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Monthly Archives: November 2014

Posted in Mira, DAW, grovelling apology, writing.

First: I want to wish everyone who cele­brates it a Happy Thanks­giving! (In Canada, we cele­brate in October). Second: I’m sorry I’ve been off-line. Tech­ni­cally, I’m still off-line, but I get the sense that people are begin­ning to worry, so I wanted to quickly say: I’m alive. November 2014 has not been the best November on record. I had expected to be finished GRAVE by now — and in part, I was not writing an update because I had hoped that I would be able to say it was (or at least the first draft was) done. It’s almost done. Second, I’ve received some email asking about the situ­a­tion at Harle­quin. For those who now wonder why, my long-time editor, Mary­Theresa Hussey, was laid off, one of dozens in an internal … Continue reading