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Monthly Archives: December 2012

Posted in DAW, Elantra, Queen of the Dead, writing.

It’s been over two months since I last posted. My brain is still mired in October, the month in which I had to scrap Touch for a third time and start it from the begin­ning. Again. In a week, it’ll be Christmas. Did I mention I’m still mentally stuck in October, the month of doom? So: an expla­na­tion for my absence. It’s unlikely to be short. I am on-line in various places because I write. And because I want to be acces­sible to people who read what I write. I am known to tweet, to post occa­sion­ally on Face­book, to blog. I reason­ably feel that people who other­wise don’t know me seek me out because they like my writing, and this makes me happy. But. (You knew there was a but, right?)  Writing … Continue reading