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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Posted in writing.

Michelle — that would be me — suffered what might be called a cata­strophic crash in the middle of May, and recov­ered in time to do a frenetic revi­sion, a book review column, and copy-edits of the afore­men­tioned frenetic revi­sion. This did not lead, oddly enough, to a stable, happy frame of mind when I once again confronted my personal nemesis, Grave. I was very burned out. I’ve mentioned before, but will say it again: when the writing is Not Going Well, I tend to with­draw from the wider world. I’m not terribly social-media active to begin with, so it’s not always imme­di­ately obvious, but I reach a point, when strug­gling with words, where I begin to feel that I am not the writer that people want to interact with — that writer is compe­tent and orga­nized … Continue reading