights.

    C) I’m not a lawyer or any kind of profes­sional in the book-busi­ness, but I was inter­ested in anything that could impact the avail­ability of my beloved books when I started my ereader, and this is what I’ve learned over the last couple of years. As far as I can figure out, the ‘non-exclu­sive rest of the world’ clause wasn’t neces­sary for buying paper books, as for those, the point of sale was the address of the publisher of distri­b­u­tion center from which those books are ordered. I’ve always been able to buy any paper edition I wanted (and could afford), from the USA or UK, through my Dutch book­store, without the restric­tions that are placed on elec­tronic editions. For those the law has chosen to use the defi­n­i­tion as it was used for music and movies (where it was based on regional coding for movie-releases), instead of for paper book sales: the point of sale is the address of the buyer.
    This has neces­si­tated the non-exclu­sive rest of the world clause, if most of the globe isn’t to be censored from buying English-language books for which no local publisher is willing or able to buy the local English-language publishing rights; and if the USA or UK publisher didn’t just get the world-wide distri­b­u­tion rights (which, because of sepa­rate UK and USA editions/publishers, is often not the case). 

    I’ve not researched audio­books (travel time in my tiny country is not such that I’d be able to listen to many books that way), so I don’t know how those rules work. I rather expect them to follow the same kind of rules as the ebooks, but maybe with more chance of an audio­book-publisher getting the world­wide distri­b­u­tion rights.
    Trans­la­tion rights are of course a different and sepa­rate issue, and not rele­vant here.

  16. Sivi says:

    I’m glad I took a mo to read this post, I’m really excited that you’re coming to the UK and have been looking up details for Loncon3 as this forum is the first place that I’ve heard of it! (I have a tendency to miss conven­tions at home (UK) as I don’t tend to keep my ear to the internet grape vine that much :) I’m sure that there will be a lot of UK fans there too :)

  17. Wohoo! I might not have made it to Toronto, but I should be able to see you there ^^

  18. Hah, my orig­inal Hunter’s Oath, orig­i­nally bought at Forbidden Planet in Tottenham Court Road on one of my yearly book buying trips at the time, I believe. I’m not bringing the Jody Lee hard­covers, though I do love them and buy them even without reading them (that’s what the ebooks and larger font size are for). I do like the embossing DAW still does and the shiny/matte bits — and of course her art.

  19. Deirdre Roeser says:

    I do not under­stand the publishing industry at all — but appre­ciate your taking time to explain some of your prob­lems. I love the Cast series but have not yet read a lot of your other books. Some­thing I am going to correct. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for writing. It helps me escape into an alter­nate universe for a while.

  20. I am really looking forward to that :). I’ve seen you in the ether for what feels a long time!

  21. Shaley says:

    I have been doing my own ebooks for a while, and extrating them from pdf too.
    What do you use if I may ask..?

  22. I basi­cally cut and paste the text, and then delete all the page marks & etc.; I have to read through the entire thing, because at least in the case of *these* files, while the content is the actual printed page content, the para­graph breaks are disas­trous. Which is pretty much like reading page proofs all over again, and takes time. 

    But…I’m now using vellum (from http://​180g​.org) for the actual epub/kindle format­ting — and I love that like a crazy person; I person­ally find it *fun* to use. 

    So the conver­sion is entirely — at this point — the text itself and cleaning it up, rather than the .html or CSS.

  23. Shaley says:

    It should be easier to either extract the tx from the pdf with adobe or scan the books, it will save times and the results are better

  24. I was just one click of a menu bar off >.>

    (Yes, yes, I was being a *tiny* bit lazy T_T)

  25. Sivi Sivanesan says:

    hi, I was wondering if you knew what day you’dbe attending loncon3? I think I’ll only be able to go on one day, so want to make sure its the day you’ll be signing :)

  26. I will be attending for the full conven­tion — but this far out, no one actu­ally has their schedule yet, so I don’t know when (if) I’ll be sched­uled to do a signing. On the other hand, I am happy to meet up & sign books for you on whichever day you can attend :)

  27. I just wanted to say that I send a query about this, but haven’t heard back yet — I know the book is avail­able in North America, because that’s what I auto­mat­i­cally see — but I’m assuming it’s not avail­able in Australia (Amazon will list paper books because they can ship them anywhere, but the ebook avail­ability is based on the territory >.<)

  28. Sivi Sivanesan says:

    Thank you :) ‑I’ll be good and not turn up with all of my Cast books ;) , I’m just having to wait until the end of March to see if the charity I work for are running an event that weekend. If we aren’t, I hope to be at Loncon on the Sunday, if we are, I should be able to make the Monday. I’ll let you know plus keep an eye on your posts for when you have sched­ules for the event.
    Thank you again.

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