the Author

Monthly Archives: November 2015

Posted in Books, Elantra, writing, Mira.

Today is release day for Cast in Honor. For some reason, I thought it was the 27th, which is not today. This is the state of the writer’s brain =/. This isn’t a spoiler thread, as the book just came out — I’ll start a sepa­rate spoiler post in a few days. In other news, I have finished the first draft of Grave. I am working on War and Cast in Flight, and neither of those books is trying to murder me, for which I am profoundly grateful. I have just received page proofs for the mass market of Oracle, and am revising Grave for submis­sion to my long-suffering (more long-suffering in my case than any author should have any right to expect) editor, Sheila Gilbert at DAW. And yes, I know I never did … Continue reading