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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Posted in Cast, Elantra, Luna.

I hope people aren’t getting tired of seeing this cover, because it’s one of my favourites in the series to date. Which is not, of course, why I’m posting it again. No, I’m posting it because so many people have asked, here and in email, if I could just possibly post Chapter Two before the book’s release date. I can’t think of any harm it could do, and yes, Chapter One ended in an unfor­tu­nate place — which was honestly not my intent, because I didn’t really write Chapter One thinking of it as a sepa­rate entity, the way a short story is. Here, without further preamble, is Cast in Ruin Chapter Two. Enjoy! I will be sitting here at my computer working on the other half of today’s … Continue reading 

Posted in ebooks, self-publishing, Short Stories.

There are two stories, which are much shorter than the previous six. They were written at about the same time – very early ‘90s, and over­lap­ping by a month. It’s inter­esting for me to reread them, because I often don’t reread my short fiction unless I’m looking for specific details in a partic­ular story – for instance, when looking up the Maker’s Guild in Memory of Stone. As I approach the task of proofing them (and describing elements of each story to the graphic designer), I’m struck by the sense of watching myself change as a writer over a decade and a half. These stories were written twenty years ago. All stories come from the sum of our expe­ri­ences, obser­va­tions, and inter­ests, but not in completely predictable ways. I do not remember … Continue reading 

Posted in Short Stories, ebooks, self-publishing.

I’ve been writing (Peril & War at the moment) and revising (Silence), and in between, when the creative impulse is at its lowest, I’ve been proof-reading and format­ting. All six of the stories related to the West novels are now on-line (six are avail­able in the iBooks store, four at Barnes & Noble, one at Kobo, six at Diesel, one at Sony. I do not know what happened to Echoes at B&N, and I’m trying to have it redis­trib­uted, but so far that hasn’t worked). My type­setter is halfway through the book, but has gone to Alaska for two weeks. ETA: All six of the stories are now avail­able, as of this morning, at B&N. A new page has been added to the sidebar — Short Stories — which … Continue reading 

Posted in ebooks, self-publishing, Short Stories.

This is the sixth, and final (for now) of the short stories set in the universe of my DAW novels. It, as I mention in the intro­duc­tion, went a little on the long side, and it’s my personal favourite of the six. It’s also the only one so far that has one of those cover quotes — pulled from the Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror’s intro­duc­tion because it made me happy. Although this story focuses on two char­ac­ters that aren’t other­wise extant in either The Sun Sword or The House War, it touches on things that are central to the final conflict. It is now avail­able, as usual, on Smash­words, and will be coming up at Amazon​.com within the next twenty-four hours. Smash­words wait times … Continue reading 

Posted in Audio books, Cast, DAW, The Dead.

I have just finished speaking with Khris­tine Hvam Kies, who is the narrator for the Cast novels in audio book. Or at least the narrator for the first one. So: people who were wondering who the narrator is, it’s her :). We had a long discus­sion about pronun­ci­a­tion of names, and the tonal quality of the various char­ac­ters and their speech, so I’m looking forward to the results. Memory of Stone has been proofed and the entire set of six stories and intro­duc­tions should be typeset within the next ten days. At which point, I will finally have a page count total, and after that, a cover for a print-on-demand version (page count equalling spine width, without which a cover can’t be final­ized), which has been … Continue reading